#include "SpaceSegment.h" #include #include #include "SpaceGridIterator.h" using namespace std; SpaceSegment::SpaceSegment(const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end) : start(start), end(end) { } bool SpaceSegment::intersectYInterval(double ymin, double ymax) { if (start.y > ymax) { if (end.y >= ymax) { return false; } else { Vector3 diff = end.sub(start); start = start.add(diff.scale((ymax - start.y) / diff.y)); if (end.y < ymin) { end = end.add(diff.scale((ymin - end.y) / diff.y)); } } } else if (start.y < ymin) { if (end.y <= ymin) { return false; } else { Vector3 diff = end.sub(start); start = start.add(diff.scale((ymin - start.y) / diff.y)); if (end.y >= ymax) { end = end.add(diff.scale((ymax - end.y) / diff.y)); } } } else /* start is inside layer */ { Vector3 diff = end.sub(start); if (end.y > ymax) { end = start.add(diff.scale((ymax - start.y) / diff.y)); } else if (end.y < ymin) { end = start.add(diff.scale((ymin - start.y) / diff.y)); } } return true; } bool SpaceSegment::intersectBoundingBox(const SpaceSegment &bbox) const { Vector3 dir = getDirection(); // r.dir is unit direction vector of ray double dfx = 1.0 / dir.x; double dfy = 1.0 / dir.y; double dfz = 1.0 / dir.z; // lb is the corner of AABB with minimal coordinates - left bottom, rt is maximal corner // r.org is origin of ray double t1 = (bbox.start.x - start.x) * dfx; double t2 = (bbox.end.x - start.x) * dfx; double t3 = (bbox.start.y - start.y) * dfy; double t4 = (bbox.end.y - start.y) * dfy; double t5 = (bbox.start.z - start.z) * dfz; double t6 = (bbox.end.z - start.z) * dfz; double tmin = max(max(min(t1, t2), min(t3, t4)), min(t5, t6)); double tmax = min(min(max(t1, t2), max(t3, t4)), max(t5, t6)); // if tmax < 0, ray (line) is intersecting AABB, but whole AABB is behing us // double t; if (tmax < 0.0) { // t = tmax; return false; } // if tmin > tmax, ray doesn't intersect AABB if (tmin > tmax) { // t = tmax; return false; } // t = tmin; return true; } SpaceSegment SpaceSegment::projectedOnXPlane(double x) const { return SpaceSegment(Vector3(x, start.y, start.z), Vector3(x, end.y, end.z)); } SpaceSegment SpaceSegment::projectedOnYPlane(double y) const { return SpaceSegment(Vector3(start.x, y, start.z), Vector3(end.x, y, end.z)); } SpaceSegment SpaceSegment::projectedOnZPlane(double z) const { return SpaceSegment(Vector3(start.x, start.y, z), Vector3(end.x, end.y, z)); } SpaceSegment SpaceSegment::scaled(double factor) const { return SpaceSegment(start.scale(factor), end.scale(factor)); } bool SpaceSegment::iterateOnGrid(SpaceGridIterator &delegate) { Vector3 diff = end.sub(start); int stepX = diff.x < 0.0 ? -1 : 1; int stepY = diff.y < 0.0 ? -1 : 1; int stepZ = diff.z < 0.0 ? -1 : 1; int X = (int)floor(start.x); int Y = (int)floor(start.y); int Z = (int)floor(start.z); int limitX = (int)floor(end.x) + stepX; int limitY = (int)floor(end.y) + stepY; int limitZ = (int)floor(end.z) + stepZ; double tDeltaX = diff.x == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / fabs(diff.x); double tDeltaY = diff.y == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / fabs(diff.y); double tDeltaZ = diff.z == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / fabs(diff.z); double tMaxX = diff.x == 0.0 ? INFINITY : ((double)(X + (stepX > 0 ? 1 : 0)) - start.x) / diff.x; double tMaxY = diff.y == 0.0 ? INFINITY : ((double)(Y + (stepY > 0 ? 1 : 0)) - start.y) / diff.y; double tMaxZ = diff.z == 0.0 ? INFINITY : ((double)(Z + (stepZ > 0 ? 1 : 0)) - start.z) / diff.z; do { if (not delegate.onCell(X, Y, Z)) { return false; } if (tMaxX < tMaxY) { if (tMaxX < tMaxZ) { X = X + stepX; tMaxX = tMaxX + tDeltaX; } else { Z = Z + stepZ; tMaxZ = tMaxZ + tDeltaZ; } } else { if (tMaxY < tMaxZ) { Y = Y + stepY; tMaxY = tMaxY + tDeltaY; } else { Z = Z + stepZ; tMaxZ = tMaxZ + tDeltaZ; } } } while (X != limitX and Y != limitY and Z != limitZ); return true; }