Fork 0

88 lines
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/// <reference path="../common/Tooltip.ts" />
module TK.SpaceTac.UI {
* Tooltip to display ship information on hover
export class ShipTooltip extends Tooltip {
battleview: BattleView
constructor(parent: BattleView) {
this.battleview = parent;
* Set the current ship to display
setShip(ship: Ship): void {
let builder = this.getBuilder();
builder.configure(10, 6, this.battleview.arena.getBoundaries());
let portrait_bg = builder.image("battle-tooltip-ship-portrait", 0, 0);
builder.in(portrait_bg, builder => {
let portrait = builder.image(`ship-${ship.model.code}-portrait`, 1, 1);
let enemy = !this.battleview.player.is(ship.fleet.player);
builder.text(ship.getName(), 230, 0, { color: enemy ? "#cc0d00" : "#ffffff", size: 22, bold: true });
if (ship.alive) {
let turns = this.battleview.battle.getPlayOrder(ship);
builder.text((turns == 0) ? "Playing" : ((turns == 1) ? "Plays next" : `Plays in ${turns} turns`), 230, 36, { color: "#cccccc", size: 18 });
ShipTooltip.addValue(builder, 0, "#eb4e4a", "attribute-hull_capacity", ship.getValue("hull"), ship.getAttribute("hull_capacity"));
ShipTooltip.addValue(builder, 1, "#2ad8dc", "attribute-shield_capacity", ship.getValue("shield"), ship.getAttribute("shield_capacity"));
ShipTooltip.addValue(builder, 2, "#c1f06b", "attribute-evasion", ship.getAttribute("evasion"));
ShipTooltip.addValue(builder, 3, "#ffdd4b", "attribute-power_capacity", ship.getValue("power"), ship.getAttribute("power_capacity"));
let iy = 210;
ship.actions.listAll().forEach(action => {
if (!(action instanceof EndTurnAction) && !(action instanceof MoveAction)) {
let icon = builder.image(`action-${action.code}`, 0, iy);
builder.text(action.name, 46, iy + 8);
iy += 40;
ship.active_effects.list().forEach(effect => {
if (!effect.isInternal()) {
builder.text(`${effect.getDescription()}`, 0, iy, { color: effect.isBeneficial() ? "#afe9c6" : "#e9afaf" });
iy += 32;
builder.text(ship.model.getDescription(), 0, iy + 4, { size: 14, color: "#999999", width: 540 });
} else {
builder.text("Emergency Stasis Protocol\nship disabled", 140, 36,
{ color: "#a899db", size: 20, center: true, vcenter: true });
let sprite = this.battleview.arena.findShipSprite(ship);
if (sprite) {
private static addValue(builder: UIBuilder, idx: number, color: string, icon: string, val: number, max?: number) {
let bg = builder.image("battle-tooltip-ship-value", 252 + idx * 68, 116, true);
builder.in(bg).styled({ color: color, size: 18, center: true, vcenter: true, bold: true }, builder => {
builder.image(icon, 0, -14, true);
builder.text(`${val}`, 0, 28);
if (max) {
builder.text("max", 0, 58, { size: 10 });
builder.text(`${max}`, 0, 72, { size: 10 });