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/// <reference path="ToggleAction.ts"/>
module TK.SpaceTac {
* Action to deploy a drone in space
* This is a toggled action, meaning that deploying a drone requires a permanent power supply from the ship
export class DeployDroneAction extends ToggleAction {
// Maximal distance the drone may be deployed
deploy_distance: number
// Effect radius of the deployed drone
drone_radius: number
// Effects applied to ships in range of the drone
drone_effects: BaseEffect[]
constructor(equipment: Equipment, power = 1, deploy_distance = 0, radius = 0, effects: BaseEffect[] = []) {
super(equipment, power, 0, [], `deploy-${equipment.code}`);
this.deploy_distance = deploy_distance;
this.drone_radius = radius;
this.drone_effects = effects;
getVerb(): string {
return this.activated ? "Recall" : "Deploy";
getTargettingMode(ship: Ship): ActionTargettingMode {
return this.activated ? ActionTargettingMode.SELF : ActionTargettingMode.SPACE;
getDefaultTarget(ship: Ship): Target {
let harmful = any(this.effects, effect => !effect.isBeneficial());
let distance = this.drone_radius * (harmful ? 1.1 : 0.9);
return Target.newFromLocation(
ship.arena_x + Math.cos(ship.arena_angle) * distance,
ship.arena_y + Math.sin(ship.arena_angle) * distance
getRangeRadius(ship: Ship): number {
return this.activated ? 0 : this.deploy_distance;
filterImpactedShips(source: ArenaLocation, target: Target, ships: Ship[]): Ship[] {
return ships.filter(ship => arenaDistance(ship.location, target) <= this.drone_radius);
checkLocationTarget(ship: Ship, target: Target): Target {
target = target.constraintInRange(ship.arena_x, ship.arena_y, this.deploy_distance);
return target;
getSpecificDiffs(ship: Ship, battle: Battle, target: Target): BaseBattleDiff[] {
let result = super.getSpecificDiffs(ship, battle, target);
if (this.activated) {
let drone = first(battle.drones.list(), idrone => this.is(idrone.parent));
if (drone) {
result.push(new DroneRecalledDiff(drone));
} else {
return [];
} else {
let drone = new Drone(ship, this.equipment.code);
drone.parent = this;
drone.x = target.x;
drone.y = target.y;
drone.radius = this.drone_radius;
drone.effects = this.drone_effects;
result.push(new DroneDeployedDiff(drone));
return result;
getEffectsDescription(): string {
let desc = `Deploy drone (power usage ${this.power}, max range ${this.deploy_distance}km)`;
let effects = this.drone_effects.map(effect => {
let suffix = `for ships in ${this.drone_radius}km radius`;
return "• " + effect.getDescription() + " " + suffix;
return `${desc}:\n${effects.join("\n")}`;