#ifndef CANVASPORTION_H #define CANVASPORTION_H #include "software_global.h" namespace paysages { namespace software { /** * Rectangular portion of a Canvas. * * Contains the pixels of a canvas region (CanvasPixel). * * Pixels are not allocated until preparePixels is called. */ class SOFTWARESHARED_EXPORT CanvasPortion { public: CanvasPortion(int index=0, CanvasPreview *preview=NULL); virtual ~CanvasPortion(); inline int getWidth() const {return width;} inline int getHeight() const {return height;} inline int getXOffset() const {return xoffset;} inline int getYOffset() const {return yoffset;} int getFragmentCount(int x, int y) const; const CanvasFragment *getFrontFragment(int x, int y) const; void clear(); void setSize(int width, int height, int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0); /** * Prepare (allocate in memory) the pixels area. */ void preparePixels(); /** * Discard the memory used by pixels. * * If save is true, the portion will be saved to disk before. */ void discardPixels(bool save=true); /** * Save the portion to a picture file on disk. */ void saveToDisk(); /** * Add a fragment to the pixel located at (x, y). * * Checking x and y coordinates to be in the canvas portion should be done before this call. */ void pushFragment(int x, int y, const CanvasFragment &fragment); /** * Get the CanvasPixel at a given coordinates. * * Checking x and y coordinates to be in the canvas portion should be done before this call. */ const CanvasPixel &at(int x, int y); /** * Change the final color of the pixel. * * Checking x and y coordinates to be in the canvas portion should be done before this call. */ void setColor(int x, int y, const Color &color); private: int index; int width; int height; int xoffset; int yoffset; CanvasPixel *pixels; CanvasPreview *preview; }; } } #endif // CANVASPORTION_H