MainTerrainForm 0 0 1073 662 Form 15 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint Infinite base shape Generate base noise false 1 0 0 80 16777215 150 Manual modifications 0 0 Sculpt the terrain shape 0 0 { heightmap info } Global modifiers false <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">These modifiers change the base shape and manual modifications altogether</span></p></body></html> Qt::RichText Scaling 400 16777215 Qt::Horizontal Height 400 16777215 Qt::Horizontal Rendering control Shadow smoothing 400 16777215 Qt::Horizontal Links to other modules Relative water height 400 16777215 Qt::Horizontal 0 0 500 16777215 Go to textures to add small height displacements (rocks...) { textures info } 1 0 200 0 Qt::Vertical Result preview 0 0 200 200 200 200 Render preview :/buttons/logo/images/render.png:/buttons/logo/images/render.png Explore in 3D :/buttons/logo/images/explore.png:/buttons/logo/images/explore.png Qt::Vertical 20 40 Actions Revert modifications :/buttons/logo/images/revert.png:/buttons/logo/images/revert.png Apply modifications :/buttons/logo/images/apply.png:/buttons/logo/images/apply.png BasePreview QWidget