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module TK.SpaceTac.UI {
* Ship sprite in the arena, with corresponding HUD
export class ArenaShip extends UIContainer {
// Link to the view
arena: Arena
battleview: BattleView
// Link to displayed ship
ship: Ship
// Boolean to indicate if it is an enemy ship
enemy: boolean
// Ship sprite
sprite: UIContainer
// Stasis effect
stasis: UIImage
// Hull display
hull: ValueBar
toggle_hull: Toggle
// Frames to indicate the owner, if the ship is selected, and if it is hovered
frame_owner: UIImage
frame_selected: UIImage
frame_hover: UIImage
// Effects display
active_effects_display: UIContainer
effects_radius: UIGraphics
effects_messages: UIContainer
effects_messages_toggle: Toggle
// Create a ship sprite usable in the Arena
constructor(parent: Arena, ship: Ship) {
this.arena = parent;
this.battleview = parent.view;
let builder = new UIBuilder(this.battleview).in(this);
this.ship = ship;
this.enemy = !this.battleview.player.is(this.ship.fleet.player);
// Add effects radius
this.effects_radius = builder.graphics("effect-radius");
// Add frame indicating which side this ship is on
this.frame_owner = builder.image(this.enemy ? "battle-hud-ship-enemy" : "battle-hud-ship-own", 0, 0, true);
this.frame_owner.setVisible(this.ship.alive && !this.battleview.isTintSupported());
this.frame_selected = builder.image(this.enemy ? "battle-hud-ship-enemy-selected" : "battle-hud-ship-own-selected", 0, 0, true);
this.frame_hover = builder.image("battle-hud-ship-hover", 0, 0, true);
// Add ship sprite
this.sprite = builder.container("sprite");
if (this.battleview.isTintSupported()) {
const outline = this.sprite.getBuilder().image(`ship-${ship.model.code}-sprite`, 0, 0, true);
outline.setTintFill(this.enemy ? 0xc06858 : 0x65a898);
this.sprite.getBuilder().image(`ship-${ship.model.code}-sprite`, 0, 0, true);
// Add stasis effect
this.stasis = builder.image("battle-hud-ship-stasis", 0, 0, true);
// Hull display
const hull_container = builder.container("hull");
builder.in(hull_container).image("battle-hud-hull-background", -34, 48);
this.hull = builder.in(hull_container).valuebar("battle-hud-hull-bar", -30, 53);
this.toggle_hull = this.battleview.animations.newVisibilityToggle(hull_container, 200, false);
// Effects display
this.active_effects_display = builder.container("active-effects", 0, -44);
this.effects_messages = builder.container("effects-messages");
this.effects_messages_toggle = this.battleview.animations.newVisibilityToggle(this.effects_messages, 500, false);
// Set location
if (this.battleview.battle.turncount == 1) {
this.setPosition(ship.arena_x - 500 * Math.cos(ship.arena_angle), ship.arena_y - 500 * Math.sin(ship.arena_angle));
this.moveToArenaLocation(ship.arena_x, ship.arena_y, ship.arena_angle, 1);
} else {
this.moveToArenaLocation(ship.arena_x, ship.arena_y, ship.arena_angle, 0);
// Log processing
this.battleview.log_processor.registerForShip(ship, diff => this.processShipDiff(diff));
jasmineToString(): string {
return `ArenaShip ${this.ship.jasmineToString()}`;
* Process a ship diff
private processShipDiff(diff: BaseBattleShipDiff): LogProcessorDelegate {
let timer = this.battleview.timer;
if (diff instanceof ShipEffectAddedDiff || diff instanceof ShipEffectRemovedDiff) {
return {
background: async () => this.updateActiveEffects()
} else if (diff instanceof ShipValueDiff) {
return {
background: async (speed: number) => {
if (diff.code == "hull") {
if (speed) {
await timer.sleep(500 / speed);
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
this.updateHull(this.ship.getValue("hull") - diff.diff, diff.diff);
await timer.sleep(100 / speed);
await timer.sleep(100 / speed);
await timer.sleep(500 / speed);
} else {
} else if (diff instanceof ShipAttributeDiff) {
return {
background: async (speed: number) => {
if (speed) {
this.displayAttributeChanged(diff, speed);
await timer.sleep(2000 / speed);
} else if (diff instanceof ShipDamageDiff) {
return {
background: async (speed: number) => {
if (speed) {
await this.displayEffect(`${diff.theoretical} damage`, false, speed);
await timer.sleep(1000 / speed);
} else if (diff instanceof ShipActionToggleDiff) {
return {
foreground: async (speed: number) => {
let action = this.ship.actions.getById(diff.action);
if (action) {
if (speed) {
if (diff.activated) {
await this.displayEffect(`${action.name} ON`, true, speed);
} else {
await this.displayEffect(`${action.name} OFF`, false, speed);
await timer.sleep(500 / speed);
} else if (diff instanceof ShipActionUsedDiff) {
let action = this.ship.actions.getById(diff.action);
if (action) {
if (!(action instanceof ToggleAction)) {
let action_name = action.name;
return {
foreground: async (speed: number) => {
if (speed) {
await this.displayEffect(action_name, true, speed);
await timer.sleep(300 / speed);
} else {
return {};
} else {
return {};
} else if (diff instanceof ShipMoveDiff) {
let func = async (speed: number) => {
if (speed) {
await this.moveToArenaLocation(diff.start.x, diff.start.y, diff.start.angle, 0);
await this.moveToArenaLocation(diff.end.x, diff.end.y, diff.end.angle, speed, !!diff.engine);
} else {
await this.moveToArenaLocation(diff.end.x, diff.end.y, diff.end.angle, 0);
if (diff.engine) {
return { foreground: func };
} else {
return { background: func };
} else if (diff instanceof VigilanceAppliedDiff) {
let action = this.ship.actions.getById(diff.action);
return {
foreground: async (speed: number) => {
if (speed && action) {
await this.displayEffect(`${action.name} (vigilance)`, true, speed);
await timer.sleep(300 / speed);
} else {
return {};
* Set the hovered state on this ship
* This will show the information HUD accordingly
setHovered(hovered: boolean, tactical: boolean) {
let client = tactical ? "tactical" : "hover";
this.toggle_hull.manipulate(client)(hovered && this.ship.alive);
this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.frame_hover, hovered && this.ship.alive && !tactical, 200);
* Set the selected state on this ship
* This will alter the HUD frame to show this state
async setSelected(selected: boolean, animate = true): Promise<void> {
this.frame_owner.setVisible(this.ship.alive && !this.battleview.isTintSupported());
this.frame_selected.setVisible(this.ship.alive && selected);
if (selected && animate) {
await this.battleview.animations.blink(this.frame_selected);
* Activate the dead effect (stasis)
setDead(dead = true) {
if (dead) {
//this.displayEffect("stasis", false);
this.stasis.visible = true;
this.stasis.alpha = 0;
this.battleview.animations.blink(this.stasis, { alpha_on: 0.9, alpha_off: 0.7 });
} else {
this.stasis.visible = false;
* Move the sprite to a location
* Return the duration of animation
async moveToArenaLocation(x: number, y: number, facing_angle: number, speed = 1, engine = true): Promise<void> {
if (speed) {
if (engine) {
await this.arena.view.animations.moveInSpace(this, x, y, facing_angle, this.sprite, speed);
} else {
await this.arena.view.animations.moveTo(this, x, y, facing_angle, this.sprite, speed);
} else {
this.setPosition(x, y);
* Briefly show an effect on this ship
async displayEffect(message: string, beneficial: boolean, speed: number) {
if (!this.effects_messages.visible) {
if (!speed) {
let builder = new UIBuilder(this.arena.view, this.effects_messages);
builder.text(message, 0, 20 * this.effects_messages.length, {
color: beneficial ? "#D9F9F1" : "#FFD09A"
let arena = this.battleview.arena.getBoundaries();
(this.ship.arena_x < 100) ? 0 : ((this.ship.arena_x > arena.width - 100) ? (-this.effects_messages.width) : (-this.effects_messages.width * 0.5)),
(this.ship.arena_y < arena.height * 0.9) ? 76 : (-66 - this.effects_messages.height)
this.effects_messages_toggle.manipulate("added")(1400 / speed);
await this.battleview.timer.sleep(1500 / speed);
* Display interesting changes in ship attributes
displayAttributeChanged(event: ShipAttributeDiff, speed = 1) {
// TODO show final diff, not just cumulative one
let diff = (event.added.cumulative || 0) - (event.removed.cumulative || 0);
if (diff) {
let name = SHIP_VALUES_NAMES[event.code];
this.displayEffect(`${name} ${diff < 0 ? "-" : "+"}${Math.abs(diff)}`, diff >= 0, speed);
* Update the hull indicator
updateHull(current: number, diff = 0): void {
this.hull.setValue(current, this.ship.getAttribute("hull_capacity"));
* Update the list of effects active on the ship
updateActiveEffects() {
let effects = this.ship.active_effects.list().filter(effect => !effect.isInternal());
let count = effects.length;
if (count) {
let positions = UITools.evenlySpace(70, 17, count);
effects.forEach((effect, index) => {
let name = effect.isBeneficial() ? "battle-hud-ship-effect-good" : "battle-hud-ship-effect-bad";
let dot = this.battleview.newImage(name, positions[index] - 35, 0);
* Update the activated effects radius
updateEffectsRadius(): void {
this.ship.actions.listToggled().forEach(action => {
let color = (action instanceof VigilanceAction) ? 0xf4bf42 : 0xe9f2f9;
this.effects_radius.lineStyle(2, color, 0.5);
this.effects_radius.fillStyle(color, 0.1);
this.effects_radius.fillCircle(0, 0, action.radius);