module SpaceTac.View { "use strict"; // Card to display detailed information about a ship export class ShipCard extends Phaser.Sprite { // Displayed ship ship: Game.Ship; // Hull gauge hull: ValueBar; // Shield gauge shield: ValueBar; // AP gauge ap: ValueBar; // Ship portrait portrait: Phaser.Image; // Build an empty ship card constructor(battleview: BattleView, x: number, y: number) { super(, x, y, "battle-ship-card"); this.ship = null; this.visible = false; this.portrait = null; this.hull = ValueBar.newStyled(, "battle-shipcard-hull", 122, 8, true); this.addChild(this.hull); this.shield = ValueBar.newStyled(, "battle-shipcard-shield", 156, 8, true); this.addChild(this.shield); this.ap = ValueBar.newStyled(, "battle-shipcard-ap", 189, 8, true); this.addChild(this.ap); battleview.ui.add(this); } // Set the currently displayed ship (null to hide) setShip(ship: Game.Ship) { this.ship = ship; Animation.setVisibility(, this, ship !== null, 200); if (this.ship) { this.updateAttributes(); } if (this.portrait) { this.portrait.destroy(); } this.portrait = new Phaser.Image(, 47, 47, "ship-scout-portrait", 0); this.portrait.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.portrait); } // Update attributes from associated ship updateAttributes() { this.attributeChanged(this.ship.hull); this.attributeChanged(this.ship.shield); this.attributeChanged(this.ship.ap_current); } // Called when an attribute for this ship changed through the battle log attributeChanged(attribute: Game.Attribute): void { if (attribute.code === Game.AttributeCode.Hull) { this.hull.setValue(attribute.current, attribute.maximal); } else if (attribute.code === Game.AttributeCode.Shield) { this.shield.setValue(attribute.current, attribute.maximal); } else if (attribute.code === Game.AttributeCode.AP) { this.ap.setValue(attribute.current, attribute.maximal); } } } }