#include "DefinitionNode.h" #include "Logs.h" #include "PackStream.h" #include "DefinitionWatcher.h" #include "DefinitionDiff.h" #include "DiffManager.h" #include #include DefinitionNode::DefinitionNode(DefinitionNode *parent, const std::string &name, const std::string &type_name) : parent(parent), type_name(type_name), name(name) { if (parent) { root = parent->root; parent->addChild(this); diffs = NULL; } else { root = this; diffs = new DiffManager(this); } } DefinitionNode::~DefinitionNode() { if (parent) { parent->removeChild(this); parent = NULL; } if (diffs) { delete diffs; diffs = NULL; } // Work on a copy, because the child destructor will modify the array by removing itself using removeChild std::vector children_copy = children; for (auto child : children_copy) { if (child->getParent() == this) { delete child; } } } void DefinitionNode::setName(const std::string &name) { this->name = name; } const Scenery *DefinitionNode::getScenery() const { if (parent) { return parent->getScenery(); } else { return NULL; } } std::string DefinitionNode::toString(int indent) const { std::string result; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { result += " "; } result += name; if (not children.empty()) { for (auto &child : children) { result += "\n" + child->toString(indent + 1); } } return result; } std::string DefinitionNode::getPath() const { if (parent == root) { return parent->getPath() + name; } else if (parent) { return parent->getPath() + "/" + name; } else { return "/"; } } DefinitionNode *DefinitionNode::findByPath(const std::string &path) const { if (path.empty()) { return NULL; } else if (path[0] == '/') { if (path.length() == 1) { return root; } else if (root == this) { return findByPath(path.substr(1)); } else { return root->findByPath(path); } } else { size_t seppos = path.find("/"); std::string child_name = (seppos == std::string::npos) ? path : path.substr(0, seppos); DefinitionNode *child = ((DefinitionNode *)this)->findChildByName(child_name); // FIXME findChildByName should be const if (child) { if (seppos == std::string::npos) { return child; } else { return child->findByPath(path.substr(seppos + 1)); } } else { return NULL; } } } bool DefinitionNode::applyDiff(const DefinitionDiff *diff, bool) { // Only do type check, subclasses will do the rest if (diff->getTypeName() == type_name) { return true; } else { Logs::error() << "[Definition] Can't apply " << diff->getTypeName() << " diff to " << getName() << " " << type_name << " node" << std::endl; return false; } } void DefinitionNode::generateInitDiffs(std::vector *) const { } void DefinitionNode::addWatcher(DefinitionWatcher *watcher, bool init_diff) { if (root && root->diffs) { if (init_diff) { std::vector diffs; generateInitDiffs(&diffs); for (auto diff : diffs) { watcher->nodeChanged(this, diff); delete diff; } } root->diffs->addWatcher(this, watcher); } } int DefinitionNode::getWatcherCount() const { if (root && root->diffs) { return root->diffs->getWatcherCount(this); } else { return 0; } } void DefinitionNode::save(PackStream *stream) const { int children_count = (int)children.size(); stream->write(&children_count); for (auto child : children) { stream->write(child->name); int child_size = child->getStreamSize(); if (child_size >= 0) { stream->write(&child_size); child->save(stream); } else { // Child size not known, write it to a temporary stream to know it Logs::debug() << "[Definition] Unknown size for child " << child->name << ", unefficient writing to temporary stream" << std::endl; PackStream substream; child->save(&substream); stream->writeFromBuffer(substream, true); } } } void DefinitionNode::load(PackStream *stream) { int children_count; stream->read(&children_count); for (int i = 0; i < children_count; i++) { std::string child_name = stream->readString(); int child_size; stream->read(&child_size); DefinitionNode *child = findChildByName(child_name); if (child) { // TODO type check child->load(stream); } else { // TODO Ask subclass if it can instanciate a child // Else skip length of unknown child stream->skipBytes(child_size); Logs::warning() << "[Definition] Skipped unknown child '" << child_name << "'" << std::endl; } } } void DefinitionNode::copy(DefinitionNode *destination) const { if (destination->getTypeName() == getTypeName()) { destination->setName(name); for (auto &child : children) { DefinitionNode *dest_child = destination->findChildByName(child->name); if (dest_child) { child->copy(dest_child); } else { Logs::warning() << "[Definition] Can't copy to child " << child->name << " of " << destination->getTypeName() << std::endl; } } } else { Logs::error() << "[Definition] Can't copy from " << getTypeName() << " to " << destination->getTypeName() << std::endl; } } void DefinitionNode::validate() { for (auto child : children) { child->validate(); } } void DefinitionNode::addChild(DefinitionNode *child) { if (std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), child) == children.end()) { children.push_back(child); child->parent = this; child->root = this->root; } } void DefinitionNode::removeChild(DefinitionNode *child) { std::vector::iterator it = std::find(children.begin(), children.end(), child); if (it != children.end()) { child->parent = NULL; children.erase(it); } else { Logs::warning() << "[Definition] Trying to remove not found child '" << child->name << "' from '" << name << "'" << std::endl; } } DefinitionNode *DefinitionNode::findChildByName(const std::string name) { for (auto child : children) { if (child->name == name) { return child; } } return NULL; } int DefinitionNode::getStreamSize() const { return -1; } void DefinitionNode::addDiff(const DefinitionDiff *diff) { assert(diff->getTypeName() == type_name); if (root && root->diffs) { root->diffs->addDiff(this, diff); } else { delete diff; } }