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/// <reference path="../common/Testing.ts" />
module TK.SpaceTac.UI.Specs {
* Class to hold references to test objects (used as singleton in "testing" blocks)
* Attributes should only be accessed from inside corresponding "test.case" blocks (they are initialized by the setup).
export class TestGame<T extends Phaser.Scene> {
check!: TestContext
ui!: MainUI
view!: T
multistorage!: Multi.FakeRemoteStorage
clock: FakeClock
time = 0
constructor(test: TestSuite) {
this.clock = test.clock();
* Advance the time in the view and fake testing clock
clockForward(milliseconds: number) {
this.time += milliseconds;
this.ui.headlessStep(this.time, milliseconds);
* Setup a headless test UI, with a single view started.
export function setupSingleView<T extends Phaser.Scene & { create: Function }>(test: TestSuite, buildView: () => [T, object]) {
let testgame = new TestGame<T>(test);
test.asetup(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let check = new TestContext(); // TODO Should be taken from test suite
check.patch(console, "log", null);
check.patch(console, "warn", null);
testgame.ui = new MainUI(true);
testgame.check = check;
let [scene, scenedata] = buildView();
if (scene instanceof BaseView) {
testgame.multistorage = new Multi.FakeRemoteStorage();
let connection = new Multi.Connection(RandomGenerator.global.id(12), testgame.multistorage);
check.patch(scene as BaseView, "getConnection", () => connection);
let orig_create = bound(scene, "create");
check.patch(scene, "create", () => {
testgame.ui.scene.add("test", scene, true, scenedata);
testgame.view = scene;
}), () => new Promise((resolve) => {
testgame.ui.events.on("destroy", () => resolve());
return testgame;
* Test setup of an empty BaseView
export function setupEmptyView(test: TestSuite): TestGame<BaseView> {
return setupSingleView(test, () => {
return [new BaseView({}), {}];
* Test setup of a battleview bound to a battle, to be called inside a "describe" block.
export function setupBattleview(test: TestSuite): TestGame<BattleView> {
return setupSingleView(test, () => {
let view = new BattleView({});
view.splash = false;
let battle = Battle.newQuickRandom();
if (nn(battle.playing_ship).fleet != battle.fleets[0]) {
// Ensure the player plays first (to not trigger AI)
let player = battle.fleets[0].player;
return [view, { player, battle }];
* Test setup of a mapview bound to a universe, to be called inside a "describe" block.
export function setupMapview(test: TestSuite): TestGame<UniverseMapView> {
return setupSingleView(test, () => {
let mapview = new UniverseMapView({});
let session = new GameSession();
return [mapview, { universe: session.universe, player: session.player }];
* Crawn through the children of a node
export function crawlChildren(node: UIContainer, recursive: boolean, callback: (child: any) => boolean): void {
node.list.forEach(child => {
const keepon = callback(child);
if (recursive && keepon && child instanceof UIContainer) {
crawlChildren(child, true, callback);
* Collect all image codes in a node
export function collectImages(node: UIContainer, recursive = true, visibleonly = true): (string | null)[] {
let result: (string | null)[] = [];
crawlChildren(node, recursive, child => {
if (child instanceof UIImage) {
result.push(child.name || null);
return !visibleonly || child.visible;
return result;
* Collect all texts in a node
export function collectTexts(node: UIContainer, recursive = true, visibleonly = true): (string | null)[] {
let result: (string | null)[] = [];
crawlChildren(node, recursive, child => {
if (child instanceof UIText) {
result.push(child.text || null);
return !visibleonly || child.visible;
return result;
* Check a given text node
export function checkText(check: TestContext, node: any, content: string): void {
if (check.instance(node, UIText, "node should be an UIText")) {
check.equals(node.text, content);
* Check a simulation of a tweened property
export function checkTween<T, P extends keyof T>(game: TestGame<any>, obj: T, property: P, expected: number[]): void {
let tweendata = game.view.animations.simulate(obj, property, expected.length);
game.check.equals(tweendata.length, expected.length, "number of points");
expected.forEach((value, idx) => {
game.check.nears(tweendata[idx], value, undefined, `point ${idx}`);
* Simulate a click on a button
export function testClick(button: UIButton): void {