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module TK.SpaceTac.UI {
* Graphical representation of a battle
* This is the area in the BattleView that will display ships with their real positions
export class Arena {
// Link to battleview
view: BattleView
// Boundaries of the arena
boundaries: IBounded = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1808, height: 948 }
// Hint for weapon or move range
range_hint: RangeHint
// Input capture
private mouse_capture: Phaser.Button
// Input callback to receive mouse move events
private input_callback: any = null
// List of ship sprites
private ship_sprites: ArenaShip[] = []
// List of drone sprites
private drone_sprites: ArenaDrone[] = []
// Currently hovered ship
private hovered: ArenaShip | null
// Currently playing ship
private playing: ArenaShip | null
// Layer for particles
container: Phaser.Group
layer_garbage: Phaser.Group
layer_hints: Phaser.Group
layer_drones: Phaser.Group
layer_ships: Phaser.Group
layer_weapon_effects: Phaser.Group
layer_targetting: Phaser.Group
// Callbacks to receive cursor events
callbacks_hover: ((location: ArenaLocation | null, ship: Ship | null) => void)[] = []
callbacks_click: (() => void)[] = []
// Create a graphical arena for ship sprites to fight in a 2D space
constructor(view: BattleView, container?: Phaser.Group) {
this.view = view;
this.playing = null;
this.hovered = null;
this.range_hint = new RangeHint(this);
this.container = container || new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "arena");
this.container.position.set(this.boundaries.x, this.boundaries.y);
this.layer_garbage = this.container.add(new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "garbage"));
this.layer_hints = this.container.add(new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "hints"));
this.layer_drones = this.container.add(new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "drones"));
this.layer_ships = this.container.add(new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "ships"));
this.layer_weapon_effects = this.container.add(new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "effects"));
this.layer_targetting = this.container.add(new Phaser.Group(view.game, undefined, "targetting"));
this.container.onDestroy.add(() => this.destroy());
view.log_processor.watchForShipChange(ship => {
return {
foreground: async () => {
await this.setShipPlaying(ship)
* Move to a specific layer
moveToLayer(layer: Phaser.Group): void {
* Setup the mouse capture for targetting events
setupMouseCapture() {
let view = this.view;
var background = new Phaser.Button(view.game, 0, 0, "battle-arena-background");
background.name = "mouse-capture";
background.scale.set(this.boundaries.width / background.width, this.boundaries.height / background.height);
this.mouse_capture = background;
// Capture clicks on background
background.onInputUp.add(() => {
this.callbacks_click.forEach(callback => callback());
background.onInputOut.add(() => {
this.callbacks_hover.forEach(callback => callback(null, null));
// Watch mouse move to capture hovering over background
this.input_callback = this.view.input.addMoveCallback((pointer: Phaser.Pointer) => {
var point = new Phaser.Point();
if (view.input.hitTest(background, pointer, point)) {
let location = new ArenaLocation(point.x * background.scale.x, point.y * background.scale.y);
let ship = this.getShip(location);
this.callbacks_hover.forEach(callback => callback(location, ship));
}, null);
* Get the ship under a cursor location
getShip(location: ArenaLocation): Ship | null {
let nearest = minBy(this.ship_sprites, sprite => arenaDistance(location, sprite.ship.location));
if (nearest && arenaDistance(location, nearest) < 50) {
return nearest.ship;
} else {
return null;
* Call when the arena is destroyed to properly remove input handlers
destroy() {
if (this.input_callback) {
this.input_callback = null;
* Add the sprites for all ships
addShipSprites() {
iforeach(this.view.battle.iships(), ship => {
let sprite = new ArenaShip(this, ship);
* Get the current MainUI instance
get game(): MainUI {
return this.view.gameui;
* Get the current battle displayed
getBattle(): Battle {
return this.view.battle;
// Remove a ship sprite
markAsDead(ship: Ship): void {
var sprite = this.findShipSprite(ship);
if (sprite) {
// Find the sprite for a ship
findShipSprite(ship: Ship | RObjectId | null): ArenaShip | null {
return first(this.ship_sprites, sprite => sprite.ship.is(ship));
// Set the hovered state on a ship sprite
setShipHovered(ship: Ship | null): void {
if (this.hovered) {
this.hovered.setHovered(false, false);
if (ship) {
var arena_ship = this.findShipSprite(ship);
if (arena_ship) {
arena_ship.setHovered(true, false);
this.hovered = arena_ship;
} else {
this.hovered = null;
* Set the playing state on a ship sprite
async setShipPlaying(ship: Ship | null, animate = true): Promise<void> {
if (this.playing) {
this.playing = null;
if (ship) {
let arena_ship = this.findShipSprite(ship);
if (arena_ship) {
await arena_ship.setPlaying(true, animate);
this.playing = arena_ship;
* Find an ArenaDrone displaying a Drone.
findDrone(drone: Drone | RObjectId | null): ArenaDrone | null {
return first(this.drone_sprites, sprite => sprite.drone.is(drone));
* Spawn a new drone
* Return the duration of deploy animation
addDrone(drone: Drone, animate = true): number {
if (!this.findDrone(drone)) {
let sprite = new ArenaDrone(this.view, drone);
let owner = this.view.battle.getShip(drone.owner) || new Ship();
let angle = Math.atan2(drone.y - owner.arena_y, drone.x - owner.arena_x);
if (animate) {
sprite.position.set(owner.arena_x, owner.arena_y);
sprite.sprite.rotation = owner.arena_angle;
let move_duration = Animations.moveInSpace(sprite, drone.x, drone.y, angle, sprite.sprite);
this.view.tweens.create(sprite.radius).from({ alpha: 0 }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.In, true, move_duration);
return move_duration + 500;
} else {
sprite.position.set(drone.x, drone.y);
sprite.sprite.rotation = angle;
return 0;
} else {
console.error("Drone added twice to arena", drone);
return 0;
* Remove a destroyed drone
* Return the duration of deploy animation
removeDrone(drone: Drone): number {
let sprite = this.findDrone(drone);
if (sprite) {
remove(this.drone_sprites, sprite);
return sprite.setDestroyed();
} else {
console.error("Drone not found in arena for removal", drone);
return 0;
* Switch the tactical mode (shows information on all ships, and fades background)
setTacticalMode(active: boolean): void {
this.ship_sprites.forEach(sprite => sprite.setHovered(active, true));
this.drone_sprites.forEach(drone => drone.setTacticalMode(active));
this.view.animations.setVisible(this.layer_garbage, !active, 200);
if (this.view.background) {
this.view.animations.setVisible(this.view.background, !active, 200);
* Get the boundaries of the arena on display
getBoundaries(): IBounded {
return this.boundaries;