#include "VegetationRenderer.h" #include "VegetationModelRenderer.h" #include "RayCastingResult.h" #include "SpaceGridIterator.h" #include "SpaceSegment.h" #include "VegetationInstance.h" #include "SoftwareRenderer.h" #include "Scenery.h" #include "TerrainRenderer.h" #include "VegetationDefinition.h" #include "VegetationLayerDefinition.h" #include "VegetationPresenceDefinition.h" #include "VegetationInstance.h" #include "VegetationResult.h" #include "LightComponent.h" /** * Grid iterator to collect instances of a layer, in small squares. */ class VegetationGridIterator: public SpaceGridIterator { public: VegetationGridIterator(const SpaceSegment &segment, VegetationRenderer *renderer, bool only_hit): segment(segment), renderer(renderer), only_hit(only_hit) { } inline const RayCastingResult &getResult() const {return result;} virtual bool onCell(int x, int, int z) override { result = renderer->getBoundResult(segment, (double)x, (double)z, only_hit); return not result.hit; } private: const SpaceSegment &segment; VegetationRenderer *renderer; RayCastingResult result; bool only_hit; }; VegetationRenderer::VegetationRenderer(SoftwareRenderer *parent): parent(parent) { enabled = true; } void VegetationRenderer::setEnabled(bool enabled) { this->enabled = enabled; } RayCastingResult VegetationRenderer::renderInstance(const SpaceSegment &segment, const VegetationInstance &instance, bool only_hit, bool displaced) { if (!displaced) { // Recursive call on displaced instance const Vector3 &base = instance.getBase(); TerrainRenderer::TerrainResult terrain = parent->getTerrainRenderer()->getResult(base.x, base.z, true, true); VegetationInstance displaced_instance = instance.displace(terrain.location, terrain.normal); return renderInstance(segment, displaced_instance, only_hit, true); } RayCastingResult final; VegetationModelRenderer model_renderer(parent, &instance.getModel()); SpaceSegment scaled_segment(segment.getStart().sub(instance.getBase()).scale(1.0 / instance.getSize()), segment.getEnd().sub(instance.getBase()).scale(1.0 / instance.getSize())); VegetationResult result = model_renderer.getResult(scaled_segment, only_hit); final.hit = result.isHit(); if (final.hit and not only_hit) { Vector3 location = result.getLocation().scale(instance.getSize()).add(instance.getBase()); final.hit_color = parent->applyLightingToSurface(location, result.getNormal(), result.getMaterial()); final.hit_color = parent->applyMediumTraversal(location, final.hit_color); final.hit_location = result.getLocation(); } return final; } RayCastingResult VegetationRenderer::getResult(const SpaceSegment &segment, bool only_hit) { if (enabled) { // Find instances potentially crossing the segment VegetationGridIterator it(segment, this, only_hit); if (not segment.projectedOnYPlane().iterateOnGrid(it)) { return it.getResult(); } return RayCastingResult(); } else { return RayCastingResult(); } } RayCastingResult VegetationRenderer::getBoundResult(const SpaceSegment &segment, double x, double z, bool only_hit, double xsize, double zsize) { // Early check if we may cross any vegetation double ymin, ymax; double vegetation_max_height = 0.0; // TODO parent->getTerrainRenderer()->estimateMinMaxHeight(x, z, x + xsize, z + zsize, &ymin, &ymax); ymax += vegetation_max_height; SpaceSegment bbox(Vector3(x, ymin, z), Vector3(x + xsize, ymax, z + zsize)); if (not segment.intersectBoundingBox(bbox)) { return RayCastingResult(); } // Iterate all layers and instances VegetationDefinition *vegetation = parent->getScenery()->getVegetation(); int n = vegetation->count(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { VegetationLayerDefinition *layer = vegetation->getVegetationLayer(i); std::vector instances; layer->getPresence()->collectInstances(&instances, *layer->getModel(), x, z, x + xsize, z + zsize); for (auto &instance: instances) { RayCastingResult result = renderInstance(segment, instance, only_hit); if (result.hit) { // TODO Don't stop at first hit, find the nearest one return result; } } } return RayCastingResult(); } bool VegetationRenderer::applyLightFilter(LightComponent &light, const Vector3 &at) { if (enabled) { // Get segment to iterate SpaceSegment segment(at, at.add(light.direction.scale(-1.0 * parent->render_quality))); if (getResult(segment, true).hit) { light.color = COLOR_BLACK; return false; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } }