Fork 0
2019-11-21 23:14:27 +01:00

69 lines
1.9 KiB

import { cfilter } from "../../common/Tools";
import { BaseView } from "../BaseView";
import { UIBackground } from "./UIBackground";
import { UIBuilder } from "./UIBuilder";
import { UIContainer } from "./UIContainer";
import { UIText } from "./UIText";
import { UITools } from "./UITools";
* A single displayed message
class Message extends UIContainer {
view: BaseView
background: UIBackground
text: UIText
constructor(parent: Messages, text: string, duration: number) {
this.view = parent.view;
let builder = new UIBuilder(this.view).in(this);
this.background = new UIBackground(this.view, this);
this.text = builder.text(text, 0, 0, { color: "#DBEFF9", shadow: true, size: 16, center: false, vcenter: false });
UITools.drawBackground(this.text, this.background, 6);
let bounds = UITools.getBounds(this);
this.setPosition(parent.view.getX(1) - bounds.width - 25, 25);
parent.view.timer.schedule(duration, () => this.hide());
* Hide the message
hide() {
this.view.animations.addAnimation<UIContainer>(this, { y: this.y + 50, alpha: 0 }, 400, "Circ.easeIn").then(() => this.destroy());
* Visual notifications of game-related messages (eg. "Game saved"...)
export class Messages {
// Link to parent view
view: BaseView
// Main group to hold the visual messages
container: UIContainer
constructor(view: BaseView) {
this.view = view;
this.container = new UIBuilder(view, view.messages_layer).container("messages");
* Add a new message to the notifications
addMessage(text: string, duration: number = 3000): void {
let message = new Message(this, text, duration);
let bounds = UITools.getBounds(message);
cfilter(this.container.list, Message).forEach(child => {
child.y += bounds.height + 15;