#include "formrender.h" #include #include #include "dialogrender.h" #include "inputcamera.h" #include "../lib_paysages/render.h" #include "../lib_paysages/scenery.h" #include "../lib_paysages/shared/functions.h" /**************** Form ****************/ FormRender::FormRender(QWidget *parent) : BaseForm(parent, true) { QPushButton* button; _quality = 5; _width = 800; _height = 600; _camera = cameraCreateDefinition(); addInput(new InputCamera(this, "Camera", &_camera)); addInputInt("Quality", &_quality, 1, 10, 1, 1); addInputInt("Image width", &_width, 100, 2000, 10, 100); addInputInt("Image height", &_height, 100, 2000, 10, 100); button = addButton("Start new render"); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startRender())); button = addButton("Show last render"); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showRender())); button = addButton("Save last render"); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveRender())); revertConfig(); } void FormRender::revertConfig() { sceneryGetCamera(&_camera); BaseForm::revertConfig(); } void FormRender::applyConfig() { scenerySetCamera(&_camera); BaseForm::applyConfig(); } void FormRender::configChangeEvent() { cameraValidateDefinition(&_camera, 1); BaseForm::configChangeEvent(); } void FormRender::startRender() { DialogRender* dialog = new DialogRender(this); dialog->startRender(_quality, _width, _height); delete dialog; } void FormRender::showRender() { DialogRender* dialog = new DialogRender(this); dialog->loadLastRender(); delete dialog; } void FormRender::saveRender() { QString filepath; filepath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Choose a filename to save the last render"); if (!filepath.isNull()) { renderSaveToFile((char*)filepath.toStdString().c_str()); QMessageBox::information(this, "Message", "The picture " + filepath + " has been saved."); } }