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233 lines
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module TS.SpaceTac.UI {
// Bar with all available action icons displayed
export class ActionBar extends Phaser.Group {
// Link to the parent battleview
battleview: BattleView;
// List of action icons
actions: Phaser.Group;
action_icons: ActionIcon[];
// Power bar
power: Phaser.Group;
// Indicator of interaction disabled
icon_waiting: Phaser.Image;
// Current ship, whose actions are displayed
ship: Ship | null;
ship_power_capacity: number;
ship_power_value: number;
// Interactivity
interactive = false;
// Create an empty action bar
constructor(battleview: BattleView) {
this.battleview = battleview;
this.action_icons = [];
this.ship = null;
// Background
this.addChild(new Phaser.Image(this.game, 0, 0, "battle-actionbar", 0));
// Power bar
this.power = this.game.add.group();
// Group for actions
this.actions = new Phaser.Group(this.game);
// Waiting icon
this.icon_waiting = new Phaser.Image(this.game, this.width / 2, 50, "common-waiting", 0);
this.icon_waiting.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
this.icon_waiting.scale.set(0.5, 0.5);
// Key bindings
battleview.inputs.bind("Escape", "Cancel action", () => this.actionEnded());
battleview.inputs.bind(" ", "End turn", () => this.keyActionPressed(-1));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad1", "Action 1", () => this.keyActionPressed(0));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad2", "Action 2", () => this.keyActionPressed(1));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad3", "Action 3", () => this.keyActionPressed(2));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad4", "Action 4", () => this.keyActionPressed(3));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad5", "Action 5", () => this.keyActionPressed(4));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad6", "Action 6", () => this.keyActionPressed(5));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad7", "Action 7", () => this.keyActionPressed(6));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad8", "Action 8", () => this.keyActionPressed(7));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad9", "Action 9", () => this.keyActionPressed(8));
battleview.inputs.bind("Numpad0", "Action 10", () => this.keyActionPressed(9));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit1", "Action 1", () => this.keyActionPressed(0));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit2", "Action 2", () => this.keyActionPressed(1));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit3", "Action 3", () => this.keyActionPressed(2));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit4", "Action 4", () => this.keyActionPressed(3));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit5", "Action 5", () => this.keyActionPressed(4));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit6", "Action 6", () => this.keyActionPressed(5));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit7", "Action 7", () => this.keyActionPressed(6));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit8", "Action 8", () => this.keyActionPressed(7));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit9", "Action 9", () => this.keyActionPressed(8));
battleview.inputs.bind("Digit0", "Action 10", () => this.keyActionPressed(9));
// Log processing
battleview.log_processor.register(event => {
if (event instanceof ShipChangeEvent) {
} else if (event instanceof ValueChangeEvent) {
if (event.ship == this.ship) {
if (event.value.name == SHIP_ATTRIBUTES.power_capacity.name) {
this.ship_power_capacity = event.value.get();
} else if (event.value.name == SHIP_VALUES.power.name) {
this.ship_power_value = event.value.get();
return 0;
* Check if an action is selected
hasActionSelected(): boolean {
return any(this.action_icons, icon => icon.selected);
* Set the interactivity state
setInteractive(interactive: boolean) {
this.interactive = interactive;
this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.icon_waiting, !this.interactive, 100);
this.game.tweens.create(this.icon_waiting).to({ "angle": 360 }, 3000).loop().start();
* Called when an action shortcut key is pressed
keyActionPressed(position: number) {
if (this.interactive) {
if (position < 0) {
this.action_icons[this.action_icons.length - 1].processClick();
} else if (position < this.action_icons.length - 1) {
// Clear the action icons
clearAll(): void {
this.action_icons.forEach((action: ActionIcon) => {
this.action_icons = [];
// Add an action icon
addAction(ship: Ship, action: BaseAction): ActionIcon {
var icon = new ActionIcon(this, 192 + this.action_icons.length * 88, 8, ship, action, this.action_icons.length);
return icon;
* Update the power indicator
updatePower(selected_action = 0): void {
let current_power = this.power.children.length;
let power_capacity = this.ship_power_capacity;
if (current_power > power_capacity) {
range(current_power - power_capacity).forEach(i => this.power.removeChildAt(current_power - 1 - i));
//this.power.removeChildren(ship_power, current_power); // TODO bugged in phaser 2.6
} else if (power_capacity > current_power) {
range(power_capacity - current_power).forEach(i => this.game.add.image(190 + (current_power + i) * 56, 104, "battle-power-used", 0, this.power));
let power_value = this.ship_power_value;
let remaining_power = power_value - selected_action;
this.power.children.forEach((obj, idx) => {
let img = <Phaser.Image>obj;
let key: string;
if (idx < remaining_power) {
key = "battle-power-available";
} else if (idx < power_value) {
key = "battle-power-using";
} else {
key = "battle-power-used"
img.name = key;
* Set current action power usage.
* When an action is selected, this will fade the icons not available after the action would be done.
* This will also highlight power usage in the power bar.
* *power_usage* is the consumption of currently selected action.
updateSelectedActionPower(power_usage: number, action: BaseAction): void {
var remaining_ap = this.ship ? (this.ship.values.power.get() - power_usage) : 0;
if (remaining_ap < 0) {
remaining_ap = 0;
this.action_icons.forEach((icon: ActionIcon) => {
icon.updateFadingStatus(remaining_ap, action);
* Set the bar to display a given ship
setShip(ship: Ship): void {
if (ship.getPlayer() === this.battleview.player && ship.alive) {
var actions = ship.getAvailableActions();
actions.forEach((action: BaseAction) => {
this.addAction(ship, action);
this.ship = ship;
this.ship_power_capacity = ship.getAttribute("power_capacity");
this.ship_power_value = ship.getValue("power");
} else {
this.ship = null;
this.ship_power_capacity = 0;
this.ship_power_value = 0;
this.setInteractive(this.ship != null);
// Called by an action icon when the action is selected
actionStarted(): void {
// Called by an action icon when the action has been applied
actionEnded(): void {
// TODO Lock interactivity until animation is ended
this.action_icons.forEach((action: ActionIcon) => {