module TK.SpaceTac.UI { export type CharacterEquipmentDrop = { message: string callback: (equipment: Equipment) => any } /** * Character sheet, displaying ship characteristics */ export class CharacterSheet extends Phaser.Image { // Parent view view: BaseView // X positions xshown: number xhidden: number // Close button close_button: Phaser.Button // Currently displayed fleet fleet: Fleet // Currently displayed ship ship: Ship // Ship name ship_name: Phaser.Text // Ship level ship_level: Phaser.Text ship_experience: ValueBar // Ship skill upgrade ship_upgrade_points: Phaser.Text ship_upgrades: Phaser.Group // Ship slots ship_slots: Phaser.Group // Ship cargo ship_cargo: Phaser.Group // Mode title mode_title: Phaser.Text // Loot items loot_slots: Phaser.Group loot_items: Equipment[] = [] loot_page = 0 loot_next: Phaser.Button loot_prev: Phaser.Button // Shop shop: Shop | null = null // Fleet portraits members: CharacterFleetMember[] = [] portraits: Phaser.Group // Layer for draggable equipments equipments: Phaser.Group // Credits credits: Phaser.Text // Attributes and skills attributes: { [key: string]: Phaser.Text } = {} constructor(view: BaseView, xhidden = -2000, xshown = 0, onclose?: Function) { super(, 0, 0, "character-sheet"); this.view = view; this.x = xhidden; this.xshown = xshown; this.xhidden = xhidden; this.inputEnabled = true; if (!onclose) { onclose = () => this.hide(); } this.close_button = view.newButton("character-close", 1920, 0, onclose); this.close_button.anchor.set(1, 0); this.addChild(this.close_button); view.tooltip.bindStaticText(this.close_button, "Close the character sheet"); this.addChild(view.newText("Level", 420, 1052, 24)); this.addChild(view.newText("Available points", 894, 1052, 24)); this.ship_name = view.newText("", 758, 48, 30); this.addChild(this.ship_name); this.ship_level = view.newText("", 554, 1052, 30); this.addChild(this.ship_level); this.ship_experience = new ValueBar(this.view, "character-experience", ValueBarOrientation.EAST, 516, 1067); this.addChild(this.ship_experience.node); this.ship_upgrade_points = view.newText("", 1068, 1052, 30); this.addChild(this.ship_upgrade_points); this.ship_upgrades = new Phaser.Group(; this.addChild(this.ship_upgrades); this.ship_slots = new Phaser.Group(; this.ship_slots.position.set(372, 120); this.addChild(this.ship_slots); this.ship_cargo = new Phaser.Group(; this.ship_cargo.position.set(1240, 86); this.addChild(this.ship_cargo); this.loot_slots = new Phaser.Group(; this.loot_slots.position.set(1270, 670); this.loot_slots.visible = false; this.addChild(this.loot_slots); this.portraits = new Phaser.Group(; this.portraits.position.set(152, 0); this.addChild(this.portraits); this.credits = view.newText("", 136, 38, 30); this.addChild(this.credits); this.equipments = new Phaser.Group(; this.addChild(this.equipments); this.mode_title = view.newText("", 1566, 648, 18); this.addChild(this.mode_title); this.loot_next = new Phaser.Button(, 1890, 850, "common-arrow", () => this.paginate(1)); this.loot_next.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); UIComponent.setButtonSound(this.loot_next); this.addChild(this.loot_next); this.loot_prev = new Phaser.Button(, 1238, 850, "common-arrow", () => this.paginate(-1)); this.loot_prev.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.loot_prev.angle = 180; UIComponent.setButtonSound(this.loot_prev); this.addChild(this.loot_prev); let x1 = 402; let x2 = 802; let y = 640; this.addAttribute("hull_capacity", x1, y); this.addAttribute("shield_capacity", x1, y + 64); this.addAttribute("power_capacity", x1, y + 128); this.addAttribute("power_generation", x1, y + 192); this.addAttribute("maneuvrability", x1, y + 256); this.addAttribute("precision", x1, y + 320); this.addAttribute("skill_materials", x2, y); this.addAttribute("skill_photons", x2, y + 64); this.addAttribute("skill_antimatter", x2, y + 128); this.addAttribute("skill_quantum", x2, y + 192); this.addAttribute("skill_gravity", x2, y + 256); this.addAttribute("skill_time", x2, y + 320); } /** * Add an attribute display */ private addAttribute(attribute: keyof ShipAttributes, x: number, y: number) { let button = this.view.newButton("character-attribute", x, y); this.addChild(button); this.view.tooltip.bindDynamicText(button, () => this.ship.getAttributeDescription(attribute)); let attrname = capitalize(SHIP_ATTRIBUTES[attribute].name); let name = new Phaser.Text(, 120, 22, attrname, { align: "center", font: "20pt SpaceTac", fill: "#c9d8ef", stroke: "#395665", strokeThickness: 1 }); name.anchor.set(0.5); button.addChild(name); let value = this.view.newText("", 264, 24, 18, "#ffffff", true, true); button.addChild(value); this.attributes[attribute] = value; if (SHIP_SKILLS.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) { let upgrade_button = this.view.newButton("character-skill-upgrade", x + 292, y, () => { this.ship.upgradeSkill(attribute); this.refresh(); }); this.ship_upgrades.add(upgrade_button); this.view.tooltip.bindStaticText(upgrade_button, `Spend one point to upgrade ${attrname}`); } } /** * Update the fleet sidebar */ updateFleet(fleet: Fleet) { if (fleet != this.fleet || fleet.ships.length != this.members.length) { this.portraits.removeAll(true); this.members = []; this.fleet = fleet; } fleet.ships.forEach((ship, idx) => { let portrait = this.members[idx]; if (!portrait) { portrait = new CharacterFleetMember(this, 0, idx * 320, ship); this.portraits.add(portrait); this.members.push(portrait); } portrait.setSelected(ship == this.ship); }); this.credits.setText(fleet.credits.toString()); this.portraits.scale.set(980 * this.portraits.scale.x / this.portraits.height, 980 * this.portraits.scale.y / this.portraits.height); if (this.portraits.width > 308) { this.portraits.scale.set(308 * this.portraits.scale.x / this.portraits.width, 308 * this.portraits.scale.y / this.portraits.width); } this.portraits.y = 80 + 160 * this.portraits.scale.x; } /** * Show the sheet for a given ship */ show(ship: Ship, animate = true, sound = true) { this.ship = ship; this.equipments.removeAll(true); let upgrade_points = ship.getAvailableUpgradePoints(); this.ship_name.setText(ship.getFullName()); this.ship_level.setText(ship.level.get().toString()); this.ship_experience.setValue(ship.level.getExperience(), ship.level.getNextGoal()); this.ship_upgrade_points.setText(upgrade_points.toString()); this.ship_upgrades.visible = !ship.critical && upgrade_points > 0; iteritems(ship.attributes, (key, value: ShipAttribute) => { let text = this.attributes[key]; if (text) { text.setText(value.get().toString()); } }); let slotsinfo = CharacterSheet.getSlotPositions(ship.slots.length, 800, 454, 200, 200); this.ship_slots.removeAll(true); ship.slots.forEach((slot, idx) => { let slot_display = new CharacterSlot(this, slotsinfo.positions[idx].x, slotsinfo.positions[idx].y, slot.type); slot_display.scale.set(slotsinfo.scaling, slotsinfo.scaling); slot_display.alpha = ship.critical ? 0.5 : 1; this.ship_slots.addChild(slot_display); if (slot.attached) { let equipment = new CharacterEquipment(this, slot.attached, slot_display); this.equipments.addChild(equipment); } }); slotsinfo = CharacterSheet.getSlotPositions(ship.cargo_space, 638, 496, 200, 200); this.ship_cargo.removeAll(true); range(ship.cargo_space).forEach(idx => { let cargo_slot = new CharacterCargo(this, slotsinfo.positions[idx].x, slotsinfo.positions[idx].y); cargo_slot.scale.set(slotsinfo.scaling, slotsinfo.scaling); cargo_slot.alpha = ship.critical ? 0.5 : 1; this.ship_cargo.addChild(cargo_slot); if (idx < this.ship.cargo.length) { let equipment = new CharacterEquipment(this, this.ship.cargo[idx], cargo_slot); this.equipments.addChild(equipment); } }); this.updateLoot(); this.updateFleet(ship.fleet); if ( { this.updatePrices(; } if (sound) {"ui-dialog-open"); } if (animate) {{ x: this.xshown }, 400, Phaser.Easing.Circular.InOut, true); } else { this.x = this.xshown; } } /** * Hide the sheet */ hide(animate = true) { this.loot_page = 0; this.loot_items = []; = null; this.loot_slots.visible = false; this.mode_title.visible = false; this.members.forEach(member => member.setSelected(false));"ui-dialog-close"); if (animate) {{ x: this.xhidden }, 400, Phaser.Easing.Circular.InOut, true); } else { this.x = this.xhidden; } } /** * Set the list of lootable equipment * * The list of equipments may be altered if items are taken from it * * This list will be shown until sheet is closed */ setLoot(loot: Equipment[]) { this.loot_page = 0; this.loot_items = loot; this.updateLoot(); this.loot_slots.visible = true; this.mode_title.setText("Lootable items"); this.mode_title.visible = true; } /** * Set the displayed shop * * This shop will be shown until sheet is closed */ setShop(shop: Shop, title = "Dockyard's equipment") { this.loot_page = 0; = shop; this.updateLoot(); this.loot_slots.visible = true; this.mode_title.setText(title); this.mode_title.visible = true; } /** * Update the price tags on each equipment, for a specific shop */ updatePrices(shop: Shop) { this.equipments.children.forEach((equipement: CharacterEquipment) => { equipement.setPrice(shop.getPrice(equipement.item)); }); } /** * Change the page displayed in loot/shop section */ paginate(offset: number) { let items = ? : this.loot_items; this.loot_page = clamp(this.loot_page + offset, 0, 1 + Math.floor(items.length / 12)); this.refresh(); } /** * Update the loot slots */ private updateLoot() { let per_page = 12; this.loot_slots.removeAll(true); let info = CharacterSheet.getSlotPositions(12, 588, 354, 196, 196); let items = ? : this.loot_items; range(per_page).forEach(idx => { let loot_slot = ? new CharacterShopSlot(this, info.positions[idx].x, info.positions[idx].y) : new CharacterLootSlot(this, info.positions[idx].x, info.positions[idx].y); loot_slot.scale.set(info.scaling, info.scaling); this.loot_slots.addChild(loot_slot); idx += per_page * this.loot_page; if (idx < items.length) { let equipment = new CharacterEquipment(this, items[idx], loot_slot); this.equipments.addChild(equipment); } }); this.view.animations.setVisible(this.loot_prev, this.loot_page > 0, 200); this.view.animations.setVisible(this.loot_next, (this.loot_page + 1) * per_page < items.length, 200); } /** * Get an iterator over equipment containers */ iEquipmentContainers(): Iterator { let candidates = ichain( iarray(this.portraits.children), iarray(this.ship_slots.children), iarray(this.ship_cargo.children), ); if (this.loot_slots.visible) { candidates = ichain(candidates, iarray(this.loot_slots.children)); } return candidates; } /** * Refresh the sheet display */ refresh() {, false, false); } /** * Get the positions and scaling for slots, to fit in a rectangle group. */ static getSlotPositions(count: number, areawidth: number, areaheight: number, slotwidth: number, slotheight: number): { positions: { x: number, y: number }[], scaling: number } { // Find grid size let rows = 2; let columns = 3; while (count > rows * columns) { rows += 1; columns += 1; } // Find scaling let scaling = 1; while (slotwidth * scaling * columns > areawidth || slotheight * scaling * rows > areaheight) { scaling *= 0.99; } // Position let positions = range(count).map(i => { let row = Math.floor(i / columns); let column = i % columns; return { x: column * (areawidth - slotwidth * scaling) / (columns - 1), y: row * (areaheight - slotheight * scaling) / (rows - 1) }; }); return { positions: positions, scaling: scaling }; } } }