#include "paintingbrush.h" #include PaintingBrush::PaintingBrush() { _mode = PAINTING_BRUSH_RAISE; _size = 0.0; _smoothing = 0.0; _strength = 0.0; _height = 0.0; _noise = noiseCreateGenerator(); noiseAddLevelsSimple(_noise, 10, 1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5); } PaintingBrush::~PaintingBrush() { noiseDeleteGenerator(_noise); } void PaintingBrush::setMode(PaintingBrushMode mode) { _mode = mode; } void PaintingBrush::setSize(double value) { _size = value; } void PaintingBrush::setSize(QAbstractSlider* slider) { setSize(20.0 * (double)slider->value() / (double)slider->maximum()); } void PaintingBrush::setSmoothing(double value) { _smoothing = value; } void PaintingBrush::setSmoothing(QAbstractSlider* slider) { setSmoothing((double)slider->value() / (double)slider->maximum()); } void PaintingBrush::setStrength(double value) { _strength = value; } void PaintingBrush::setStrength(QAbstractSlider* slider) { setStrength((double)slider->value() / (double)slider->maximum()); } void PaintingBrush::randomizeNoise() { noiseRandomizeOffsets(_noise); } double PaintingBrush::getInfluence(double relative_x, double relative_z) { double distance = sqrt(relative_x * relative_x + relative_z * relative_z); if (distance > _size) { return 0.0; } else if (distance > _size * (1.0 - _smoothing)) { return 1.0 - (distance - _size * (1.0 - _smoothing)) / (_size * _smoothing); } else { return 1.0; } } void PaintingBrush::drawPreview(QWidget* widget) { } QString PaintingBrush::getHelpText() { switch (_mode) { case PAINTING_BRUSH_RAISE: return QObject::tr("Left click: raise terrain

Right click: lower terrain"); case PAINTING_BRUSH_SMOOTH: return QObject::tr("Left click: add random noise to terrain

Right click: smooth details"); case PAINTING_BRUSH_FLATTEN: return QObject::tr("Left click: flatten at height picked with right click

Right click: pick height at center"); case PAINTING_BRUSH_FIX_DISCONTINUITIES: return QObject::tr("Left click: fix discontinuities in slope"); case PAINTING_BRUSH_RESTORE: return QObject::tr("Left click: cancel all modifications on terrain"); } return QString(""); } void PaintingBrush::applyToTerrain(TerrainDefinition* terrain, double x, double z, double duration, bool reverse) { double brush_strength; TerrainBrush brush; brush.relative_x = x; brush.relative_z = z; brush.hard_radius = _size * (1.0 - _smoothing); brush.smoothed_size = _size * _smoothing; brush.total_radius = brush.hard_radius + brush.smoothed_size; brush_strength = 0.5 * _strength * duration / 0.1; switch (_mode) { case PAINTING_BRUSH_RAISE: if (reverse) { brush_strength = -brush_strength; } terrainBrushElevation(terrain->height_map, &brush, brush_strength * 2.0); break; case PAINTING_BRUSH_SMOOTH: if (reverse) { terrainBrushSmooth(terrain->height_map, &brush, brush_strength * 30.0); } else { terrainBrushAddNoise(terrain->height_map, &brush, _noise, brush_strength * 0.5); } break; case PAINTING_BRUSH_FLATTEN: if (reverse) { _height = terrainGetInterpolatedHeight(terrain, x, z, 0, 1); } else { terrainBrushFlatten(terrain->height_map, &brush, _height, brush_strength * 30.0); } break; case PAINTING_BRUSH_RESTORE: terrainBrushReset(terrain->height_map, &brush, brush_strength * 30.0); break; default: return; } }