Technology Preview 2 :
- Fully move layer management from BaseForm to BaseFormLayer.
- Replace terrain canvas editor by full sculpting editor.
   => Add a generation dialog, with fixed resolution.
   => Store local terrain modifications in fully dynamic canvas.
   => Add map preview with editor area.
   => Allow camera move and zoom.
- Get rid of noise dialogs, for simpler settings.
- Finalize Preetham's model usage
   => Apply model to atmosphere (aerial perspective)
   => Find a proper model for night sky (maybe Shirley)
- Clouds should keep distance to ground.
- Implement Bruneton's scattering model.
- Add clouds to explorer with 3d textures.
- Start using OpenCL to optimize rendering.
- Rethink the quality settings and detail smoothing in the distance.
   => When quality setting is set to 10, add boost options
   => Add detail boost (adds granularity)
   => Add step boost (for marching algorithms)
- Waves noise should not change layers offsets each time a setting is changed (layers are reconstructed currently).
- Fix rendering when inside a cloud layer, with other upper or lower layers.
- Add "hardness to light" and shadow control ("minimum lighting") to material.

Technlogy Preview 3 :
- Add logarithmic sliders for some float values.
- Improve previews.
   => Add user markers on OSD.
   => Add areas marking.
- Improve textures (current model is greatly incorrect).
   => Separate models (basic texture and covering texture).
   => Covering texture height should inpact terrain height.
   => Add texture shadowing.
- Use the curve editor in noise editor (option).
- Add a noise filler (and maybe noise intervals ?).
- Fix the distorted sun appearance.
- Improve curve editor.
   => Add curve modes
   => Add logarithmic mode
   => Add zoom and scrolling
- Lock some previews together (eg: terrain height and colored preview).
- Find a new licence.

Technology Preview 4 :
- Restore render progress.
- Store the terrain canvases in a tree to allow "multi-res" edition.
- Implement High Dynamic Range.
- Implement Sub Surface Scattering for water.
- Use bicubic interpolation for antialiasing.
- Allow for larger renders/antialias (will need several two-pass chunks).
- Add basic vegetation system ?
- Add a progress indicator on previews.
- Multi threaded first pass.
- Mark modified tabs and ask for losing modifications (idem for layers).
- Fix potential holes in land rendering.
- Progressive final render (increasing resolution, for second pass only).
- Water and terrain LOD moves with the camera, fix it like in the wanderer.
- Improve 3d explorer
   => Restore LOD and intelligent poly count (and raise max tessellation)
   => Interrupt chunk rendering when quitting dialog
   => Don't display the water if it's below all ground
   => Try to overcome the near frustum cutting
   => Disable specular lighting (dependant on camera location)
   => Add toggles (for water...)
   => Max texture size should depend on GPU memory available
- Interrupt preview chunk renderings that will be discarded at commit, or that are no more visible.

Release Candidate :
- Polish all features and UI.
- More translations.