#include "ExplorerChunkTerrain.h" #include OPENGL_FUNCTIONS_INCLUDE #include #include #include #include "ColorProfile.h" #include "CameraDefinition.h" #include "OpenGLRenderer.h" #include "TerrainRenderer.h" #include "VertexArray.h" ExplorerChunkTerrain::ExplorerChunkTerrain(OpenGLRenderer* renderer, double x, double z, double size, int nbchunks, double water_height): _renderer(renderer) { _color_profile = new ColorProfile; priority = 0.0; _reset_needed = false; _texture = new QImage(1, 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32); texture = new QOpenGLTexture(*_texture); _texture_changed = false; _texture_current_size = 0; _texture_max_size = 0; _startx = x; _startz = z; _size = size; _overall_step = size * (double) nbchunks; _distance_to_camera = 0.0; _water_height = water_height; _overwater = false; tessellation_count = 33; tessellated = new VertexArray(); tessellated->setGridSize(tessellation_count); tessellated->setAutoGridIndices(tessellation_count); _tessellation_max_size = tessellation_count - 1; _tessellation_current_size = 0; _tessellation_step = _size / (double) _tessellation_max_size; setMaxTextureSize(128); maintain(); } ExplorerChunkTerrain::~ExplorerChunkTerrain() { _lock_data.lock(); delete _color_profile; delete _texture; delete texture; delete tessellated; _lock_data.unlock(); } bool ExplorerChunkTerrain::maintain() { bool subchanged; _lock_data.lock(); if (_reset_needed) { _reset_needed = false; _texture_current_size = 0; _tessellation_current_size = 0; _overwater = false; } _lock_data.unlock(); subchanged = onMaintainEvent(); // Improve texture resolution if (_texture_current_size < _texture_max_size) { int new_texture_size = _texture_current_size ? _texture_current_size * 2 : 1; QImage* new_image = new QImage(_texture->scaled(new_texture_size + 1, new_texture_size + 1, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation)); for (int j = 0; j <= new_texture_size; j++) { for (int i = 0; i <= new_texture_size; i++) { if (_texture_current_size <= 1 || i % 2 != 0 || j % 2 != 0) { Color color = getTextureColor((double)i / (double)new_texture_size, (double)j / (double)new_texture_size); color = _color_profile->apply(color); color.normalize(); new_image->setPixel(i, j, color.to32BitBGRA()); } } } _lock_data.lock(); delete _texture; _texture = new_image; _texture_current_size = new_texture_size; _texture_changed = true; _lock_data.unlock(); /*if (_texture_current_size < 4 && _texture_current_size < _texture_max_size) { maintain(); }*/ return true; } else { return subchanged; } } bool ExplorerChunkTerrain::onMaintainEvent() { // Improve heightmap resolution if (_tessellation_current_size < _tessellation_max_size) { int new_tessellation_size = _tessellation_current_size ? _tessellation_current_size * 4 : 2; int old_tessellation_inc = _tessellation_current_size ? _tessellation_max_size / _tessellation_current_size : 1; int new_tessellation_inc = _tessellation_max_size / new_tessellation_size; float internal_step = 1.0f / (float)_tessellation_max_size; for (int j = 0; j <= _tessellation_max_size; j += new_tessellation_inc) { for (int i = 0; i <= _tessellation_max_size; i += new_tessellation_inc) { if (_tessellation_current_size == 0 || i % old_tessellation_inc != 0 || j % old_tessellation_inc != 0) { double x = _startx + _tessellation_step * (float)i; double z = _startz + _tessellation_step * (float)j; double height = _renderer->getTerrainRenderer()->getHeight(x, z, 1); if (height >= _water_height) { _overwater = true; } TerrainVertex v; v.uv[0] = internal_step * (float)i; v.uv[1] = internal_step * (float)j; v.location[0] = x; v.location[1] = height; v.location[2] = z; tessellated->setGridVertex(tessellation_count, i, j, v); } } } _lock_data.lock(); _tessellation_current_size = new_tessellation_size; tessellated->setAutoGridIndices(tessellation_count, new_tessellation_inc); _lock_data.unlock(); if (_tessellation_current_size < 4 && _tessellation_current_size < _tessellation_max_size) { onMaintainEvent(); } return true; } else { return false; } } void ExplorerChunkTerrain::updatePriority(CameraDefinition* camera) { if (_reset_needed || (_texture_max_size > 1 && _texture_current_size <= 1)) { priority = 1000.0; } else if (_texture_current_size == _texture_max_size) { priority = -1000.0; } else { priority = getDisplayedSizeHint(camera) - _texture_current_size; } Vector3 camera_location = camera->getLocation(); // Handle position _lock_data.lock(); if (camera_location.x > _startx + _overall_step * 0.5) { _startx += _overall_step; askReset(); } if (camera_location.z > _startz + _overall_step * 0.5) { _startz += _overall_step; askReset(); } if (camera_location.x < _startx - _overall_step * 0.5) { _startx -= _overall_step; askReset(); } if (camera_location.z < _startz - _overall_step * 0.5) { _startz -= _overall_step; askReset(); } _distance_to_camera = getCenter().sub(camera_location).getNorm(); _lock_data.unlock(); } void ExplorerChunkTerrain::render(OpenGLFunctions* functions) { // Put texture in place _lock_data.lock(); if (_texture_changed) { _texture_changed = false; texture->destroy(); // TODO Only do the scale if not power-of-two textures are unsupported by GPU texture->setData(_texture->scaled(_texture_current_size, _texture_current_size, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation)); //texture->setData(*_texture); texture->setWrapMode(QOpenGLTexture::DirectionS, QOpenGLTexture::ClampToEdge); texture->setWrapMode(QOpenGLTexture::DirectionT, QOpenGLTexture::ClampToEdge); } texture->bind(); _lock_data.unlock(); // Delegate poly rendering to subclass if (!_reset_needed) { _lock_data.lock(); int tessellation_size = _tessellation_current_size; _lock_data.unlock(); if (tessellation_size <= 1 or not _overwater) { return; } _lock_data.lock(); // TEMP int n = tessellated->getIndexCount(); functions->glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TerrainVertex v = tessellated->getVertexByIndex(i); functions->glTexCoord2d(v.uv[0], v.uv[1]); functions->glVertex3d(v.location[0], v.location[1], v.location[2]); } functions->glEnd(); _lock_data.unlock(); // TEMP } } void ExplorerChunkTerrain::askReset() { _reset_needed = true; } void ExplorerChunkTerrain::setMaxTextureSize(int size) { _texture_max_size = size; } double ExplorerChunkTerrain::getDisplayedSizeHint(CameraDefinition* camera) { double distance; Vector3 center; if (not _overwater) { return -1000.0; } center = getCenter(); if (camera->isBoxInView(center, _size, 40.0, _size)) { distance = _distance_to_camera; distance = distance < 0.1 ? 0.1 : distance; return (int) ceil(120.0 - distance / 1.5); } else { return -800.0; } } Color ExplorerChunkTerrain::getTextureColor(double x, double y) { Vector3 location = {_startx + x * _size, 0.0, _startz + y * _size}; return _renderer->getTerrainRenderer()->getFinalColor(location, 0.01); } Vector3 ExplorerChunkTerrain::getCenter() { Vector3 result; result.x = _startx + _size / 2.0; result.y = 0.0; result.z = _startz + _size / 2.0; return result; }