Fork 0

119 lines
3.4 KiB

module TS.SpaceTac {
* Base class for all Artificial Intelligence interaction
export class AbstractAI {
// Name of the AI
name: string
// Current ship being played
ship: Ship
// Random generator, if needed
random = RandomGenerator.global
// Timer for scheduled calls
timer: Timer
// Debug mode
debug = false
// Time at which work as started
private started: number
constructor(ship: Ship, timer = Timer.global, name?: string) {
this.ship = ship;
this.timer = timer;
this.name = name || classname(this);
toString = () => this.name;
* Start playing current ship's turn.
async play(debug = false): Promise<void> {
this.started = (new Date()).getTime();
this.debug = debug;
if (!this.ship.playing) {
console.error(`${this.name} tries to play a ship out of turn`);
// Work loop
let last = new Date().getTime();
let ship = this.ship;
while (this.doWorkUnit()) {
if (!this.ship.playing || this.ship != ship) {
console.error(`${this.name} switched to another ship in unit work`);
if (this.getDuration() >= 10000) {
console.warn(`${this.name} takes too long to play, forcing turn end`);
let t = new Date().getTime();
if (t - last > 50) {
await this.timer.sleep(10);
last = t + 10;
// End the ship turn
this.applyAction(new EndTurnAction(), null);
* Make the AI play an action
* This should be the only real interaction point with battle state
private applyAction(action: BaseAction, target: Target | null): boolean {
return action.apply(this.ship, target);
* Make the AI play a full maneuver (sequence of actions)
applyManeuver(maneuver: Maneuver): boolean {
if (maneuver.simulation.success) {
let parts = maneuver.simulation.parts;
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
let part = parts[i];
if (part.action instanceof EndTurnAction || !part.possible || !this.applyAction(part.action, part.target)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Prepare the groundwork for future doWorkUnit calls
protected initWork(): void {
* Do a single unit of synchronous work
* Returns true if something was done, false if the AI should end the ship turn and stop.
protected doWorkUnit(): boolean {
return false;
* Get the time spent thinking on this turn
protected getDuration() {
return (new Date()).getTime() - this.started;