Michaël Lemaire d2b4a1ea5e vegetation: Removed index variable in impostor shader
It was used for texture coordinates, but is now
precomputed in the vertex array
2015-12-15 00:14:06 +01:00

147 lines
4.6 KiB

#include "OpenGLVegetationLayer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "CameraDefinition.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "OpenGLFunctions.h"
#include "OpenGLVegetation.h"
#include "OpenGLVegetationInstance.h"
#include "OpenGLVegetationImpostor.h"
#include "VegetationLayerDefinition.h"
#include "VegetationPresenceDefinition.h"
OpenGLVegetationLayer::OpenGLVegetationLayer(OpenGLVegetation *parent, VegetationLayerDefinition *definition,
bool own_instances)
: parent(parent), definition(definition), own_instances(own_instances) {
lock_instances = new Mutex;
camera_location = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
impostor = new OpenGLVegetationImpostor();
range = 10.0;
OpenGLVegetationLayer::~OpenGLVegetationLayer() {
delete camera_location;
delete lock_instances;
delete impostor;
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::produceInstancesInArea(double xmin, double xmax, double zmin, double zmax,
vector<OpenGLVegetationInstance *> *instances) const {
vector<VegetationInstance> result;
definition->getPresence()->collectInstances(&result, *definition->getModel(), xmin, zmin, xmax, zmax, false);
for (auto raw_instance : result) {
instances->push_back(new OpenGLVegetationInstance(raw_instance));
static bool isNull(void *ptr) {
return ptr == NULL;
static bool compareInstances(OpenGLVegetationInstance *instance1, OpenGLVegetationInstance *instance2) {
return instance1->getDistance() > instance2->getDistance();
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::removeInstancesOutsideArea(double xmin, double xmax, double zmin, double zmax,
vector<OpenGLVegetationInstance *> *instances) const {
for (auto &instance : *instances) {
Vector3 base = instance->getBase();
if (base.x < xmin or base.x >= xmax or base.z < zmin or base.z >= zmax) {
if (own_instances) {
delete instance;
instance = NULL;
instances->erase(remove_if(instances->begin(), instances->end(), isNull), instances->end());
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::updateInstances() {
// Compute new area around camera
double newxmin, newxmax, newzmin, newzmax;
newxmin = camera_location->x - range;
newxmax = camera_location->x + range;
newzmin = camera_location->z - range;
newzmax = camera_location->z + range;
// Prepare instances where area grew
vector<OpenGLVegetationInstance *> new_instances;
if (newxmin < xmin) {
produceInstancesInArea(newxmin, xmin, newzmin, newzmax, &new_instances);
if (newxmax > xmax) {
produceInstancesInArea(xmax, newxmax, newzmin, newzmax, &new_instances);
if (newzmin < zmin) {
produceInstancesInArea(xmin, xmax, newzmin, zmin, &new_instances);
if (newzmax > zmax) {
produceInstancesInArea(xmin, xmax, zmax, newzmax, &new_instances);
// Apply the changes
xmin = newxmin;
xmax = newxmax;
zmin = newzmin;
zmax = newzmax;
removeInstancesOutsideArea(xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax, &instances);
instances.insert(instances.end(), new_instances.begin(), new_instances.end());
for (auto instance : instances) {
sort(instances.begin(), instances.end(), compareInstances);
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::updateImpostor() {
bool interrupted = false;
impostor->prepareTexture(*definition->getModel(), *parent->getScenery(), &interrupted);
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::threadedUpdate() {
if (camera_changed) {
camera_changed = false;
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::render() {
// TODO Instanced rendering
for (auto instance : instances) {
impostor->render(parent->getProgram(), instance, *camera_location);
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::reset() {
camera_changed = true;
xmin = 0.0;
xmax = 0.0;
zmin = 0.0;
zmax = 0.0;
if (own_instances) {
for (auto instance : instances) {
delete instance;
void OpenGLVegetationLayer::setCamera(const CameraDefinition *camera) {
if (camera_location->sub(camera->getLocation()).getNorm() > 1.0) {
*camera_location = camera->getLocation();
camera_changed = true;