#include "TerrainDefinition.h" #include "TerrainHeightMap.h" #include "NoiseGenerator.h" #include "PackStream.h" #include "FloatNode.h" TerrainDefinition::TerrainDefinition(DefinitionNode* parent): DefinitionNode(parent, "terrain", "terrain") { height = 1.0; scaling = 1.0; shadow_smoothing = 0.0; height_map = new TerrainHeightMap(this); addChild(height_map); water_height = new FloatNode(this, "water_height"); _height_noise = new NoiseGenerator; } TerrainDefinition::~TerrainDefinition() { delete _height_noise; } void TerrainDefinition::validate() { _height_noise->validate(); if (height < 1.0) { height = 1.0; } /* Get minimal and maximal height */ _height_noise->getRange(&_min_height, &_max_height); _min_height *= height * scaling; _max_height *= height * scaling; /* TODO Alter with heightmap min/max */ } void TerrainDefinition::copy(DefinitionNode* _destination) const { TerrainDefinition* destination = (TerrainDefinition*)_destination; destination->height = height; destination->scaling = scaling; destination->shadow_smoothing = shadow_smoothing; height_map->copy(destination->height_map); _height_noise->copy(destination->_height_noise); destination->validate(); } void TerrainDefinition::save(PackStream* stream) const { DefinitionNode::save(stream); stream->write(&height); stream->write(&scaling); stream->write(&shadow_smoothing); _height_noise->save(stream); } void TerrainDefinition::load(PackStream* stream) { DefinitionNode::load(stream); stream->read(&height); stream->read(&scaling); stream->read(&shadow_smoothing); _height_noise->load(stream); validate(); } double TerrainDefinition::getGridHeight(int x, int z, bool with_painting) { double h; if (!with_painting || !height_map->getGridValue(x, z, &h)) { h = _height_noise->get2DTotal((double)x, (double)z); } return h; } double TerrainDefinition::getInterpolatedHeight(double x, double z, bool scaled, bool with_painting, bool water_offset) { double h; x /= scaling; z /= scaling; if (!with_painting || !height_map->getInterpolatedValue(x, z, &h)) { h = _height_noise->get2DTotal(x, z); } if (scaled) { return (water_offset ? (h - water_height->getValue()) : h) * height * scaling; } else { return h; } } double TerrainDefinition::getWaterOffset() const { return -water_height->getValue() * height * scaling; } HeightInfo TerrainDefinition::getHeightInfo() { HeightInfo result; result.min_height = _min_height; result.max_height = _max_height; /* TODO This is duplicated in ter_render.c (_realGetWaterHeight) */ result.base_height = -getWaterOffset(); return result; } unsigned long TerrainDefinition::getMemoryStats() { return height_map->getMemoryStats(); } void TerrainDefinition::applyPreset(TerrainPreset preset) { int resolution = 8; switch (preset) { case TERRAIN_PRESET_STANDARD: _height_noise->randomizeOffsets(); _height_noise->clearLevels(); _height_noise->addLevelSimple(pow(2.0, resolution + 1), -1.0, 1.0); _height_noise->addLevelsSimple(resolution - 2, pow(2.0, resolution - 1), -0.7, 0.7, 0.5); _height_noise->normalizeAmplitude(-1.0, 1.0, 0); _height_noise->setFunctionParams(NoiseGenerator::NOISE_FUNCTION_SIMPLEX, 0.0, 0.0); scaling = 1.0; height = 30.0; shadow_smoothing = 0.03; break; default: ; } water_height->setValue(-0.3); height_map->clearPainting(); validate(); }