#include "Rasterizer.h" #include #include "SoftwareRenderer.h" #include "CameraDefinition.h" #include "CanvasPortion.h" #include "CanvasFragment.h" #include "Vector3.h" #include "RenderProgress.h" struct paysages::software::ScanPoint { int x; int y; struct { double x; double y; double z; } pixel; struct { double x; double y; double z; } location; unsigned short client; bool front_facing; }; struct paysages::software::RenderScanlines { ScanPoint *up; ScanPoint *down; int left; int right; }; Rasterizer::Rasterizer(SoftwareRenderer *renderer, RenderProgress *progress, unsigned short client_id, const Color &color) : renderer(renderer), progress(progress), client_id(client_id) { this->color = new Color(color); interrupted = false; backface_culling = false; perspective_correction = true; triangle_count = 0; auto_cut_limit = 0.01; setQuality(0.5); } Rasterizer::~Rasterizer() { delete color; } void Rasterizer::interrupt() { interrupted = true; } void Rasterizer::setQuality(double quality) { this->perspective_correction = (quality > 0.4); } void Rasterizer::setColor(const Color &color) { *this->color = color; } void Rasterizer::setBackFaceCulling(bool cull) { this->backface_culling = cull; } void Rasterizer::setPerspectiveCorrection(bool active) { this->perspective_correction = active; } void Rasterizer::setAutoCutLimit(double limit) { this->auto_cut_limit = limit; } void Rasterizer::resetTriangleCount() { triangle_count = 0; } bool Rasterizer::pushProjectedTriangle(CanvasPortion *canvas, const Vector3 &pixel1, const Vector3 &pixel2, const Vector3 &pixel3, const Vector3 &location1, const Vector3 &location2, const Vector3 &location3) { ScanPoint point1, point2, point3; double limit_width = (double)(canvas->getWidth() - 1); double limit_height = (double)(canvas->getHeight() - 1); Vector3 canvas_offset(canvas->getXOffset(), canvas->getYOffset(), 0.0); Vector3 dpixel1 = pixel1.sub(canvas_offset); Vector3 dpixel2 = pixel2.sub(canvas_offset); Vector3 dpixel3 = pixel3.sub(canvas_offset); double limit_near = renderer->render_camera->getPerspective().znear; if ((dpixel1.z < limit_near && dpixel2.z < limit_near && dpixel3.z < limit_near) || (dpixel1.x < 0.0 && dpixel2.x < 0.0 && dpixel3.x < 0.0) || (dpixel1.y < 0.0 && dpixel2.y < 0.0 && dpixel3.y < 0.0) || (dpixel1.x > limit_width && dpixel2.x > limit_width && dpixel3.x > limit_width) || (dpixel1.y > limit_height && dpixel2.y > limit_height && dpixel3.y > limit_height)) { // Fully outside screen return false; } else if (dpixel1.z < limit_near || dpixel2.z < limit_near || dpixel3.z < limit_near) { // Intersects the near frustum plane, needs cutting // ... except if the triangle is already small return location1.sub(location2).getNorm() > auto_cut_limit && location2.sub(location3).getNorm() > auto_cut_limit && location3.sub(location1).getNorm() > auto_cut_limit; } // Check the poylgon's facing (front-face or back-face) Vector3 normal = dpixel2.sub(dpixel1).crossProduct(dpixel3.sub(dpixel1)); bool front_facing = (normal.z >= 0.0); if (backface_culling and not front_facing) { return false; } // Prepare vertices point1.pixel.x = dpixel1.x; point1.pixel.y = dpixel1.y; point1.pixel.z = dpixel1.z; point1.location.x = location1.x; point1.location.y = location1.y; point1.location.z = location1.z; point1.client = client_id; point1.front_facing = front_facing; point2.pixel.x = dpixel2.x; point2.pixel.y = dpixel2.y; point2.pixel.z = dpixel2.z; point2.location.x = location2.x; point2.location.y = location2.y; point2.location.z = location2.z; point2.client = client_id; point2.front_facing = front_facing; point3.pixel.x = dpixel3.x; point3.pixel.y = dpixel3.y; point3.pixel.z = dpixel3.z; point3.location.x = location3.x; point3.location.y = location3.y; point3.location.z = location3.z; point3.client = client_id; point3.front_facing = front_facing; // Prepare scanlines // TODO Don't create scanlines for each triangles (one by thread is more appropriate) RenderScanlines scanlines; int width = canvas->getWidth(); scanlines.left = width; scanlines.right = -1; scanlines.up = new ScanPoint[width]; scanlines.down = new ScanPoint[width]; // Render edges in scanlines pushScanLineEdge(canvas, &scanlines, &point1, &point2); pushScanLineEdge(canvas, &scanlines, &point2, &point3); pushScanLineEdge(canvas, &scanlines, &point3, &point1); // Commit scanlines to area renderScanLines(canvas, &scanlines); // Free scalines delete[] scanlines.up; delete[] scanlines.down; triangle_count++; return false; } void Rasterizer::pushTriangle(CanvasPortion *canvas, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3) { Vector3 p1, p2, p3; p1 = getRenderer()->projectPoint(v1); p2 = getRenderer()->projectPoint(v2); p3 = getRenderer()->projectPoint(v3); if (pushProjectedTriangle(canvas, p1, p2, p3, v1, v2, v3)) { // Cutting needed Vector3 vm1 = v1.midPointTo(v2); Vector3 vm2 = v2.midPointTo(v3); Vector3 vm3 = v3.midPointTo(v1); pushTriangle(canvas, v1, vm1, vm3); pushTriangle(canvas, v2, vm1, vm2); pushTriangle(canvas, v3, vm3, vm2); pushTriangle(canvas, vm1, vm2, vm3); } } void Rasterizer::pushDisplacedTriangle(CanvasPortion *canvas, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3, const Vector3 &ov1, const Vector3 &ov2, const Vector3 &ov3) { Vector3 p1, p2, p3; // TODO v1, v2 and v3 are lost, but may be useful (avoid need to unproject) p1 = getRenderer()->projectPoint(v1); p2 = getRenderer()->projectPoint(v2); p3 = getRenderer()->projectPoint(v3); if (pushProjectedTriangle(canvas, p1, p2, p3, ov1, ov2, ov3)) { // Cutting needed Vector3 vm1 = v1.midPointTo(v2); Vector3 vm2 = v2.midPointTo(v3); Vector3 vm3 = v3.midPointTo(v1); Vector3 ovm1 = ov1.midPointTo(ov2); Vector3 ovm2 = ov2.midPointTo(ov3); Vector3 ovm3 = ov3.midPointTo(ov1); pushDisplacedTriangle(canvas, v1, vm1, vm3, ov1, ovm1, ovm3); pushDisplacedTriangle(canvas, v2, vm1, vm2, ov2, ovm1, ovm2); pushDisplacedTriangle(canvas, v3, vm3, vm2, ov3, ovm3, ovm2); pushDisplacedTriangle(canvas, vm1, vm2, vm3, ovm1, ovm2, ovm3); } } void Rasterizer::pushQuad(CanvasPortion *canvas, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3, const Vector3 &v4) { pushTriangle(canvas, v2, v3, v1); pushTriangle(canvas, v4, v1, v3); } void Rasterizer::pushDisplacedQuad(CanvasPortion *canvas, const Vector3 &v1, const Vector3 &v2, const Vector3 &v3, const Vector3 &v4, const Vector3 &ov1, const Vector3 &ov2, const Vector3 &ov3, const Vector3 &ov4) { pushDisplacedTriangle(canvas, v2, v3, v1, ov2, ov3, ov1); pushDisplacedTriangle(canvas, v4, v1, v3, ov4, ov1, ov3); } void Rasterizer::scanGetDiff(ScanPoint *v1, ScanPoint *v2, ScanPoint *result) { result->pixel.x = v2->pixel.x - v1->pixel.x; result->pixel.y = v2->pixel.y - v1->pixel.y; result->pixel.z = v2->pixel.z - v1->pixel.z; result->location.x = v2->location.x - v1->location.x; result->location.y = v2->location.y - v1->location.y; result->location.z = v2->location.z - v1->location.z; result->client = v1->client; } void Rasterizer::scanInterpolate(CameraDefinition *camera, ScanPoint *v1, ScanPoint *diff, double value, ScanPoint *result) { result->pixel.x = v1->pixel.x + diff->pixel.x * value; result->pixel.y = v1->pixel.y + diff->pixel.y * value; result->pixel.z = v1->pixel.z + diff->pixel.z * value; if (perspective_correction) { Vector3 vec1(v1->pixel.x, v1->pixel.y, v1->pixel.z); Vector3 vecdiff(diff->pixel.x, diff->pixel.y, diff->pixel.z); double v1depth = 1.0 / camera->getRealDepth(vec1); double v2depth = 1.0 / camera->getRealDepth(vec1.add(vecdiff)); double factor = 1.0 / ((1.0 - value) * v1depth + value * v2depth); result->location.x = ((1.0 - value) * (v1->location.x * v1depth) + value * (v1->location.x + diff->location.x) * v2depth) * factor; result->location.y = ((1.0 - value) * (v1->location.y * v1depth) + value * (v1->location.y + diff->location.y) * v2depth) * factor; result->location.z = ((1.0 - value) * (v1->location.z * v1depth) + value * (v1->location.z + diff->location.z) * v2depth) * factor; } else { result->location.x = v1->location.x + diff->location.x * value; result->location.y = v1->location.y + diff->location.y * value; result->location.z = v1->location.z + diff->location.z * value; } result->client = v1->client; result->front_facing = v1->front_facing; } void Rasterizer::pushScanPoint(CanvasPortion *canvas, RenderScanlines *scanlines, ScanPoint *point) { point->x = (int)floor(point->pixel.x); point->y = (int)floor(point->pixel.y); if (point->x < 0 || point->x >= canvas->getWidth()) { // Point outside scanline range return; } else if (scanlines->right < 0) { // First point pushed scanlines->left = point->x; scanlines->right = point->x; scanlines->up[point->x] = *point; scanlines->down[point->x] = *point; } else if (point->x > scanlines->right) { // Grow scanlines to right for (int x = scanlines->right + 1; x < point->x; x++) { scanlines->up[x].y = -1; scanlines->down[x].y = canvas->getHeight(); } scanlines->right = point->x; scanlines->up[point->x] = *point; scanlines->down[point->x] = *point; } else if (point->x < scanlines->left) { // Grow scanlines to left for (int x = point->x + 1; x < scanlines->left; x++) { scanlines->up[x].y = -1; scanlines->down[x].y = canvas->getHeight(); } scanlines->left = point->x; scanlines->up[point->x] = *point; scanlines->down[point->x] = *point; } else { // Expand existing scanline if (point->y > scanlines->up[point->x].y) { scanlines->up[point->x] = *point; } if (point->y < scanlines->down[point->x].y) { scanlines->down[point->x] = *point; } } } void Rasterizer::pushScanLineEdge(CanvasPortion *canvas, RenderScanlines *scanlines, ScanPoint *point1, ScanPoint *point2) { double dx, fx; ScanPoint diff, point; int startx = lround(point1->pixel.x); int endx = lround(point2->pixel.x); int curx; if (endx < startx) { pushScanLineEdge(canvas, scanlines, point2, point1); } else if (endx < 0 || startx >= canvas->getWidth()) { return; } else if (startx == endx) { pushScanPoint(canvas, scanlines, point1); pushScanPoint(canvas, scanlines, point2); } else { if (startx < 0) { startx = 0; } if (endx >= canvas->getWidth()) { endx = canvas->getWidth() - 1; } dx = point2->pixel.x - point1->pixel.x; scanGetDiff(point1, point2, &diff); for (curx = startx; curx <= endx; curx++) { fx = (double)curx + 0.5; if (fx < point1->pixel.x) { fx = point1->pixel.x; } else if (fx > point2->pixel.x) { fx = point2->pixel.x; } fx = fx - point1->pixel.x; scanInterpolate(renderer->render_camera, point1, &diff, fx / dx, &point); /*point.pixel.x = (double)curx;*/ pushScanPoint(canvas, scanlines, &point); } } } void Rasterizer::renderScanLines(CanvasPortion *canvas, RenderScanlines *scanlines) { int x, starty, endy, cury; ScanPoint diff; double dy, fy; ScanPoint up, down, current; if (scanlines->right > 0) { for (x = scanlines->left; x <= scanlines->right; x++) { up = scanlines->up[x]; down = scanlines->down[x]; starty = down.y; endy = up.y; if (endy < 0 || starty >= canvas->getHeight()) { continue; } if (starty < 0) { starty = 0; } if (endy >= canvas->getHeight()) { endy = canvas->getHeight() - 1; } dy = up.pixel.y - down.pixel.y; scanGetDiff(&down, &up, &diff); current.x = x; for (cury = starty; cury <= endy; cury++) { if (dy == 0) { // Down and up are the same current = down; } else { fy = (double)cury + 0.5; if (fy < down.pixel.y) { fy = down.pixel.y; } else if (fy > up.pixel.y) { fy = up.pixel.y; } fy = fy - down.pixel.y; current.y = cury; scanInterpolate(renderer->render_camera, &down, &diff, fy / dy, ¤t); } Vector3 pixel(current.pixel.x + canvas->getXOffset(), current.pixel.y + canvas->getYOffset(), current.pixel.z); Vector3 location(current.location.x, current.location.y, current.location.z); CanvasFragment fragment(current.front_facing, pixel, location, current.client, color->a == 1.0); Color frag_color = *color; frag_color.a = 1.0; if (cury == starty || cury == endy) { frag_color.mask(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3)); } frag_color.a = color->a; fragment.setColor(frag_color); canvas->pushFragment(current.x, current.y, fragment); } } } }