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module TK.SpaceTac {
// Reaction triggered
export type PersonalityReaction = PersonalityReactionConversation
// Condition to check if a reaction may happen, returning involved ships (order is important)
export type ReactionCondition = (player: Player, battle: Battle | null, ship: Ship | null, event: BaseBattleDiff | null) => Ship[]
// Reaction profile, giving a probability for types of personality, and an associated reaction constructor
export type ReactionProfile = [(traits: IPersonalityTraits) => number, (ships: Ship[]) => PersonalityReaction]
// Reaction config (condition, chance, profiles)
export type ReactionConfig = [ReactionCondition, number, ReactionProfile[]]
// Pool of reaction config
export type ReactionPool = { [code: string]: ReactionConfig }
* Reactions to external events according to personalities.
* This allows for a more "alive" world, as characters tend to speak to react to events.
* This object will store the previous reactions to avoid too much recurrence, and should be global to a whole
* game session.
export class PersonalityReactions {
done: string[] = []
random = RandomGenerator.global
* Check for a reaction.
* This will return a reaction to display, and add it to the done list
check(player: Player, battle: Battle | null = null, ship: Ship | null = null, event: BaseBattleDiff | null = null, pool: ReactionPool = BUILTIN_REACTION_POOL): PersonalityReaction | null {
let codes = difference(keys(pool), this.done);
let candidates = nna(codes.map((code: string): [string, Ship[], ReactionProfile[]] | null => {
let [condition, chance, profiles] = pool[code];
if (this.random.random() <= chance) {
let involved = condition(player, battle, ship, event);
if (involved.length > 0) {
return [code, involved, profiles];
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
if (candidates.length > 0) {
let [code, involved, profiles] = this.random.choice(candidates);
let primary = involved[0];
let weights = profiles.map(([evaluator, _]) => evaluator(primary.personality));
let action_number = this.random.weighted(weights);
if (action_number >= 0) {
let reaction_constructor = profiles[action_number][1];
return reaction_constructor(involved);
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
* One kind of personality reaction: saying something out loud
export class PersonalityReactionConversation {
messages: { interlocutor: Ship, message: string }[]
constructor(messages: { interlocutor: Ship, message: string }[]) {
this.messages = messages;
* Standard reaction pool
export const BUILTIN_REACTION_POOL: ReactionPool = {
friendly_fire: [cond_friendly_fire, 1, [
[traits => 1, ships => new PersonalityReactionConversation([
{ interlocutor: ships[0], message: "Hey !!! Watch where you're shooting !" },
{ interlocutor: ships[1], message: "Sorry mate..." },
* Check for a friendly fire condition (one of player's ships fired on another)
function cond_friendly_fire(player: Player, battle: Battle | null, ship: Ship | null, event: BaseBattleDiff | null): Ship[] {
if (battle && ship && event) {
if (event instanceof ShipDamageDiff && player.is(ship.getPlayer()) && !ship.is(event.ship_id)) {
let hurt = battle.getShip(event.ship_id);
return (hurt && hurt.getPlayer().is(player)) ? [hurt, ship] : [];
} else {
return [];
} else {
return [];