#include "CanvasPortion.h" #include #include #include #include "CanvasPixel.h" #include "CanvasPreview.h" #include "PackStream.h" #include "FileSystem.h" #include "System.h" #define CHECK_COORDINATES() \ assert(x >= 0); \ assert(x < width); \ assert(y >= 0); \ assert(y < height); \ assert(pixels != NULL) // Keep track of created files to erase them at program exit static vector _files; static void clean_all_files() { for (auto &filepath : _files) { FileSystem::removeFile(filepath); } } static int _atexit = atexit(clean_all_files); CanvasPortion::CanvasPortion(int index, CanvasPreview *preview) : index(index), preview(preview) { width = 1; height = 1; xoffset = 0; yoffset = 0; pixels = NULL; } CanvasPortion::~CanvasPortion() { if (pixels) { delete[] pixels; } } int CanvasPortion::getFragmentCount(int x, int y) const { CHECK_COORDINATES(); return pixels[y * width + x].getFragmentCount(); } const CanvasFragment *CanvasPortion::getFrontFragment(int x, int y) const { CHECK_COORDINATES(); return pixels[y * width + x].getFrontFragment(); } void CanvasPortion::clear() { int n = width * height; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { pixels[i].reset(); } } void CanvasPortion::setSize(int width, int height, int xoffset, int yoffset) { this->width = width; this->height = height; this->xoffset = xoffset; this->yoffset = yoffset; } void CanvasPortion::preparePixels() { if (pixels) { delete[] pixels; } pixels = new CanvasPixel[width * height]; } void CanvasPortion::discardPixels(bool save) { if (pixels) { if (save) { saveToDisk(); } delete[] pixels; pixels = NULL; } } void CanvasPortion::saveToDisk() { if (pixels) { auto pid = System::getProcessId(); filepath = FileSystem::getTempFile("paysages_portion_" + to_string(index) + "_" + to_string(pid) + ".dat"); PackStream stream; stream.bindToFile(filepath, true); stream.write(&width); stream.write(&height); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { pixels[y * width + x].getComposite().save(&stream); } } _files.push_back(filepath); } } bool CanvasPortion::getReadStream(PackStream &stream, int x, int y) { if (FileSystem::isFile(filepath)) { if (not stream.bindToFile(filepath)) { return false; } int unused_i; stream.skip(unused_i, 2); if (x > 0 or y > 0) { double unused_d; stream.skip(unused_d, (y * width + x) * 4); } return true; } else { return false; } } void CanvasPortion::pushFragment(int x, int y, const CanvasFragment &fragment) { CHECK_COORDINATES(); CanvasPixel &pixel = pixels[y * width + x]; Color old_color = pixel.getComposite(); pixel.pushFragment(fragment); if (preview) { preview->pushPixel(xoffset + x, yoffset + y, old_color, pixel.getComposite()); } } const CanvasPixel &CanvasPortion::at(int x, int y) { CHECK_COORDINATES(); return pixels[y * width + x]; } void CanvasPortion::setColor(int x, int y, const Color &color) { CHECK_COORDINATES(); CanvasPixel &pixel = pixels[y * width + x]; Color old_color = pixel.getComposite(); pixel.setComposite(color); if (preview) { preview->pushPixel(xoffset + x, yoffset + y, old_color, pixel.getComposite()); } }