Fork 0

42 lines
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* Ensure that tweens and particle emitters get destroyed once animation is done
* Highlight ships that will be included as target of current action
* Fix action tooltip sometimes not being hidden when the mouse goes out of action icon
* Do not focus on ship while targetting for area effects (dissociate hover and target)
* Active effects are not enough visible in ship list (maybe better in arena ?)
* Discrete power display, instead of the continuous power bar
* Changing active view does not cancel pending "setTimeout"s.
* Drones: add tooltip
* Drones: add hull points and take area damage
* Drones: fix not being removed when owner is in statis (owner's turn is skipped)
* More sound effects
* Add a battle log display
* Organize arena objects and information in layers
* Prevent arena effects information (eg. "shield -36") to overflow out of the arena
* Allow to cancel last moves
* Effect should be random in a range (eg. "damage target 50-75")
* Add an overload/cooling system
* Add auto-move to attack
* Merge identical sticky effects
* Handle effects overflowing ship tooltip when too numerous
* Proper arena scaling (not graphical, only space coordinates)
* Add a fleet evaluator to make balanced fleets
* Fix AI playing in background in GameSession.spec.ts
* Mobile: think UI layout so that fingers do not block the view (right and left handed)
* Mobile: display tooltips larger and on the side of screen where the finger is not
* Mobile: targetting in two times, using a draggable target indicator
* AI: apply safety distances to move actions
* AI: bully AI crashes when winning a battle (trying to move toward null ship!)
* AI: sometimes faces a cardinal point, then is stuck in an infinite thinking loop
* Add a defeat screen (game over for now)
* Add a victory screen, with loot display
* Add retreat from battle
* Map: current fleet position is not visible enough
* Map: restore fog of war
* Map: add information on current star/location + information on hovered location
* Map: add stores and shipyards
* Map: remove jump links that cross the radius of other systems
* Map: improve performance
* Menu: fix background stars aggregating at right side when the game is not focused
* Missions/quests system
* Main story arc
* Multiplayer