DialogTerrainPainting 0 0 1145 777 0 0 Paysages 3D - Terrain painting true true 1 1 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 20 Water true Grid true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Commands :/buttons/logo/images/about.png:/buttons/logo/images/about.png 16 16 F1 true false false 0 0 Shortcuts true 16 Switch to raise/lower tool true 75 true F3 true Show these commands true 75 true F4 true 75 true F1 true 75 true F2 true 75 true F11 true Switch to noise/smooth tool true Switch to flatten tool true Switch to magix fix tool true 75 true F12 true Switch to restore tool true Qt::Vertical 0 0 Brush control true 16 Set brush smoothing true 75 true SHIFT + Mouse wheel true Set brush size true 75 true CTRL + Mouse wheel true 75 true ALT + Mouse wheel true Set brush strength true Qt::Vertical 0 0 Camera control true 16 75 true Mouse wheel true 75 true Borders true Scroll view true Zoom true 1 1 400 400 450 16777215 QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Brush Tool : Raise / Lower (F2) Add noise / Smooth (F3) Flatten terrain (F4) Fix discontinuities (F11) Restore to default (F12) Brush size : 5 100 20 Qt::Horizontal Brush smoothing : 100 80 Qt::Horizontal Brush strength : 10 100 20 Qt::Horizontal 0 100 QFrame::Panel QFrame::Sunken { Brush information } Qt::RichText true 20 8 Brush preview : 200 200 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 150 16777215 24 false { memory consumption } Qt::Horizontal 40 20 100 30 WidgetGlobalFormButtons QWidget
1 okClicked() revertClicked() cancelClicked()
WidgetHeightMap QWidget
1 heightmapChanged() toggleWater(bool) toggleGrid(bool)
input_brush_mode input_brush_size input_brush_smoothing input_brush_strength input_brush_smoothing valueChanged(int) DialogTerrainPainting brushConfigChanged() 919 94 437 102 input_brush_mode currentIndexChanged(int) DialogTerrainPainting brushConfigChanged() 1115 53 437 40 input_brush_strength valueChanged(int) DialogTerrainPainting brushConfigChanged() 1115 143 437 132 input_brush_size valueChanged(int) DialogTerrainPainting brushConfigChanged() 919 73 437 72 widget_4 cancelClicked() DialogTerrainPainting reject() 1134 766 711 597 widget_4 okClicked() DialogTerrainPainting accept() 1134 766 683 597 widget_4 revertClicked() DialogTerrainPainting revert() 1134 766 747 597 checkBox toggled(bool) widget_heightmap toggleWater(bool) 60 43 58 480 checkBox_2 toggled(bool) widget_heightmap toggleGrid(bool) 161 40 121 463 widget_heightmap heightmapChanged() DialogTerrainPainting heightmapChanged() 465 523 481 569 pushButton toggled(bool) widget_commands setVisible(bool) 734 40 536 104 brushConfigChanged() heightmapChanged() revert() displayCommands()