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module TK.SpaceTac.UI {
* Interface for any graphical area that may contain or receive an equipment
export interface CharacterEquipmentContainer {
* Check if a point in the character sheet is inside the container
isInside(x: number, y: number): boolean
* Get a centric anchor point and scaling to snap the equipment
getEquipmentAnchor(): { x: number, y: number, scale: number, alpha: number }
* Get a vertical offset to position the price tag
getPriceOffset(): number
* Add an equipment to the container
addEquipment(equipment: CharacterEquipment, source: CharacterEquipmentContainer | null, test: boolean): CharacterEquipmentTransfer
* Remove an equipment from the container
removeEquipment(equipment: CharacterEquipment, destination: CharacterEquipmentContainer | null, test: boolean): CharacterEquipmentTransfer
* Result of an equipment transfer operation
export type CharacterEquipmentTransfer = {
success: boolean,
info: string,
error?: string
function mergeTransfer(leave: CharacterEquipmentTransfer, enter: CharacterEquipmentTransfer): CharacterEquipmentTransfer {
return {
success: leave.success && enter.success,
info: [leave.info, enter.info].join(', '),
error: leave.error || enter.error
* Display a ship equipment, either attached to a slot, in cargo, or being dragged down
export class CharacterEquipment extends Phaser.Button {
sheet: CharacterSheet
item: Equipment
container: CharacterEquipmentContainer
price: number
constructor(sheet: CharacterSheet, equipment: Equipment, container: CharacterEquipmentContainer) {
let icon = sheet.view.getImageInfo(`equipment-${equipment.code}`);
super(sheet.game, 0, 0, icon.key, undefined, undefined, icon.frame, icon.frame);
this.sheet = sheet;
this.item = equipment;
this.container = container;
this.price = 0;
this.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
sheet.view.tooltip.bind(this, filler => this.fillTooltip(filler));
jasmineToString() {
return this.item.jasmineToString();
* Find the container under a specific screen location
findContainerAt(x: number, y: number): CharacterEquipmentContainer | null {
return ifirst(this.sheet.iEquipmentContainers(), container => container.isInside(x, y));
* Display a price tag
setPrice(price: number) {
if (!price || this.price) {
this.price = price;
let tag = this.sheet.view.newImage("character-price-tag");
let yoffset = this.container.getPriceOffset();
tag.position.set(0, -yoffset * 2 + tag.height);
tag.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
tag.scale.set(2, 2);
tag.alpha = 0.85;
let text = this.sheet.view.newText(price.toString(), -8, 2, 18, "#ffffcc");
* Snap in place to its current container
snapToContainer() {
let info = this.container.getEquipmentAnchor();
this.position.set(info.x, info.y);
this.scale.set(0.5 * info.scale, 0.5 * info.scale);
this.alpha = info.alpha;
* Enable dragging to another slot
setupDragDrop() {
if (this.container.removeEquipment(this, null, true)) {
this.sheet.view.inputs.setDragDrop(this, () => {
// Drag
this.scale.set(0.5, 0.5);
this.alpha = 0.8;
}, () => {
// Drop
let destination = this.findContainerAt(this.x, this.y);
if (destination && destination != this.container) {
if (this.applyDragDrop(this.container, destination, false).success) {
this.container = destination;
this.sheet.refresh(); // TODO Only if required (destination is "virtual")
} else {
} else {
}, () => {
// Update
let destination = this.findContainerAt(this.x, this.y);
if (destination && destination != this.container) {
let simulation = this.applyDragDrop(this.container, destination, true);
let message = capitalize(simulation.info);
if (simulation.error) {
message += ` (${simulation.error})`;
this.sheet.setActionMessage(message, simulation.success ? "#ffffff" : "#f04240");
} else {
} else {
* Apply drag and drop between two containers
* Return true if something changed (or would change, if test=true).
applyDragDrop(source: CharacterEquipmentContainer, destination: CharacterEquipmentContainer, test: boolean): CharacterEquipmentTransfer {
let transfer_test = mergeTransfer(source.removeEquipment(this, destination, true), destination.addEquipment(this, source, true));
if (test) {
return transfer_test;
} else if (transfer_test.success) {
let transfer_out = source.removeEquipment(this, destination, false);
if (transfer_out.success) {
let transfer_in = destination.addEquipment(this, source, false);
let transfer = mergeTransfer(transfer_out, transfer_in);
if (transfer_in.success) {
return transfer;
} else {
console.error("Destination container refused to accept equipment", this, source, destination);
// Go back to source
let transfer_back = source.addEquipment(this, null, false);
if (transfer_back.success) {
return transfer;
} else {
console.error("Equipment lost in bad exchange!", this, source, destination);
return {
success: true,
info: transfer.info,
error: "Equipment was critically damaged in transfer!"
} else {
console.error("Source container refused to give away equipment", this, source, destination);
return transfer_out;
} else {
return transfer_test;
* Fill a tooltip with equipment data
fillTooltip(filler: TooltipFiller): boolean {
let title = this.item.getFullName();
if (this.item.slot_type !== null) {
title += ` (${SlotType[this.item.slot_type]})`;
filler.text(title, 0, 0, { color: "#cccccc", size: 20, bold: true });
filler.text(this.item.getFullDescription(), 0, 40, { color: "#cccccc", size: 18, width: 700 });
return true;