#include "baseexplorerchunk.h" #ifndef GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE #define GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE 0x812F #endif BaseExplorerChunk::BaseExplorerChunk(Renderer* renderer) { _renderer = renderer; _color_profile = colorProfileCreate(); priority = 0.0; _reset_needed = false; _texture = new QImage(1, 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32); _texture_id = 0; _texture_changed = false; _texture_current_size = 0; _texture_max_size = 0; } BaseExplorerChunk::~BaseExplorerChunk() { _lock_data.lock(); colorProfileDelete(_color_profile); delete _texture; _lock_data.unlock(); } bool BaseExplorerChunk::maintain() { bool subchanged; _lock_data.lock(); if (_reset_needed) { _reset_needed = false; _texture_current_size = 0; onResetEvent(); } _lock_data.unlock(); subchanged = onMaintainEvent(); // Improve texture resolution if (_texture_current_size < _texture_max_size) { int new_texture_size = _texture_current_size ? _texture_current_size * 2 : 1; QImage* new_image = new QImage(_texture->scaled(new_texture_size + 1, new_texture_size + 1, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation)); for (int j = 0; j <= new_texture_size; j++) { for (int i = 0; i <= new_texture_size; i++) { if (_texture_current_size <= 1 || i % 2 != 0 || j % 2 != 0) { Color color = getTextureColor((double)i / (double)new_texture_size, 1.0 - (double)j / (double)new_texture_size); color = colorProfileApply(_color_profile, color); colorNormalize(&color); new_image->setPixel(i, j, colorTo32BitBGRA(&color)); } } } _lock_data.lock(); delete _texture; _texture = new_image; _texture_current_size = new_texture_size; _texture_changed = true; _lock_data.unlock(); /*if (_texture_current_size < 4 && _texture_current_size < _texture_max_size) { maintain(); }*/ return true; } else { return subchanged; } } void BaseExplorerChunk::updatePriority(CameraDefinition* camera) { if (_reset_needed || (_texture_max_size > 1 && _texture_current_size <= 1)) { priority = 1000.0; } else if (_texture_current_size == _texture_max_size) { priority = -1000.0; } else { priority = getDisplayedSizeHint(camera) - _texture_current_size; } onCameraEvent(camera); } void BaseExplorerChunk::render(QGLWidget* widget) { // Put texture in place _lock_data.lock(); if (_texture_changed) { _texture_changed = false; if (_texture_id) { widget->deleteTexture(_texture_id); } // TODO Only do the scale if not power-of-two textures are unsupported by GPU _texture_id = widget->bindTexture(_texture->scaled(_texture_current_size, _texture_current_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); //_texture_id = widget->bindTexture(*_texture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); } else { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _texture_id); } _lock_data.unlock(); // Delegate poly rendering to subclass if (!_reset_needed) { onRenderEvent(widget); } } void BaseExplorerChunk::askReset() { _reset_needed = true; } void BaseExplorerChunk::setMaxTextureSize(int size) { _texture_max_size = size; } void BaseExplorerChunk::onCameraEvent(CameraDefinition*) { } void BaseExplorerChunk::onResetEvent() { } bool BaseExplorerChunk::onMaintainEvent() { return false; } void BaseExplorerChunk::onRenderEvent(QGLWidget*) { } double BaseExplorerChunk::getDisplayedSizeHint(CameraDefinition*) { return 0.0; } Color BaseExplorerChunk::getTextureColor(double, double) { return COLOR_TRANSPARENT; }