#include "terrain.h" #include #include #include #include #include "shared/types.h" #include "euclid.h" #include "render.h" #include "textures.h" #include "water.h" #include "tools.h" #include "layers.h" #include "terraincanvas.h" void terrainSave(PackStream* stream, TerrainDefinition* definition) { noiseSaveGenerator(stream, definition->height_noise); packWriteDouble(stream, &definition->height_factor); packWriteDouble(stream, &definition->scaling); layersSave(stream, definition->canvases); packWriteDouble(stream, &definition->shadow_smoothing); } void terrainLoad(PackStream* stream, TerrainDefinition* definition) { noiseLoadGenerator(stream, definition->height_noise); packReadDouble(stream, &definition->height_factor); packReadDouble(stream, &definition->scaling); layersLoad(stream, definition->canvases); packReadDouble(stream, &definition->shadow_smoothing); terrainValidateDefinition(definition); } TerrainDefinition terrainCreateDefinition() { TerrainDefinition definition; definition.height_noise = noiseCreateGenerator(); definition.height_factor = 0.0; definition.scaling = 1.0; definition.canvases = layersCreate(terrainCanvasGetLayerType(), 50); definition.shadow_smoothing = 0.0; terrainValidateDefinition(&definition); return definition; } void terrainDeleteDefinition(TerrainDefinition* definition) { noiseDeleteGenerator(definition->height_noise); layersDelete(definition->canvases); } void terrainCopyDefinition(TerrainDefinition* source, TerrainDefinition* destination) { noiseCopy(source->height_noise, destination->height_noise); destination->height_factor = source->height_factor; destination->scaling = source->scaling; layersCopy(source->canvases, destination->canvases); destination->shadow_smoothing = source->shadow_smoothing; terrainValidateDefinition(destination); } void terrainValidateDefinition(TerrainDefinition* definition) { int i, n; TerrainCanvas* canvas; double min, max; noiseValidate(definition->height_noise); layersValidate(definition->canvases); /* Get minimal and maximal height */ definition->_min_height = -noiseGetMaxValue(definition->height_noise) * definition->height_factor; definition->_max_height = noiseGetMaxValue(definition->height_noise) * definition->height_factor; n = layersCount(definition->canvases); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { canvas = layersGetLayer(definition->canvases, i); terrainCanvasGetLimits(canvas, &min, &max); if (min < definition->_min_height) { definition->_min_height = min; } if (max > definition->_max_height) { definition->_max_height = max; } } } static inline double _getHeight(TerrainDefinition* definition, double x, double z) { TerrainCanvas* canvas; Vector3 location; int i, n; location.x = x; location.y = noiseGet2DTotal(definition->height_noise, x / definition->scaling, z / definition->scaling) * definition->height_factor; location.z = z; n = layersCount(definition->canvases); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { canvas = layersGetLayer(definition->canvases, i); location = terrainCanvasApply(canvas, location); } /* TODO Apply modifiers */ return location.y; } static inline double _getHeightDetail(TerrainDefinition* definition, double x, double z, double detail) { TerrainCanvas* canvas; Vector3 location; int i, n; location.x = x; location.y = noiseGet2DDetail(definition->height_noise, x / definition->scaling, z / definition->scaling, detail / definition->height_factor) * definition->height_factor; location.z = z; n = layersCount(definition->canvases); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { canvas = layersGetLayer(definition->canvases, i); location = terrainCanvasApply(canvas, location); } /* TODO Apply modifiers */ return location.y; } static inline Vector3 _getPoint(TerrainDefinition* definition, double x, double z) { Vector3 result; result.x = x; result.y = _getHeight(definition, x, z); result.z = z; return result; } Color terrainLightFilter(TerrainDefinition* definition, Renderer* renderer, Color light, Vector3 location, Vector3 light_location, Vector3 direction_to_light) { Vector3 inc_vector; double inc_value, inc_base, inc_factor, height, diff, light_factor, smoothing, length; direction_to_light = v3Normalize(direction_to_light); if ((fabs(direction_to_light.x) < 0.0001 && fabs(direction_to_light.z) < 0.0001) || definition->height_factor < 0.001) { return light; } else if (direction_to_light.y < 0.05) { return COLOR_BLACK; } else if (direction_to_light.y < 0.0000) { light.r *= (0.05 + direction_to_light.y) / 0.05; light.g *= (0.05 + direction_to_light.y) / 0.05; light.b *= (0.05 + direction_to_light.y) / 0.05; } inc_factor = (double)renderer->render_quality; inc_base = definition->height_factor / definition->scaling; inc_value = inc_base / inc_factor; smoothing = definition->shadow_smoothing; light_factor = 1.0; length = 0.0; diff = 0.0; do { inc_vector = v3Scale(direction_to_light, inc_value); length += v3Norm(inc_vector); location = v3Add(location, inc_vector); height = _getHeightDetail(definition, location.x, location.z, diff / inc_factor); diff = location.y - height; if (diff < 0.0) { if (length * smoothing > 0.000001) { light_factor += diff * v3Norm(inc_vector) / (length * smoothing); } else { light_factor = 0.0; } } if (diff < inc_base / inc_factor) { inc_value = inc_base / inc_factor; } else if (diff > inc_base) { inc_value = inc_base; } else { inc_value = diff; } } while (light_factor > 0.0 && length < (10.0 * inc_factor) && location.y <= definition->_max_height); if (light_factor <= 0.0) { return COLOR_BLACK; } else { light.r *= light_factor; light.g *= light_factor; light.b *= light_factor; return light; } } static Color _getColor(TerrainDefinition* definition, Renderer* renderer, Vector3 point, double precision) { Color color; color = renderer->applyTextures(renderer, point, precision); color = renderer->applyAtmosphere(renderer, point, color); color = renderer->applyClouds(renderer, color, renderer->camera_location, point); return color; } int terrainProjectRay(TerrainDefinition* definition, Renderer* renderer, Vector3 start, Vector3 direction, Vector3* hit_point, Color* hit_color) { Vector3 inc_vector; double inc_value, inc_base, inc_factor, height, diff, lastdiff, length; direction = v3Normalize(direction); inc_factor = (double)renderer->render_quality; inc_base = 1.0; inc_value = inc_base / inc_factor; lastdiff = start.y - _getHeight(definition, start.x, start.z); length = 0.0; do { inc_vector = v3Scale(direction, inc_value); length += v3Norm(inc_vector); start = v3Add(start, inc_vector); height = _getHeight(definition, start.x, start.z); diff = start.y - height; if (diff < 0.0) { if (fabs(diff - lastdiff) > 0.00001) { start = v3Add(start, v3Scale(inc_vector, -diff / (diff - lastdiff))); start.y = _getHeight(definition, start.x, start.z); } else { start.y = height; } *hit_point = start; *hit_color = _getColor(definition, renderer, start, renderer->getPrecision(renderer, start)); return 1; } if (diff < inc_base / inc_factor) { inc_value = inc_base / inc_factor; } else if (diff > inc_base) { inc_value = inc_base; } else { inc_value = diff; } lastdiff = diff; } while (length < 50.0 && start.y <= definition->_max_height); return 0; } static Color _postProcessFragment(Renderer* renderer, Vector3 point, void* data) { double precision; TerrainDefinition* definition; definition = (TerrainDefinition*)data; point = _getPoint(definition, point.x, point.z); precision = renderer->getPrecision(renderer, point); return _getColor(definition, renderer, point, precision); } static void _renderQuad(TerrainDefinition* definition, Renderer* renderer, double x, double z, double size, double water_height) { Vector3 v1, v2, v3, v4; v1 = _getPoint(definition, x, z); v2 = _getPoint(definition, x, z + size); v3 = _getPoint(definition, x + size, z + size); v4 = _getPoint(definition, x + size, z); if (v1.y > water_height || v2.y > water_height || v3.y > water_height || v4.y > water_height) { renderer->pushQuad(renderer, v1, v2, v3, v4, _postProcessFragment, definition); } } double terrainGetHeight(TerrainDefinition* definition, double x, double z) { return _getHeight(definition, x, z); } double terrainGetHeightNormalized(TerrainDefinition* definition, double x, double z) { if (definition->_max_height - definition->_min_height <= 0.0000001) { return 0.5; } else { return (_getHeight(definition, x, z) - definition->_min_height) / (definition->_max_height - definition->_min_height); } } Color terrainGetColor(TerrainDefinition* definition, Renderer* renderer, double x, double z, double detail) { Vector3 point = _getPoint(definition, x, z); return _getColor(definition, renderer, point, detail); } void terrainRender(TerrainDefinition* definition, Renderer* renderer) { int chunk_factor, chunk_count, i; double cx = renderer->camera_location.x; double cz = renderer->camera_location.z; double min_chunk_size, visible_chunk_size; double radius_int, radius_ext, chunk_size; double water_height; min_chunk_size = 0.1 / (double)renderer->render_quality; visible_chunk_size = 0.05 / (double)renderer->render_quality; chunk_factor = 1; chunk_count = 2; radius_int = 0.0; radius_ext = min_chunk_size; chunk_size = min_chunk_size; water_height = renderer->getWaterHeightInfo(renderer).max_height; while (radius_ext < 1000.0) { if (!renderer->addRenderProgress(renderer, 0.0)) { return; } for (i = 0; i < chunk_count - 1; i++) { _renderQuad(definition, renderer, cx - radius_ext + chunk_size * i, cz - radius_ext, chunk_size, water_height); _renderQuad(definition, renderer, cx + radius_int, cz - radius_ext + chunk_size * i, chunk_size, water_height); _renderQuad(definition, renderer, cx + radius_int - chunk_size * i, cz + radius_int, chunk_size, water_height); _renderQuad(definition, renderer, cx - radius_ext, cz + radius_int - chunk_size * i, chunk_size, water_height); } if (chunk_count % 64 == 0 && chunk_size / radius_int < visible_chunk_size) { chunk_count /= 2; chunk_factor *= 2; /* TODO Fill in gaps with triangles */ } chunk_count += 2; chunk_size = min_chunk_size * chunk_factor; radius_int = radius_ext; radius_ext += chunk_size; } }