
158 lines
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import QtQuick 2.2
import Paysages 1.0
OpenGLView {
id: main_ui
state: "Init"
width: 800
height: 600
Tooltip {
id: tooltip_widget
anchors.right: parent.right
Toolbar {
id: primary_toolbar
color: "#90888888"
anchors.left: parent.left
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_display
picture: "images/tab_display.png"
hovertext: qsTr("Display options")
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_terrain
picture: "images/tab_terrain.png"
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_textures
picture: "images/tab_textures.png"
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_water
picture: "images/icon_water.png"
hovertext: "Water tools"
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_atmosphere
picture: "images/icon_atmosphere.png"
hovertext: "Atmosphere/weather tools"
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_clouds
picture: "images/tab_clouds.png"
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_render
picture: "images/tab_render.png"
Toolbar {
id: display_toolbar
opacity: 0
anchors.left: primary_toolbar.right
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_display_topdown
picture: "images/display_topdown.png"
hovertext: qsTr("Top-down view")
helptext: qsTr("Drag the mouse on the map to change the viewpoint.")
Toolbar {
id: water_toolbar
opacity: 0
anchors.left: primary_toolbar.right
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_water_level
picture: "images/icon_water_level.png"
hovertext: qsTr("Change the water altitude")
Toolbar {
id: atmosphere_toolbar
opacity: 0
anchors.left: primary_toolbar.right
ToolbarButton {
id: tool_atmosphere_daytime
picture: "images/icon_atmosphere_daytime.png"
hovertext: qsTr("Change the time of day")
CameraChoice {
id: camera_choice
anchors.bottom: main_ui.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: main_ui.horizontalCenter
RenderDialog {
id: render_dialog
opacity: 0
anchors.fill: parent
PanelWaterLevel {
id: panel_water_level
tool: tool_water_level
PanelAtmosphereDaytime {
id: panel_atmosphere_daytime
tool: tool_atmosphere_daytime
states: [
State {
name: "Display Mode"
when: tool_display.selected
PropertyChanges {
target: display_toolbar
opacity: 1
State {
name: "Water Mode"
when: tool_water.selected
PropertyChanges {
target: water_toolbar
opacity: 1
State {
name: "Atmosphere Mode"
when: tool_atmosphere.selected
PropertyChanges {
target: atmosphere_toolbar
opacity: 1
State {
name: "Render Dialog"
when: tool_display.selected
PropertyChanges {
target: primary_toolbar
opacity: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: render_dialog
opacity: 1