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2018-07-09 12:28:18 +02:00

116 lines
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/// <reference path="BaseAction.ts"/>
module TK.SpaceTac {
* Configuration of a toggle action
export interface ToggleActionConfig {
// Power consumption (while active)
power: number
// Effect radius
radius: number
// Effects applied
effects: BaseEffect[]
// Filtering ships that will receive the effects
filter: ActionTargettingFilter
* Action to toggle some effects on the ship or around it, until next turn start
* Toggle actions consume power when activated, and restore it when deactivated
export class ToggleAction extends BaseAction {
power = 1
radius = 0
effects: BaseEffect[] = []
filter = ActionTargettingFilter.ALL
constructor(name: string, config?: Partial<ToggleActionConfig>, code?: string) {
super(name, code);
if (config) {
* Configure the toggling
configureToggle(config: Partial<ToggleActionConfig>): void {
copyfields(config, this);
getVerb(ship: Ship): string {
return ship.actions.isToggled(this) ? "Deactivate" : "Activate";
getTargettingMode(ship: Ship): ActionTargettingMode {
if (ship.actions.isToggled(this) || !this.radius) {
return ActionTargettingMode.SELF_CONFIRM;
} else {
return ActionTargettingMode.SURROUNDINGS;
getPowerUsage(ship: Ship, target: Target | null): number {
return ship.actions.isToggled(this) ? -this.power : this.power;
getRangeRadius(ship: Ship): number {
return 0;
filterImpactedShips(ship: Ship, source: ArenaLocation, target: Target, ships: Ship[]): Ship[] {
let result = ships.filter(iship => arenaDistance(iship.location, source) <= this.radius);
result = BaseAction.filterTargets(ship, result, this.filter);
return result;
checkShipTarget(ship: Ship, target: Target): boolean {
return ship.is(target.ship_id);
getSpecificDiffs(ship: Ship, battle: Battle, target: Target, apply_effects = true): BaseBattleDiff[] {
let activated = ship.actions.isToggled(this);
let result: BaseBattleDiff[] = [
new ShipActionToggleDiff(ship, this, !activated)
let ships = this.getImpactedShips(ship, target, ship.location);
ships.forEach(iship => {
this.effects.forEach(effect => {
if (activated) {
result.push(new ShipEffectRemovedDiff(iship, effect));
if (apply_effects) {
result = result.concat(effect.getOffDiffs(iship));
} else {
result.push(new ShipEffectAddedDiff(iship, effect));
if (apply_effects) {
result = result.concat(effect.getOnDiffs(iship, ship));
return result;
getEffectsDescription(): string {
if (this.effects.length == 0) {
return "";
// TODO filter
let desc = `When active (power usage ${this.power})`;
let effects = this.effects.map(effect => {
let suffix = this.radius ? `on ${BaseAction.getFilterDesc(this.filter)} in ${this.radius}km radius` : "on owner ship";
return "• " + effect.getDescription() + " " + suffix;
return `${desc}:\n${effects.join("\n")}`;