#include "camera.h" #include #include #include "render.h" #include "scenery.h" #include "tools.h" void cameraSave(PackStream* stream, CameraDefinition* camera) { v3Save(stream, &camera->location); packWriteDouble(stream, &camera->yaw); packWriteDouble(stream, &camera->pitch); packWriteDouble(stream, &camera->roll); } void cameraLoad(PackStream* stream, CameraDefinition* camera) { v3Load(stream, &camera->location); packReadDouble(stream, &camera->yaw); packReadDouble(stream, &camera->pitch); packReadDouble(stream, &camera->roll); cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } CameraDefinition cameraCreateDefinition() { CameraDefinition definition; definition.location.x = 0.0; definition.location.y = 0.0; definition.location.z = 0.0; definition.yaw = 0.0; definition.pitch = 0.0; definition.roll = 0.0; definition.width = 1.0; definition.height = 1.0; definition.yfov = 1.57; definition.xratio = 1.0; definition.znear = 1.0; definition.zfar = 1000.0; cameraValidateDefinition(&definition, 0); return definition; } void cameraDeleteDefinition(CameraDefinition* definition) { UNUSED(definition); } void cameraCopyDefinition(CameraDefinition* source, CameraDefinition* destination) { *destination = *source; cameraValidateDefinition(destination, 0); } void cameraValidateDefinition(CameraDefinition* definition, int check_above) { WaterDefinition water; Renderer* renderer; double water_height, terrain_height, diff; Vector3 move; Matrix4 rotation; if (check_above) { water = waterCreateDefinition(); sceneryGetWater(&water); water_height = water.height + 0.5; waterDeleteDefinition(&water); renderer = sceneryCreateStandardRenderer(); terrain_height = renderer->terrain->getHeight(renderer, definition->location.x, definition->location.z, 1) + 0.5; rendererDelete(renderer); if (definition->location.y < water_height || definition->location.y < terrain_height) { if (water_height > terrain_height) { diff = water_height - definition->location.y; } else { diff = terrain_height - definition->location.y; } move.x = move.z = 0.0; move.y = diff; definition->location = v3Add(definition->location, move); } } if (definition->location.y > 100.0) { definition->location.y = 100.0; } definition->forward.x = 1.0; definition->forward.y = 0.0; definition->forward.z = 0.0; definition->right.x = 0.0; definition->right.y = 0.0; definition->right.z = 1.0; definition->up.x = 0.0; definition->up.y = 1.0; definition->up.z = 0.0; rotation = m4NewRotateEuler(definition->yaw, definition->pitch, definition->roll); definition->forward = m4MultPoint(rotation, definition->forward); definition->right = m4MultPoint(rotation, definition->right); definition->up = m4MultPoint(rotation, definition->up); definition->target = v3Add(definition->location, definition->forward); definition->project = m4Mult(m4NewPerspective(definition->yfov, definition->xratio, definition->znear, definition->zfar), m4NewLookAt(definition->location, definition->target, definition->up)); definition->unproject = m4Inverse(definition->project); } void cameraSetLocation(CameraDefinition* camera, double x, double y, double z) { camera->location.x = x; camera->location.y = y; camera->location.z = z; cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraSetTarget(CameraDefinition* camera, double x, double y, double z) { Vector3 forward, target; target.x = x; target.y = y; target.z = z; forward = v3Sub(target, camera->location); if (v3Norm(forward) < 0.0000001) { return; } forward = v3Normalize(forward); if (fabs(forward.x) < 0.0000001 && fabs(forward.z) < 0.0000001) { /* Forward vector is vertical */ if (forward.y > 0.0) { camera->pitch = M_PI_2; } else if (forward.y > 0.0) { camera->pitch = -M_PI_2; } } else { /* TODO Guess angles */ } cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraSetRoll(CameraDefinition* camera, double angle) { camera->roll = angle; cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraStrafeForward(CameraDefinition* camera, double value) { camera->location = v3Add(camera->location, v3Scale(camera->forward, value)); cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraStrafeRight(CameraDefinition* camera, double value) { camera->location = v3Add(camera->location, v3Scale(camera->right, value)); cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraStrafeUp(CameraDefinition* camera, double value) { camera->location = v3Add(camera->location, v3Scale(camera->up, value)); cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraRotateYaw(CameraDefinition* camera, double value) { camera->yaw += value; cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraRotatePitch(CameraDefinition* camera, double value) { camera->pitch += value; cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraRotateRoll(CameraDefinition* camera, double value) { camera->roll += value; cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } void cameraSetRenderSize(CameraDefinition* camera, int width, int height) { camera->width = (double)width; camera->height = (double)height; camera->xratio = camera->width / camera->height; cameraValidateDefinition(camera, 0); } Vector3 cameraProject(CameraDefinition* camera, Renderer* renderer, Vector3 point) { point = m4Transform(camera->project, point); if (point.z < 1.0) { point.x = -point.x; point.y = -point.y; } point.x = (point.x + 1.0) * 0.5 * camera->width; point.y = (-point.y + 1.0) * 0.5 * camera->height; return point; } Vector3 cameraUnproject(CameraDefinition* camera, Renderer* renderer, Vector3 point) { point.x = (point.x / (0.5 * camera->width) - 1.0); point.y = -(point.y / (0.5 * camera->height) - 1.0); return m4Transform(camera->unproject, point); } /** * Render a quad that will fill the view in front of the camera. * This quad can be used for post-processing. * * @param col Color of the polygon. * @param callback Post-processing callback. */ /*void cameraPushOverlay(CameraDefinition* camera, Color col, f_RenderFragmentCallback callback) { Vertex v1, v2, v3, v4; Vector3 v; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 0.0; v.z = 10.0; v1.location = cameraUnproject(camera, v); v1.color = col; v1.callback = callback; v.x = 0.0; v.y = (double)render_height; v.z = 10.0; v2.location = cameraUnproject(camera, v); v2.color = col; v2.callback = callback; v.x = (double)render_width; v.y = (double)render_height; v.z = 10.0; v3.location = cameraUnproject(camera, v); v3.color = col; v3.callback = callback; v.x = (double)render_width; v.y = 0.0; v.z = 10.0; v4.location = cameraUnproject(camera, v); v4.color = col; v4.callback = callback; renderPushQuad(&v1, &v2, &v3, &v4); }*/ static inline void _updateBox(Vector3* point, double* xmin, double* xmax, double* ymin, double* ymax, double* zmax) { *xmin = (*xmin < point->x) ? *xmin : point->x; *ymin = (*ymin < point->y) ? *ymin : point->y; *xmax = (*xmax > point->x) ? *xmax : point->x; *ymax = (*ymax > point->y) ? *ymax : point->y; *zmax = (*zmax > point->z) ? *zmax : point->z; } int cameraIsBoxInView(CameraDefinition* camera, Vector3 center, double xsize, double ysize, double zsize) { Vector3 projected; double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmax; center.x -= xsize / 2.0; center.y -= ysize / 2.0; center.z -= zsize / 2.0; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); xmin = xmax = projected.x; ymin = ymax = projected.y; zmax = projected.z; center.x += xsize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); center.z += zsize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); center.x -= xsize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); center.y += ysize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); center.x += xsize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); center.z -= zsize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); center.x -= xsize; projected = cameraProject(camera, NULL, center); _updateBox(&projected, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &zmax); return xmin <= camera->width && xmax >= 0.0 && ymin <= camera->height && ymax >= 0.0 && zmax >= camera->znear; }