????-??-?? Technology Preview 2 ------------------------------- Previews : * Scaling is now logarithmic (slower when zoomed). * Drawing now takes advantage of multiple CPU cores. 3D Explorer: * Added ground texture and skybox. * Progressive rendering now takes advantage of multiple CPU cores. Scenery : * Added clouds hardness to light. * Added sun halo control. * New cloud model with 2 noises : one for the global shape and one for edges. Rendering : * New texture model (perpendicular displacement and thickness). * Added full scene antialiasing (FSAA). GUI : * Improved curve rendering. * New material editor. * Added render timer. Misc : * Version handling in saved files. 2012-04-20 Technology Preview 1 ------------------------------- First preview version : * Ground with simple texture layers * Water with waves, transparency and reflection * Sky with sun * Atmosphere with fog * Cloud 3d layers * Two-pass rendering * Form-based GUI, with real-time previews