#include "BasePreview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "System.h" #include "PackStream.h" #include "Base2dPreviewRenderer.h" #include "PreviewOsd.h" #include "ColorProfile.h" /*************** PreviewChunk ***************/ class PreviewChunk { public: PreviewChunk(BasePreview* preview, int xstart, int ystart, int xsize, int ysize) { _preview = preview; _xstart = xstart; _ystart = ystart; _xsize = xsize; _ysize = ysize; _need_render = true; _rendering = false; _alive = true; _priority = xstart; } inline BasePreview* preview() { return _preview; } inline int priority() { return _priority; } inline bool isOnFront() { return _preview->isVisible();// && _preview->window()->isActiveWindow(); } bool isFrom(BasePreview* preview) { return _preview == preview; } void interrupt() { _alive = false; } void update() { _priority = _xstart; _need_render = true; } bool render() { bool changed = false; int revision; if (_rendering) { return false; } _rendering = true; _alive = true; if (_need_render) { if (!isOnFront()) { _priority = -1; _rendering = false; return false; } _need_render = false; QImage pixbuf = _preview->startChunkTransaction(_xstart, _ystart, _xsize, _ysize, &revision); for (int x = 0; x < _xsize; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < _ysize; y++) { QRgb col = pixbuf.pixel(x, y); if (!_alive) { _need_render = true; _preview->rollbackChunkTransaction(); _rendering = false; return true; } if (qAlpha(col) < 255) { QColor newcol = _preview->getPixelColor(_xstart + x, _ystart + y); newcol.setAlpha(255); pixbuf.setPixel(x, y, newcol.rgb()); changed = true; } } } if (changed) { _need_render = not _preview->commitChunkTransaction(&pixbuf, _xstart, _ystart, _xsize, _ysize, revision); } else { _preview->rollbackChunkTransaction(); } } if (not _need_render) { _priority = -1; } _rendering = false; return _need_render; } private: BasePreview* _preview; int _priority; bool _alive; bool _need_render; bool _rendering; int _xstart; int _ystart; int _xsize; int _ysize; }; class PreviewDrawingThread; class PreviewDrawingManager { public: PreviewDrawingManager(); void startThreads(); void stopThreads(); void addChunk(PreviewChunk* chunk); void removeChunks(BasePreview* preview); void updateChunks(BasePreview* preview); void suspendChunks(BasePreview* preview); void updateAllChunks(); void performOneThreadJob(); int chunkCount(); private: int _thread_count; QVector _threads; QVector _chunks; QList _updateQueue; QMutex _lock; }; static PreviewDrawingManager* _drawing_manager = NULL; /*************** PreviewDrawingThread ***************/ class PreviewDrawingThread : public QThread { public: PreviewDrawingThread(); void askStop(); static inline void usleep(int us) { QThread::usleep(us); } protected: void run(); private: bool _running; }; PreviewDrawingThread::PreviewDrawingThread() : QThread() { _running = false; } void PreviewDrawingThread::askStop() { _running = false; } void PreviewDrawingThread::run() { _running = true; while (_running) { _drawing_manager->performOneThreadJob(); QThread::usleep(5000); } } /*************** PreviewDrawingManager ***************/ PreviewDrawingManager::PreviewDrawingManager() { _thread_count = System::getCoreCount(); } void PreviewDrawingManager::startThreads() { for (int i = 0; i < _thread_count; i++) { PreviewDrawingThread* thread = new PreviewDrawingThread(); _threads.append(thread); thread->start(); } } void PreviewDrawingManager::stopThreads() { qDebug("[Previews] Stopping all render threads"); for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); i++) { _threads.at(i)->askStop(); } for (int i = 0; i < _chunks.size(); i++) { _chunks.at(i)->interrupt(); } for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); i++) { _threads.at(i)->wait(); } } void PreviewDrawingManager::addChunk(PreviewChunk* chunk) { _lock.lock(); _chunks.append(chunk); _updateQueue.append(chunk); _lock.unlock(); } void PreviewDrawingManager::removeChunks(BasePreview* preview) { int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _chunks.size(); i++) { PreviewChunk* chunk; chunk = _chunks.at(i); if (chunk->isFrom(preview)) { _lock.lock(); _chunks.remove(i); _updateQueue.removeAll(chunk); _lock.unlock(); removed++; i--; } } qDebug("[Previews] %d chunks removed, %d remaining", removed, _chunks.size()); } void PreviewDrawingManager::suspendChunks(BasePreview* preview) { _lock.lock(); for (int i = 0; i < _updateQueue.size(); i++) { PreviewChunk* chunk; chunk = _updateQueue.at(i); if (chunk->isFrom(preview)) { _updateQueue.takeAt(i); i--; } } for (int i = 0; i < _chunks.size(); i++) { _chunks.at(i)->interrupt(); } _lock.unlock(); } void PreviewDrawingManager::updateChunks(BasePreview* preview) { for (int i = 0; i < _chunks.size(); i++) { PreviewChunk* chunk; chunk = _chunks.at(i); if (chunk->isFrom(preview)) { chunk->update(); _lock.lock(); if (!_updateQueue.contains(chunk)) { _updateQueue.prepend(chunk); } _lock.unlock(); } } } void PreviewDrawingManager::updateAllChunks() { qDebug("[Previews] Reviving all %d preview chunks", _chunks.size()); for (int i = 0; i < _chunks.size(); i++) { PreviewChunk* chunk; chunk = _chunks.at(i); if (chunk->isOnFront()) { chunk->update(); _lock.lock(); if (!_updateQueue.contains(chunk)) { _updateQueue.prepend(chunk); } _lock.unlock(); } } } static bool _cmpChunkPriority(const PreviewChunk* chunk1, const PreviewChunk* chunk2) { return ((PreviewChunk*)chunk1)->priority() < ((PreviewChunk*)chunk2)->priority(); } void PreviewDrawingManager::performOneThreadJob() { PreviewChunk* chunk; chunk = NULL; _lock.lock(); if (!_updateQueue.isEmpty()) { qSort(_updateQueue.begin(), _updateQueue.end(), _cmpChunkPriority); chunk = _updateQueue.takeFirst(); } _lock.unlock(); if (chunk) { if (chunk->render()) { _lock.lock(); if (!_updateQueue.contains(chunk)) { _updateQueue.append(chunk); } _lock.unlock(); } } } int PreviewDrawingManager::chunkCount() { return _chunks.size(); } /*************** BasePreview ***************/ BasePreview::BasePreview(QWidget* parent) : DrawingWidget(parent) { this->_lock_drawing = new QMutex(); this->conf_scroll_xmin = 0.0; this->conf_scroll_xmax = 0.0; this->conf_scroll_xinit = 0.0; this->conf_scroll_ymin = 0.0; this->conf_scroll_ymax = 0.0; this->conf_scroll_yinit = 0.0; this->conf_scale_min = 1.0; this->conf_scale_max = 1.0; this->conf_scale_init = 1.0; this->conf_scale_step = 0.0; this->conf_scroll_logarithmic = false; this->scaling = 1.0; this->scalingbase = 1.0; this->xoffset = 0.0; this->yoffset = 0.0; this->_pixbuf = new QImage(this->size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); this->_pixbuf->fill(0x00000000); _width = width(); _height = height(); _revision = 0; _transactions_count = 0; _redraw_requested = false; _renderer = NULL; _info = new QLabel(this); _info->setVisible(false); _info->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: white; color: black; }"); _hdr_enabled = false; _hdr_profile = new ColorProfile; this->alive = true; QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(contentChange()), this, SLOT(update())); this->setMinimumSize(256, 256); this->setMaximumSize(256, 256); this->resize(256, 256); startTimer(50); } BasePreview::~BasePreview() { alive = false; delete _hdr_profile; _drawing_manager->removeChunks(this); delete _info; delete _pixbuf; delete _lock_drawing; } void BasePreview::setRenderer(Base2dPreviewRenderer* renderer) { _renderer = renderer; _renderer->bindEvent(this); } void BasePreview::configHdrToneMapping(bool active) { _hdr_enabled = active; redraw(); } void BasePreview::addOsd(QString name) { _osd.append(PreviewOsd::getInstance(name)); setMouseTracking(true); } void BasePreview::savePack(PackStream* stream) { stream->write(&this->xoffset); stream->write(&this->yoffset); stream->write(&this->scalingbase); // TODO Save choices and toggles } void BasePreview::loadPack(PackStream* stream) { stream->read(&this->xoffset); stream->read(&this->yoffset); stream->read(&this->scalingbase); // TODO Save choices and toggles updateScaling(); emit contentChange(); } void BasePreview::initDrawers() { _drawing_manager = new PreviewDrawingManager(); _drawing_manager->startThreads(); } void BasePreview::stopDrawers() { _drawing_manager->stopThreads(); } void BasePreview::reviveAll() { _drawing_manager->updateAllChunks(); } void BasePreview::updateData() { if (_renderer) { _renderer->updateEvent(); } } void BasePreview::cameraEvent() { if (_renderer) { _renderer->cameraEvent(xoffset, yoffset, scaling); } } Color BasePreview::getColor(double x, double y) { if (_renderer) { return _renderer->getColor2D(x, y, scaling); } else { return COLOR_BLACK; } } void BasePreview::configScaling(double min, double max, double step, double init, bool logarithmic) { double size = (double) width(); if (size >= 1.0) { conf_scale_min = min / size; conf_scale_max = max / size; conf_scale_step = step / size; conf_scale_init = init / size; conf_scroll_logarithmic = logarithmic; scalingbase = init / size; if (conf_scroll_logarithmic && conf_scale_max - conf_scale_min > 0.0000001) { scalingbase = pow((scalingbase - conf_scale_min) / (conf_scale_max - conf_scale_min), 0.5) * (conf_scale_max - conf_scale_min) + conf_scale_min; } updateScaling(); redraw(); } } void BasePreview::configScrolling(double xmin, double xmax, double xinit, double ymin, double ymax, double yinit) { conf_scroll_xmin = xmin; conf_scroll_xmax = xmax; conf_scroll_xinit = xinit; conf_scroll_ymin = ymin; conf_scroll_ymax = ymax; conf_scroll_yinit = yinit; xoffset = xinit; yoffset = yinit; redraw(); } void BasePreview::addChoice(const QString &key, const QString &title, const QStringList &choices, int init_value) { _ContextChoice choice; choice.title = title; choice.items << choices; choice.current = init_value; _choices.insert(key, choice); choiceChangeEvent(key, init_value); } void BasePreview::choiceChangeEvent(const QString &key, int position) { if (_renderer) { _renderer->choiceChangeEvent(key.toStdString(), position); } redraw(); } void BasePreview::addToggle(const QString &key, const QString &text, bool init_value) { _ContextToggle toggle; toggle.title = text; toggle.value = init_value; _toggles.insert(key, toggle); toggleChangeEvent(key, init_value); } void BasePreview::toggleChangeEvent(const QString &key, bool value) { if (_renderer) { _renderer->toggleChangeEvent(key.toStdString(), value); } redraw(); } void BasePreview::redraw() { _drawing_manager->suspendChunks(this); _redraw_requested = true; } QImage BasePreview::startChunkTransaction(int x, int y, int w, int h, int* revision) { QImage result; _lock_drawing->lock(); *revision = _revision; result = _pixbuf->copy(x, y, w, h); _transactions_count++; _lock_drawing->unlock(); return result; } bool BasePreview::commitChunkTransaction(QImage* chunk, int x, int y, int w, int h, int revision) { bool result; _lock_drawing->lock(); if (revision == _revision) { for (int ix = 0; ix < w; ix++) { for (int iy = 0; iy < h; iy++) { _pixbuf->setPixel(x + ix, y + iy, chunk->pixel(ix, iy)); } } emit contentChange(); result = true; } else { result = false; } _transactions_count--; _lock_drawing->unlock(); return result; } void BasePreview::rollbackChunkTransaction() { _lock_drawing->lock(); _transactions_count--; _lock_drawing->unlock(); } QColor BasePreview::getPixelColor(int x, int y) { Color col = getColor((double) (x - _width / 2) * scaling + xoffset, (double) (y - _height / 2) * scaling + yoffset); if (_hdr_enabled) { col = _hdr_profile->apply(col); } col.normalize(); return QColor::fromRgbF(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a); } void BasePreview::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) { _lock_drawing->lock(); if (_redraw_requested && _transactions_count == 0) { updateData(); invalidatePixbuf(128); _redraw_requested = false; } _lock_drawing->unlock(); } void BasePreview::choiceSelected(QAction* action) { switch (action->property("mode").toInt()) { case 1: { QString key = action->property("key").toString(); int value = action->property("value").toInt(); _choices[key].current = value; choiceChangeEvent(key, value); break; } case 2: { QString key = action->property("key").toString(); bool value = action->property("value").toBool(); _toggles[key].value = value; toggleChangeEvent(key, value); break; } default: ; } } void BasePreview::showEvent(QShowEvent*) { updateChunks(); } void BasePreview::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QImage* image; int added = 0; this->_lock_drawing->lock(); image = this->_pixbuf; _width = event->size().width(); _height = event->size().height(); this->_pixbuf = new QImage(this->size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); this->_pixbuf->fill(0x00000000); _drawing_manager->removeChunks(this); for (int x = 0; x < _width; x += 32) { for (int y = 0; y < _height; y += 32) { _drawing_manager->addChunk(new PreviewChunk(this, x, y, x + 32 > _width ? _width - x : 32, y + 32 > _height ? _height - y : 32)); added++; } } qDebug("[Previews] %d chunks added, %d total", added, _drawing_manager->chunkCount()); delete image; this->_lock_drawing->unlock(); } void BasePreview::doDrawing(QPainter* painter) { if (isEnabled()) { painter->drawImage(0, 0, *this->_pixbuf); QImage osd(_pixbuf->size(), _pixbuf->format()); osd.fill(0x00000000); for (int i = 0; i < _osd.size(); i++) { _osd[i]->apply(&osd, xoffset, yoffset, scaling); } painter->drawImage(0, 0, osd); } else { painter->fillRect(rect(), QColor(100, 100, 100)); } } void BasePreview::updateScaling() { if (conf_scroll_logarithmic && conf_scale_max - conf_scale_min > 0.0000001) { scaling = pow((scalingbase - conf_scale_min) / (conf_scale_max - conf_scale_min), 2.0) * (conf_scale_max - conf_scale_min) + conf_scale_min; } else { scaling = scalingbase; } } void BasePreview::updateChunks() { cameraEvent(); _drawing_manager->updateChunks(this); _revision++; } void BasePreview::invalidatePixbuf(int value) { for (int ix = 0; ix < _width; ix++) { for (int iy = 0; iy < _height; iy++) { QRgb col = _pixbuf->pixel(ix, iy); if (qAlpha(col) == 255) { _pixbuf->setPixel(ix, iy, qRgba(qRed(col), qGreen(col), qBlue(col), value)); } } } updateChunks(); } void BasePreview::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event) { QMenu menu(this); // TODO Get menu items from OSDs // Fill with choices QHashIterator iter1(_choices); while (iter1.hasNext()) { if (not menu.isEmpty()) { menu.addSeparator(); } iter1.next(); menu.addAction(QString(" %1 ").arg(iter1.value().title))->setDisabled(true); QStringList list = iter1.value().items; for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { QAction* action = menu.addAction(list[i]); action->setProperty("mode", 1); action->setProperty("key", iter1.key()); action->setProperty("value", i); if (i == iter1.value().current) { action->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/choice_on.png")); action->setIconVisibleInMenu(true); } } } // Fill with toggles QHashIterator iter2(_toggles); while (iter2.hasNext()) { if (not menu.isEmpty() and not iter2.hasPrevious()) { menu.addSeparator(); } iter2.next(); QAction* action = menu.addAction(iter2.value().title); action->setProperty("mode", 2); action->setProperty("key", iter2.key()); action->setProperty("value", not iter2.value().value); if (iter2.value().value) { action->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/toggle_on.png")); action->setIconVisibleInMenu(true); } } if (not menu.isEmpty()) { connect(&menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(choiceSelected(QAction*))); menu.exec(event->globalPos()); event->accept(); } } void BasePreview::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { mousex = event->x(); mousey = event->y(); } } void BasePreview::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { int width, height; width = this->width(); height = this->height(); if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { int dx, dy; int ndx, ndy; dx = event->x() - mousex; dy = event->y() - mousey; ndx = dx; ndy = dy; if (xoffset - dx * scaling > conf_scroll_xmax) { ndx = (int) floor((conf_scroll_xmax - xoffset) / scaling); } if (xoffset - dx * scaling < conf_scroll_xmin) { ndx = (int) floor((conf_scroll_xmin - xoffset) / scaling); } if (yoffset - dy * scaling > conf_scroll_ymax) { ndy = (int) floor((conf_scroll_ymax - yoffset) / scaling); } if (yoffset - dy * scaling < conf_scroll_ymin) { ndy = (int) floor((conf_scroll_ymin - yoffset) / scaling); } if (ndx != 0 || ndy != 0) { if (ndx <= -width || ndx >= width || ndy <= -height || ndy >= height) { xoffset -= (double) ndx * scaling; yoffset -= (double) ndy * scaling; _lock_drawing->lock(); _pixbuf->fill(0x00000000); updateChunks(); _lock_drawing->unlock(); } else { int xstart, xsize, ystart, ysize; _lock_drawing->lock(); xoffset -= (double) ndx * scaling; yoffset -= (double) ndy * scaling; if (ndx < 0) { xstart = -ndx; xsize = width + ndx; } else { xstart = 0; xsize = width - ndx; } if (ndy < 0) { ystart = -ndy; ysize = height + ndy; } else { ystart = 0; ysize = height - ndy; } QImage part = _pixbuf->copy(xstart, ystart, xsize, ysize); _pixbuf->fill(0x00000000); QPainter painter(_pixbuf); painter.drawImage(xstart + ndx, ystart + ndy, part); updateChunks(); _lock_drawing->unlock(); emit contentChange(); } } mousex = event->x(); mousey = event->y(); } else { // Get text info from OSD bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < _osd.size(); i++) { double x = xoffset + (event->x() - width / 2) * scaling; double y = yoffset + (event->y() - height / 2) * scaling; QString info = _osd[i]->getToolTip(x, y, scaling); if (not info.isEmpty()) { _info->setText(info); _info->setVisible(true); found = true; break; } } if (not found) { _info->setVisible(false); } } } void BasePreview::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { double factor; double old_scaling; int width, height; int new_width, new_height; if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { factor = 5.0; } else if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { factor = 0.2; } else { factor = 1.0; } if (event->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) { if (event->delta() > 0 && scalingbase > conf_scale_min) { scalingbase -= factor * conf_scale_step; if (scalingbase < conf_scale_min) { scalingbase = conf_scale_min; } } else if (event->delta() < 0 && scalingbase < conf_scale_max) { scalingbase += factor * conf_scale_step; if (scalingbase > conf_scale_max) { scalingbase = conf_scale_max; } } else { event->ignore(); return; } } else { event->ignore(); return; } old_scaling = scaling; updateScaling(); width = _pixbuf->width(); height = _pixbuf->height(); if (scaling < old_scaling) { _lock_drawing->lock(); new_width = (int) floor(((double) width) * scaling / old_scaling); new_height = (int) floor(((double) height) * scaling / old_scaling); QImage part = _pixbuf->copy((width - new_width) / 2, (height - new_height) / 2, new_width, new_height).scaled(width, height, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); _pixbuf->fill(0x00000000); QPainter painter(_pixbuf); painter.drawImage(0, 0, part); invalidatePixbuf(254); _lock_drawing->unlock(); emit contentChange(); } else if (scaling > old_scaling) { _lock_drawing->lock(); QImage part = _pixbuf->scaled((int) floor(((double) width) * old_scaling / scaling), (int) floor(((double) height) * old_scaling / scaling), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); _pixbuf->fill(0x00000000); QPainter painter(_pixbuf); painter.drawImage((width - part.width()) / 2, (height - part.height()) / 2, part); invalidatePixbuf(254); _lock_drawing->unlock(); emit contentChange(); } event->accept(); } void BasePreview::leaveEvent(QEvent*) { _info->setVisible(false); }