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2019-05-13 23:17:58 +02:00

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module TK {
export type RObjectId = number
* Returns the id of an object
export function rid(obj: RObject | RObjectId): number {
return (obj instanceof RObject) ? obj.id : obj;
* Referenced objects, with unique ID.
* Objects extending this class will have an automatic unique ID, and may be tracked from an RObjectContainer.
export class RObject {
readonly id: RObjectId = RObject._next_id++
private static _next_id = 0
postUnserialize() {
if (this.id >= RObject._next_id) {
RObject._next_id = this.id + 1;
* Check that two objects are the same (only by comparing their ID)
is(other: RObject | RObjectId | null): boolean {
if (other === null) {
return false;
} else if (other instanceof RObject) {
return this.id === other.id;
} else {
return this.id === other;
* Container to track referenced objects
export class RObjectContainer<T extends RObject> {
private objects: { [index: number]: T } = {}
constructor(objects: T[] = []) {
objects.forEach(obj => this.add(obj));
* Add an object to the container
add(object: T): T {
this.objects[object.id] = object;
return object;
* Remove an object from the container
remove(object: T): void {
delete this.objects[object.id];
* Get an object from the container by its id
get(id: RObjectId): T | null {
return this.objects[id] || null;
* Count the number of objects
count(): number {
return this.list().length;
* Get all contained ids (list)
ids(): RObjectId[] {
return this.list().map(obj => obj.id);
* Get all contained objects (list)
list(): T[] {
return values(this.objects);
* Get all contained objects (iterator)
iterator(): Iterable<T> {
return iarray(this.list());