paysages : Explorer chunks refactoring for future skybox (WIP)

git-svn-id: b1fd45b6-86a6-48da-8261-f70d1f35bdcc
This commit is contained in:
Michaël Lemaire 2012-06-08 12:28:46 +00:00 committed by ThunderK
parent b85bfb8bf9
commit f270c6aad0
10 changed files with 436 additions and 316 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#include "baseexplorerchunk.h"
BaseExplorerChunk::BaseExplorerChunk(Renderer* renderer)
_renderer = renderer;
priority = 0.0;
_reset_needed = false;
_texture = new QImage(1, 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
_texture_id = 0;
_texture_changed = false;
_texture_current_size = 0;
_texture_max_size = 0;
delete _texture;
bool BaseExplorerChunk::maintain()
bool subchanged;
if (_reset_needed)
_reset_needed = false;
_texture_current_size = 0;
subchanged = onMaintainEvent();
// Improve texture resolution
if (_texture_current_size < _texture_max_size)
int new_texture_size = _texture_current_size ? _texture_current_size * 2 : 1;
QImage* new_image = new QImage(_texture->scaled(new_texture_size + 1, new_texture_size + 1, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation));
for (int j = 0; j <= new_texture_size; j++)
for (int i = 0; i <= new_texture_size; i++)
if (_texture_current_size <= 1 || i % 2 != 0 || j % 2 != 0)
Color color = getTextureColor((double)i / (double)(new_texture_size + 1), (double)j / (double)(new_texture_size + 1));
new_image->setPixel(i, j, colorTo32BitBGRA(&color));
delete _texture;
_texture = new_image;
_texture_current_size = new_texture_size;
_texture_changed = true;
return true;
return subchanged;
void BaseExplorerChunk::updatePriority(CameraDefinition* camera)
if (_reset_needed || (_texture_max_size > 0 && _texture_current_size == 0))
priority = 1000.0;
else if (_texture_current_size == _texture_max_size)
priority = -1000.0;
priority = getDisplayedSizeHint(camera) - _texture_current_size;
void BaseExplorerChunk::render(QGLWidget* widget)
// Put texture in place
if (_texture_changed)
_texture_changed = false;
if (_texture_id)
// TODO Only do the scale if not power-of-two textures are unsupported by GPU
_texture_id = widget->bindTexture(_texture->scaled(_texture_current_size, _texture_current_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
//_texture_id = widget->bindTexture(*_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture_id);
// Delegate poly rendering to subclass
void BaseExplorerChunk::askReset()
_reset_needed = true;
void BaseExplorerChunk::setMaxTextureSize(int size)
_texture_max_size = size;
void BaseExplorerChunk::onCameraEvent(CameraDefinition* camera)
void BaseExplorerChunk::onResetEvent()
bool BaseExplorerChunk::onMaintainEvent()
return false;
void BaseExplorerChunk::onRenderEvent(QGLWidget* widget)
double BaseExplorerChunk::getDisplayedSizeHint(CameraDefinition* camera)
return 0.0;
Color BaseExplorerChunk::getTextureColor(double x, double y)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include <QMutex>
#include <QImage>
#include <QGLWidget>
#include "../lib_paysages/renderer.h"
class BaseExplorerChunk
virtual ~BaseExplorerChunk();
bool maintain();
void updatePriority(CameraDefinition* camera);
void render(QGLWidget* widget);
double priority;
BaseExplorerChunk(Renderer* renderer);
inline Renderer* renderer() {return _renderer;};
void askReset();
void setMaxTextureSize(int size);
virtual void onCameraEvent(CameraDefinition* camera);
virtual void onResetEvent();
virtual bool onMaintainEvent();
virtual void onRenderEvent(QGLWidget* widget);
virtual double getDisplayedSizeHint(CameraDefinition* camera);
virtual Color getTextureColor(double x, double y);
QMutex _lock_data;
Renderer* _renderer;
bool _reset_needed;
QImage* _texture;
GLuint _texture_id;
bool _texture_changed;
int _texture_current_size;
int _texture_max_size;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#include "explorerchunkterrain.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "baseexplorerchunk.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/camera.h"
ExplorerChunkTerrain::ExplorerChunkTerrain(Renderer* renderer, double x, double z, double size, int nbchunks) : BaseExplorerChunk(renderer)
_startx = x;
_startz = z;
_size = size;
_overall_step = size * (double)nbchunks;
_tessellation_max_size = 32;
_tessellation = new double[(_tessellation_max_size + 1) * (_tessellation_max_size + 1)];
_tessellation_current_size = 0;
_tessellation_step = _size / (double)_tessellation_max_size;
delete [] _tessellation;
void ExplorerChunkTerrain::onResetEvent()
_tessellation_current_size = 0;
bool ExplorerChunkTerrain::onMaintainEvent()
Renderer* renderer = this->renderer();
// Improve heightmap resolution
if (_tessellation_current_size < _tessellation_max_size)
int new_tessellation_size = _tessellation_current_size ? _tessellation_current_size * 4 : 2;
int old_tessellation_inc = _tessellation_current_size ? _tessellation_max_size / _tessellation_current_size : 1;
int new_tessellation_inc = _tessellation_max_size / new_tessellation_size;
for (int j = 0; j <= _tessellation_max_size; j += new_tessellation_inc)
for (int i = 0; i <= _tessellation_max_size; i += new_tessellation_inc)
if (_tessellation_current_size == 0 || i % old_tessellation_inc != 0 || j % old_tessellation_inc != 0)
double height = renderer->getTerrainHeight(renderer, _startx + _tessellation_step * (double)i, _startz + _tessellation_step * (double)j);
_tessellation[j * (_tessellation_max_size + 1) + i] = height;
_tessellation_current_size = new_tessellation_size;
return true;
return false;
void ExplorerChunkTerrain::onCameraEvent(CameraDefinition* camera)
// Handle position
if (camera->location.x > _startx + _overall_step * 0.5)
_startx += _overall_step;
if (camera->location.z > _startz + _overall_step * 0.5)
_startz += _overall_step;
if (camera->location.x < _startx - _overall_step * 0.5)
_startx -= _overall_step;
if (camera->location.z < _startz - _overall_step * 0.5)
_startz -= _overall_step;
void ExplorerChunkTerrain::onRenderEvent(QGLWidget* widget)
int tessellation_size = _tessellation_current_size;
double tsize = 1.0 / (double)_tessellation_max_size;
if (tessellation_size == 0)
int tessellation_inc = _tessellation_max_size / (double)tessellation_size;
for (int j = 0; j < _tessellation_max_size; j += tessellation_inc)
for (int i = 0; i <= _tessellation_max_size; i += tessellation_inc)
glTexCoord2d(tsize * (double)i, 1.0 - tsize * (double)j);
glVertex3d(_startx + _tessellation_step * (double)i, _tessellation[j * (_tessellation_max_size + 1) + i], _startz + _tessellation_step * (double)j);
glTexCoord2d(tsize * (double)i, 1.0 - tsize * (double)(j + tessellation_inc));
glVertex3d(_startx + _tessellation_step * (double)i, _tessellation[(j + tessellation_inc) * (_tessellation_max_size + 1) + i], _startz + _tessellation_step * (double)(j + tessellation_inc));
double ExplorerChunkTerrain::getDisplayedSizeHint(CameraDefinition* camera)
double distance, wanted_size;
Vector3 center;
center = getCenter();
distance = v3Norm(v3Sub(camera->location, center));
distance = distance < 0.1 ? 0.1 : distance;
wanted_size = (int)ceil(120.0 - distance / 3.0);
if (!cameraIsBoxInView(camera, center, _size, _size, 40.0))
wanted_size -= 500.0;
return wanted_size;
Color ExplorerChunkTerrain::getTextureColor(double x, double y)
Vector3 location = {_startx + x * _size, 0.0, _startz + y * _size};
return renderer()->applyTextures(renderer(), location, 0.01);
Vector3 ExplorerChunkTerrain::getCenter()
Vector3 result;
result.x = _startx + _size / 2.0;
result.y = 0.0;
result.z = _startz + _size / 2.0;
return result;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#include "baseexplorerchunk.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/renderer.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/euclid.h"
class ExplorerChunkTerrain:public BaseExplorerChunk
ExplorerChunkTerrain(Renderer* renderer, double x, double z, double size, int nbchunks);
void onCameraEvent(CameraDefinition* camera);
void onResetEvent();
bool onMaintainEvent();
void onRenderEvent(QGLWidget* widget);
double getDisplayedSizeHint(CameraDefinition* camera);
Color getTextureColor(double x, double y);
Vector3 getCenter();
double _startx;
double _startz;
double _size;
double _overall_step;
double* _tessellation;
int _tessellation_max_size;
int _tessellation_current_size;
double _tessellation_step;

View file

@ -27,14 +27,21 @@ public:
QColor getColor(double x, double y)
Vector3 eye = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
Vector3 look;
if (y > 0.0)
return QColor(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 eye = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
Vector3 look;
look.x = 1.0;
look.y = -y;
look.z = x;
look.x = 1.0;
look.y = -y;
look.z = x;
return colorToQColor(skyGetColor(&_preview_definition, &_renderer, eye, look));
return colorToQColor(skyGetColor(&_preview_definition, &_renderer, eye, look));
void updateData()
@ -59,14 +66,21 @@ public:
QColor getColor(double x, double y)
Vector3 eye = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
Vector3 look;
if (y > 0.0)
return QColor(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 eye = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
Vector3 look;
look.x = -1.0;
look.y = -y;
look.z = -x;
look.x = -1.0;
look.y = -y;
look.z = -x;
return colorToQColor(skyGetColor(&_preview_definition, &_renderer, eye, look));
return colorToQColor(skyGetColor(&_preview_definition, &_renderer, eye, look));
void updateData()

View file

@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
#include "wandererchunk.h"
#include <QMutex>
#include <QImage>
#include <QColor>
#include <QGLWidget>
#include <math.h>
#include "../lib_paysages/camera.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/color.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/euclid.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/tools.h"
WandererChunk::WandererChunk(Renderer* renderer, double x, double z, double size, int nbchunks)
_renderer = renderer;
_startx = x;
_startz = z;
_size = size;
_overall_step = size * (double)nbchunks;
_restart_needed = false;
priority = 0.0;
_tessellation_max_size = 32;
_tessellation = new double[(_tessellation_max_size + 1) * (_tessellation_max_size + 1)];
_tessellation_current_size = 0;
_tessellation_step = _size / (double)_tessellation_max_size;
_texture_max_size = 128;
_texture_current_size = 0;
_texture = new QImage(1, 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
_texture_id = 0;
_texture_changed = false;
delete _texture;
delete [] _tessellation;
void WandererChunk::render(QGLWidget* widget)
if (_texture_changed)
_texture_changed = false;
if (_texture_id)
// TODO Only do the scale if not power-of-two textures are unsupported by GPU
_texture_id = widget->bindTexture(_texture->scaled(_texture_current_size, _texture_current_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
//_texture_id = widget->bindTexture(*_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture_id);
int tessellation_size = _tessellation_current_size;
double tsize = 1.0 / (double)_tessellation_max_size;
if (tessellation_size == 0)
int tessellation_inc = _tessellation_max_size / (double)tessellation_size;
for (int j = 0; j < _tessellation_max_size; j += tessellation_inc)
for (int i = 0; i <= _tessellation_max_size; i += tessellation_inc)
glTexCoord2d(tsize * (double)i, 1.0 - tsize * (double)j);
glVertex3d(_startx + _tessellation_step * (double)i, _tessellation[j * (_tessellation_max_size + 1) + i], _startz + _tessellation_step * (double)j);
glTexCoord2d(tsize * (double)i, 1.0 - tsize * (double)(j + tessellation_inc));
glVertex3d(_startx + _tessellation_step * (double)i, _tessellation[(j + tessellation_inc) * (_tessellation_max_size + 1) + i], _startz + _tessellation_step * (double)(j + tessellation_inc));
void WandererChunk::updatePriority(CameraDefinition* camera)
// Compute new priority
if (camera->location.x > _startx + _overall_step * 0.5)
_startx += _overall_step;
_restart_needed = true;
if (camera->location.z > _startz + _overall_step * 0.5)
_startz += _overall_step;
_restart_needed = true;
if (camera->location.x < _startx - _overall_step * 0.5)
_startx -= _overall_step;
_restart_needed = true;
if (camera->location.z < _startz - _overall_step * 0.5)
_startz -= _overall_step;
_restart_needed = true;
if (_restart_needed || _texture_current_size <= 1)
priority = 1000.0;
else if (_tessellation_current_size == _tessellation_max_size && _texture_current_size == _texture_max_size)
priority = -1000.0;
double distance, wanted_size;
Vector3 center;
center = getCenter();
distance = v3Norm(v3Sub(camera->location, center));
distance = distance < 0.1 ? 0.1 : distance;
wanted_size = (int)ceil(120.0 - distance / 3.0);
priority = wanted_size - _texture_current_size;
/*else if (distance < 30.0 && _texture_current_size < _texture_max_size / 8)
priority += 75.0;
else if (distance < 15.0 && _texture_current_size < _texture_max_size)
priority += 50.0;
else if (distance < 30.0 && _texture_current_size < _texture_max_size / 2)
priority += 25.0;
if (!cameraIsBoxInView(camera, center, _size, _size, 40.0))
priority -= 100.0;
bool WandererChunk::maintain()
if (_restart_needed)
_restart_needed = false;
_texture_current_size = 0;
_tessellation_current_size = 0;
if (_tessellation_current_size < _tessellation_max_size || _texture_current_size < _texture_max_size)
// Improve heightmap resolution
if (_tessellation_current_size < _tessellation_max_size)
int new_tessellation_size = _tessellation_current_size ? _tessellation_current_size * 4 : 2;
int old_tessellation_inc = _tessellation_current_size ? _tessellation_max_size / _tessellation_current_size : 1;
int new_tessellation_inc = _tessellation_max_size / new_tessellation_size;
for (int j = 0; j <= _tessellation_max_size; j += new_tessellation_inc)
for (int i = 0; i <= _tessellation_max_size; i += new_tessellation_inc)
if (_tessellation_current_size == 0 || i % old_tessellation_inc != 0 || j % old_tessellation_inc != 0)
double height = _renderer->getTerrainHeight(_renderer, _startx + _tessellation_step * (double)i, _startz + _tessellation_step * (double)j);
_tessellation[j * (_tessellation_max_size + 1) + i] = height;
_tessellation_current_size = new_tessellation_size;
// Improve texture resolution
if (_texture_current_size < _texture_max_size)
int new_texture_size = _texture_current_size ? _texture_current_size * 2 : 1;
double step_size = _texture_current_size ? _size / (double)(new_texture_size) : 0.1;
//QImage* new_image = new QImage(new_texture_size, new_texture_size, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QImage* new_image = new QImage(_texture->scaled(new_texture_size + 1, new_texture_size + 1, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation));
for (int j = 0; j <= new_texture_size; j++)
for (int i = 0; i <= new_texture_size; i++)
if (_texture_current_size <= 1 || i % 2 != 0 || j % 2 != 0)
Vector3 location = {_startx + step_size * (double)i, 0.0, _startz + step_size * (double)j};
Color color = _renderer->applyTextures(_renderer, location, step_size);
new_image->setPixel(i, j, colorTo32BitBGRA(&color));
delete _texture;
_texture = new_image;
_texture_current_size = new_texture_size;
_texture_changed = true;
return true;
return false;
Vector3 WandererChunk::getCenter()
Vector3 result;
result.x = _startx + _size / 2.0;
result.y = 0.0;
result.z = _startz + _size / 2.0;
return result;

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
#include <QMutex>
#include <QImage>
#include <QGLWidget>
#include "../lib_paysages/renderer.h"
class WandererChunk
WandererChunk(Renderer* renderer, double x, double z, double size, int nbchunks);
bool maintain();
void updatePriority(CameraDefinition* camera);
void render(QGLWidget* widget);
Vector3 getCenter();
double priority;
QMutex _lock_data;
Renderer* _renderer;
double _startx;
double _startz;
double _size;
double _overall_step;
bool _restart_needed;
double* _tessellation;
int _tessellation_max_size;
int _tessellation_current_size;
double _tessellation_step;
QImage* _texture;
GLuint _texture_id;
bool _texture_changed;
int _texture_max_size;
int _texture_current_size;

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <QThread>
#include "../lib_paysages/scenery.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/euclid.h"
#include "explorerchunkterrain.h"
class ChunkMaintenanceThread:public QThread
@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ WidgetWanderer::WidgetWanderer(QWidget *parent, CameraDefinition* camera):
for (int j = 0; j < chunks; j++)
WandererChunk* chunk = new WandererChunk(&_renderer, start + chunksize * (double)i, start + chunksize * (double)j, chunksize, chunks);
ExplorerChunkTerrain* chunk = new ExplorerChunkTerrain(&_renderer, start + chunksize * (double)i, start + chunksize * (double)j, chunksize, chunks);
@ -167,14 +168,14 @@ void WidgetWanderer::stopThreads()
bool _cmpChunks(const WandererChunk* c1, const WandererChunk* c2)
bool _cmpChunks(const BaseExplorerChunk* c1, const BaseExplorerChunk* c2)
return c1->priority > c2->priority;
void WidgetWanderer::performChunksMaintenance()
WandererChunk* chunk;
BaseExplorerChunk* chunk;
if (_updateQueue.count() > 0)

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#include <QGLWidget>
#include "wandererchunk.h"
#include "baseexplorerchunk.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/camera.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/water.h"
#include "../lib_paysages/renderer.h"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ private:
Renderer _renderer;
bool _updated;
QVector<WandererChunk*> _chunks;
QList<WandererChunk*> _updateQueue;
QVector<BaseExplorerChunk*> _chunks;
QList<BaseExplorerChunk*> _updateQueue;
bool _alive;
QMutex _lock_chunks;

View file

@ -520,57 +520,57 @@ Maintenir Ctrl : Plus rapide</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="87"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="101"/>
<source>West preview</source>
<translation>Aperçu de l&apos;ouest</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="89"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="103"/>
<source>East preview</source>
<translation>Aperçu de l&apos;est</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="91"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="105"/>
<source>Day time</source>
<translation>Heure du jour</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="92"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="106"/>
<source>Sun color</source>
<translation>Couleur du soleil</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="93"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="107"/>
<source>Sun radius</source>
<translation>Diamètre apparent du soleil</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="94"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="108"/>
<source>Sun halo radius</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="95"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="109"/>
<source>Sun halo profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="96"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="110"/>
<source>Zenith color</source>
<translation>Couleur du ciel au zénith</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="97"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="111"/>
<source>Haze color</source>
<translation>Couleur de la brume</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="98"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="112"/>
<source>Haze height</source>
<translation>Hauteur apparente de la brume</translation>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="99"/>
<location filename="../gui_qt/formsky.cpp" line="113"/>
<source>Haze smoothing</source>
<translation>Facteur de lissage de la brume</translation>