#include "tools.h" #include #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "euclid.h" #define pack754_32(f) (pack754((f), 32, 8)) #define pack754_64(f) (pack754((f), 64, 11)) #define unpack754_32(i) (unpack754((i), 32, 8)) #define unpack754_64(i) (unpack754((i), 64, 11)) static uint64_t pack754(double f, unsigned bits, unsigned expbits) { double fnorm; int shift; long long sign, exp, significand; unsigned significandbits = bits - expbits - 1; // -1 for sign bit if (f == 0.0) return 0; // get this special case out of the way // check sign and begin normalization if (f < 0) { sign = 1; fnorm = -f; } else { sign = 0; fnorm = f; } // get the normalized form of f and track the exponent shift = 0; while(fnorm >= 2.0) { fnorm /= 2.0; shift++; } while(fnorm < 1.0) { fnorm *= 2.0; shift--; } fnorm = fnorm - 1.0; // calculate the binary form (non-float) of the significand data significand = fnorm * ((1LL<>significandbits)&((1LL< 0) { result *= 2.0; shift--; } while(shift < 0) { result /= 2.0; shift++; } // sign it result *= (i>>(bits-1))&1? -1.0: 1.0; return result; } double toolsRandom() { return (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; } static inline double __cubicInterpolate(double p[4], double x) { return p[1] + 0.5 * x * (p[2] - p[0] + x * (2.0 * p[0] - 5.0 * p[1] + 4.0 * p[2] - p[3] + x * (3.0 * (p[1] - p[2]) + p[3] - p[0]))); } double toolsBicubicInterpolate(double stencil[16], double x, double y) { double buf_cubic_y[4]; buf_cubic_y[0] = __cubicInterpolate(stencil, x); buf_cubic_y[1] = __cubicInterpolate(stencil + 4, x); buf_cubic_y[2] = __cubicInterpolate(stencil + 8, x); buf_cubic_y[3] = __cubicInterpolate(stencil + 12, x); return __cubicInterpolate(buf_cubic_y, y); } void toolsFloat2DMapCopy(double* src, double* dest, int src_xstart, int src_ystart, int dest_xstart, int dest_ystart, int xsize, int ysize, int src_xstep, int src_ystep, int dest_xstep, int dest_ystep) { /* TODO Optimize with memcpy if src_xstep == dest_xstep == 1 */ int x, y; double* src_row; double* dest_row; src += src_ystart * src_ystep + src_xstart * src_xstep; dest += dest_ystart * dest_ystep + dest_xstart * dest_xstep; for (y = 0; y < ysize; y++) { src_row = src; dest_row = dest; for (x = 0; x < xsize; x++) { *dest = *src; src += src_xstep; dest += dest_xstep; } src = src_row + src_ystep; dest = dest_row + dest_ystep; } } Vector3 toolsGetNormalFromTriangle(Vector3 center, Vector3 bottom, Vector3 right) { Vector3 dx = v3Sub(right, center); Vector3 dz = v3Sub(bottom, center); return v3Normalize(v3Cross(dz, dx)); } double toolsGetDistance2D(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { double dx = x2 - x1; double dy = y2 - y1; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } void toolsSaveDouble(FILE* f, double* value) { uint64_t servalue; servalue = pack754_64(*value); fwrite(&servalue, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, f); } void toolsLoadDouble(FILE* f, double* value) { int read; uint64_t servalue; read = fread(&servalue, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, f); assert(read == 1); *value = unpack754_64(servalue); } void toolsSaveInt(FILE* f, int* value) { fprintf(f, "%d;", *value); } void toolsLoadInt(FILE* f, int* value) { int read; read = fscanf(f, "%d;", value); assert(read == 1); } void materialSave(FILE* f, SurfaceMaterial* material) { colorSave(f, &material->base); toolsSaveDouble(f, &material->reflection); toolsSaveDouble(f, &material->shininess); } void materialLoad(FILE* f, SurfaceMaterial* material) { colorLoad(f, &material->base); toolsLoadDouble(f, &material->reflection); toolsLoadDouble(f, &material->shininess); }