Michaël Lemaire 0058a0a8e3 Switched to RGB material colors avoid otherwise unused HSL conversion, which causes problems
for some RGB values (like Color(1, 0, 0))
2015-08-19 19:14:59 +02:00

122 lines
3.5 KiB

#include "LightingManager.h"
#include "LightFilter.h"
#include "LightComponent.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "SurfaceMaterial.h"
specularity = true;
void LightingManager::registerFilter(LightFilter* filter)
bool LightingManager::alterLight(LightComponent &component, const Vector3 &location)
if (component.altered)
for (auto filter:filters)
if (not filter->applyLightFilter(component, location))
return false;
if (not specularity)
component.reflection = 0.0;
return component.color.getPower() > 0.0001;
void LightingManager::setSpecularity(bool enabled)
specularity = enabled;
Color LightingManager::applyFinalComponent(const LightComponent &component, const Vector3 &eye, const Vector3 &location, const Vector3 &normal, const SurfaceMaterial &material)
Color result, light_color;
double normal_norm;
Vector3 direction_inv;
light_color = component.color;
direction_inv = component.direction.normalize().scale(-1.0);
normal_norm = normal.getNorm();
if (normal_norm > 1.0)
normal_norm = 1.0;
result = COLOR_BLACK;
/* diffused light */
double diffuse = direction_inv.dotProduct(normal.normalize());
double sign = (diffuse < 0.0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
if (material.hardness <= 0.5)
double hardness = material.hardness * 2.0;
diffuse = (1.0 - hardness) * (diffuse * diffuse) * sign + hardness * diffuse;
else if (diffuse != 0.0)
double hardness = (material.hardness - 0.5) * 2.0;
diffuse = (1.0 - hardness) * diffuse + hardness * sign * sqrt(fabs(diffuse));
diffuse = (diffuse + (1.0 - normal_norm)) / (1.0 + (1.0 - normal_norm));
if (diffuse > 0.0)
result.r += diffuse * material.base->r * light_color.r;
result.g += diffuse * material.base->g * light_color.g;
result.b += diffuse * material.base->b * light_color.b;
/* specular reflection */
if (material.reflection > 0.0 && component.reflection > 0.0)
Vector3 view = location.sub(eye).normalize();
Vector3 reflect = direction_inv.sub(normal.scale(2.0 * direction_inv.dotProduct(normal)));
double specular = reflect.dotProduct(view);
if (specular > 0.0)
specular = pow(specular, material.shininess) * material.reflection * component.reflection * normal_norm;
if (specular > 0.0)
result.r += specular * light_color.r;
result.g += specular * light_color.g;
result.b += specular * light_color.b;
/* specular reflection with fresnel effect */
/*if (material->reflection > 0.0 && light->reflection > 0.0)
Vector3 view = v3Normalize(v3Sub(location, eye));
Vector3 h = v3Normalize(v3Sub(direction_inv, view));
double fresnel = 0.02 + 0.98 * pow(1.0 - v3Dot(v3Scale(view, -1.0), h), 5.0);
double refl = v3Dot(h, normal);
if (refl > 0.0)
double waterBrdf = fresnel * pow(refl, material->shininess);
if (waterBrdf > 0.0)
refl = material->reflection * waterBrdf * light->reflection;
result.r += refl * light_color.r;
result.g += refl * light_color.g;
result.b += refl * light_color.b;
return result;