/// module TS.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Tooltip to display ship information on hover */ export class ShipTooltip extends Tooltip { battleview: BattleView constructor(parent: BattleView) { super(parent); this.battleview = parent; } /** * Set the current ship to display */ setShip(ship: Ship): void { this.hide(); let filler = this.getFiller(); let sprite = this.battleview.arena.findShipSprite(ship); filler.configure(10, 6, this.battleview.arena.getBoundaries()); filler.addImage(0, 0, `ship-${ship.model.code}-portrait`, 0.5); let enemy = ship.getPlayer() != this.battleview.player; filler.addText(140, 0, ship.name, enemy ? "#cc0d00" : "#ffffff", 22, false, true); if (ship.alive) { let turns = this.battleview.battle.getTurnsBefore(ship); filler.addText(140, 36, (turns == 0) ? "Playing" : ((turns == 1) ? "Plays next" : `Plays in ${turns} turns`), "#cccccc", 18); filler.addText(140, 72, `Hull\n${ship.getValue("hull")}`, "#eb4e4a", 20, true, true); filler.addText(228, 72, `Shield\n${ship.getValue("shield")}`, "#2ad8dc", 20, true, true); filler.addText(328, 72, `Power\n${ship.getValue("power")}`, "#ffdd4b", 20, true, true); let iy = 148; if (sprite) { let effects = sprite.active_effects.area.concat(sprite.active_effects.sticky); if (effects.length > 0) { filler.addText(0, iy, "Active effects", "#ffffff", 18, false, true); iy += 30; effects.forEach(effect => { filler.addText(0, iy, `• ${effect.getDescription()}`, effect.isBeneficial() ? "#afe9c6" : "#e9afaf", 16); iy += 26; }); } } let weapons = ship.listEquipment(SlotType.Weapon); if (weapons.length > 0) { filler.addText(0, iy, "Weapons", "#ffffff", 18, false, true); iy += 30; weapons.forEach(weapon => { filler.addText(0, iy, `• ${weapon.getFullName()}`, "#ffffff", 16); iy += 26; }); } } else { filler.addText(140, 36, "Emergency Stasis Protocol\nship disabled", "#a899db", 20, true, true); } if (sprite) { let bounds = sprite.getBounds(); bounds.x = sprite.worldPosition.x + sprite.width * sprite.worldScale.x * 0.5; // TODO Should not be necessary bounds.y = sprite.worldPosition.y - sprite.height * sprite.worldScale.y * 0.5; this.container.show(sprite.getBounds()); } } } }