import QtQuick 2.0 // Atmosphere control BaseSection { id: section BaseToolbar { id: toolbar ToolbarButton { id: tool_daytime selected: true picture: "images/icon_atmosphere_daytime.png" hovertext: qsTr("Change the time of day") } ToolbarButton { id: tool_humidity picture: "images/icon_atmosphere_humidity.png" hovertext: qsTr("Humidity factor in the air") } } PanelAtmosphereDaytime { id: panel_daytime anchors.left: toolbar.right enabled: false } PanelSimpleFloat { id: panel_humidity anchors.left: toolbar.right enabled: false objectName: "atmosphere_humidity" } states: [ State { name: "DayTime" when: tool_daytime.selected PropertyChanges { target: panel_daytime enabled: true } }, State { name: "Humidity" when: tool_humidity.selected PropertyChanges { target: panel_humidity enabled: true } } ] }