Fork 0

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* UI: Use a common component class, and a layer abstraction
* Character sheet: add initial character creation
* Character sheet: disable interaction during battle (except for loot screen)
* Character sheet: improve eye-catching for shop and loot section
* Character sheet: highlight allowed destinations during drag-and-drop, with text hints
* Character sheet: when transferring to another ship, if the item can't be equipped (unmatched requirements), the transfer is cancelled instead of trying cargo
* Character sheet: effective skill is sometimes not updated when upgrading base skill
* Character sheet: tooltip to show the sources of attributes
* Character sheet: add a "loot all" button
* Shops: allow to change/buy ship model
* Loot: lucky finds should be proportional to cargo space
* Equipment: no-target actions (direct activation, with confirmation dialog ?)
* Equipment: toggle actions (AP usage ? time of effect ?)
* Equipment: add critical hit/miss
* Equipment: add damage over time effect
* Equipment: add area effects, without the need of activation/stickyness (eg. damage reduction, attribute modifier...)
* Menu: end appear animation when a button is clicked
* Menu: allow to delete cloud saves
* Arena: hide dead drones from tactical view
* Arena: add power indicator in ship hover information
* Arena: display effects description instead of attribute changes
* Arena: Organize objects and information in layers
* Arena: Add auto-move to attack
* Actions: Separate overheat and cooldown display
* Actions: Show power usage/recovery in power bar, on action hover
* Actions: Fix targetting not resetting when using keyboard shortcuts
* Suspend AI operation when the game is paused (window not focused)
* Add permanent effects to ship models to ease balancing
* Find incentives to move from starting position
* Outcome: Add battle statistics and/or honors
* Outcome: Disable the loot button if there is no loot
* Ensure that tweens and particle emitters get destroyed once animation is done (or view changes)
* Controls: Do not focus on ship while targetting for area effects (dissociate hover and target)
* Controls: Fix hover being stuck when the cursor exits the window
* Drones: add hull points and take area damage
* Drones: find a way to avoid arena cluttering
* Add a battle log display
* Allow to undo last moves
* Merge identical sticky effects
* Allow to skip animations and AI delays in battle
* Hide enemy information (shield, hull, weapons), until they are in play, or until a "spy" effect is used
* Mobile: think UI layout so that fingers do not block the view (right and left handed)
* Mobile: display tooltips larger and on the side of screen where the finger is not
* Mobile: targetting in two times, using a draggable target indicator
* AI: apply safety distances to move actions
* AI: fix not being able to apply simulated maneuver
* AI: do not always move first, they are defenders
* AI: allow to play several moves in the same turn (with pauses)
* AI: add combination of random small move and actual maneuver, as producer
* AI: evaluate based on simulated list of effects
* AI: consider overheat/cooldown
* Map: remove jump links that cross the radius of other systems
* Map: disable interaction (zoom, selection) while moving/jumping
* Tutorial
* Campaign: Add ship personality (with icons to identify ?), with reaction to battle and map movements
* Campaign: Add factions and reputation
* Campaign: Missions/quests system
* Campaign: Main story arc
Weapon ideas:
* Shield with toggle effect that absorbs damage in an area
* Cooldown drone or ability
Later, if possible:
* Animated arena background, instead of big picture
* Invocation/reinforcements (need to up the 10 ships limit)
* Dynamic music composition
* Replays
* Multiplayer/co-op
* Formation or deployment phase