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117 lines
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module TK.SpaceTac {
* List of checks to apply at the end of an action, to ensure a correct battle state
* This is useful when the list of effects simulated by an action was missing something
* To fix the state, new diffs will be applied
export class BattleChecks {
private battle: Battle;
constructor(battle: Battle) {
this.battle = battle;
* Apply all the checks
apply(): void {
let diffs: BaseBattleDiff[];
let loops = 0;
do {
diffs = this.checkAll();
if (diffs.length > 0) {
loops += 1;
if (loops >= 1000) {
console.error("Battle checks locked in infinite loop", diffs);
} while (diffs.length > 0);
* Get a list of diffs to apply to fix the battle state
* This may not contain ALL the diffs needed, and should be called again while it returns diffs.
checkAll(): BaseBattleDiff[] {
let diffs = this.checkVictory();
if (diffs.length) {
return diffs;
diffs = this.checkShipValues();
if (diffs.length) {
return diffs;
diffs = this.checkDeadShips();
if (diffs.length) {
return diffs;
return [];
* Checks victory conditions, to put an end to the battle
checkVictory(): BaseBattleDiff[] {
if (this.battle.ended) {
return [];
let fleets = this.battle.fleets;
if (any(fleets, fleet => !fleet.isAlive())) {
const winner = first(fleets, fleet => fleet.isAlive());
return [new EndBattleDiff(winner, this.battle.cycle)];
} else {
return [];
* Check that ship values stays in their allowed range
checkShipValues(): BaseBattleDiff[] {
let result: BaseBattleDiff[] = [];
iforeach(this.battle.iships(true), ship => {
keys(SHIP_VALUES).forEach(valuename => {
let value = ship.getValue(valuename);
if (value < 0) {
result.push(new ShipValueDiff(ship, valuename, -value));
} else {
let maximum = ship.getAttribute(<any>(valuename + "_capacity"));
if (value > maximum) {
result.push(new ShipValueDiff(ship, valuename, maximum - value));
return result;
* Check that ship with no more hull are dead
checkDeadShips(): BaseBattleDiff[] {
let result: BaseBattleDiff[] = [];
iforeach(this.battle.iships(true), ship => {
if (ship.getValue("hull") == 0) {
result.push(new ShipDeathDiff(this.battle, ship));
return result;