Michaël Lemaire e81487ae08 Added safety offset on lighting
This avoids shadow algorithm to hit the surface it is currently checking
2015-10-16 00:14:54 +02:00

221 lines
6.1 KiB

#include "GodRaysSampler.h"
#include "GodRaysDefinition.h"
#include "AtmosphereDefinition.h"
#include "SoftwareRenderer.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "SpaceSegment.h"
#include "GodRaysResult.h"
#include "LightingManager.h"
#include "FloatNode.h"
#include "LightStatus.h"
#include "Scenery.h"
#include "TerrainDefinition.h"
#include "CloudsRenderer.h"
#include "Interpolation.h"
#include <cmath>
enabled = true;
bounds = new SpaceSegment();
definition = new GodRaysDefinition(NULL);
camera_location = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
lighting = NULL;
low_altitude = -1.0;
high_altitude = 1.0;
sampling_step = 1.0;
max_length = 1.0;
data = new double[1];
delete definition;
delete bounds;
delete camera_location;
delete[] data;
void GodRaysSampler::prepare(SoftwareRenderer *renderer)
setAltitudes(renderer->getScenery()->getTerrain()->getHeightInfo().min_height, renderer->getCloudsRenderer()->getHighestAltitude());
void GodRaysSampler::reset()
*bounds = SpaceSegment(Vector3(camera_location->x - max_length, low_altitude, camera_location->z - max_length),
Vector3(camera_location->x + max_length, high_altitude, camera_location->z + max_length));
samples_x = round(bounds->getXDiff() / sampling_step) + 1;
samples_y = round(bounds->getYDiff() / sampling_step) + 1;
samples_z = round(bounds->getZDiff() / sampling_step) + 1;
long n = samples_x * samples_y * samples_z;
delete[] data;
data = new double[n];
for (long i = 0; i < n; i++)
data[i] = -1.0;
void GodRaysSampler::setEnabled(bool enabled)
this->enabled = enabled;
void GodRaysSampler::setLighting(LightingManager *manager)
this->lighting = manager;
void GodRaysSampler::setQuality(double factor)
setQuality(5.0 / (factor * 8.0 + 1.0), 100.0, 5.0 / (factor * 80.0 + 1.0));
void GodRaysSampler::setQuality(double sampling_step, double max_length, double walk_step)
this->sampling_step = sampling_step;
this->max_length = max_length;
this->walk_step = walk_step;
void GodRaysSampler::setCameraLocation(const Vector3 &location)
*camera_location = location;
void GodRaysSampler::setAltitudes(double low, double high)
low_altitude = low;
high_altitude = high;
void GodRaysSampler::getSamples(int *x, int *y, int *z) const
*x = samples_x;
*y = samples_y;
*z = samples_z;
Color GodRaysSampler::getRawLight(const Vector3 &location, bool filtered) const
if (lighting)
LightStatus status(lighting, location, *camera_location, filtered);
status.setSafetyOffset(0.0); // Not a hard surface, safety offset not needed
lighting->fillStatus(status, location);
return status.getSum();
double GodRaysSampler::getCachedLight(const Vector3 &location)
double x = location.x - bounds->getStart().x;
double y = location.y - bounds->getStart().y;
double z = location.z - bounds->getStart().z;
int ix = (int)floor(x / sampling_step);
int iy = (int)floor(y / sampling_step);
int iz = (int)floor(z / sampling_step);
// Check cache limits
if (ix < 0 || ix >= samples_x - 1 || iy < 0 || iy >= samples_y - 1 || iz < 0 || iz >= samples_z - 1)
return 1.0;
// Hit cache
double p[8] = {
getCache(ix, iy, iz),
getCache(ix + 1, iy, iz),
getCache(ix + 1, iy + 1, iz),
getCache(ix, iy + 1, iz),
getCache(ix, iy, iz + 1),
getCache(ix + 1, iy, iz + 1),
getCache(ix + 1, iy + 1, iz + 1),
getCache(ix, iy + 1, iz + 1)
return Interpolation::trilinear(p,
(x - sampling_step * double(ix)) / sampling_step,
(y - sampling_step * double(iy)) / sampling_step,
(z - sampling_step * double(iz)) / sampling_step);
GodRaysResult GodRaysSampler::getResult(const SpaceSegment &segment)
Vector3 step = segment.getEnd().sub(segment.getStart());
double max_length = step.getNorm();
step = step.normalize().scale(walk_step);
Vector3 walker = segment.getStart();
double travelled = 0.0;
double inside = 0.0;
if (max_length > this->max_length)
max_length = this->max_length;
while (travelled < max_length)
double light = getCachedLight(walker);
inside += light * walk_step;
walker = walker.add(step);
travelled += walk_step;
return GodRaysResult(inside, travelled);
Color GodRaysSampler::apply(const Color &raw, const Color &atmosphered, const Vector3 &location)
if (enabled)
GodRaysResult result = getResult(SpaceSegment(*camera_location, location));
GodRaysResult::GodRaysParams params;
params.penetration = definition->propPenetration()->getValue();
params.resistance = definition->propResistance()->getValue();
params.boost = definition->propBoost()->getValue();
return result.apply(raw, atmosphered, params);
return atmosphered;
inline double GodRaysSampler::getCache(int x, int y, int z)
double *cache = data + z * samples_x * samples_y + y * samples_x + x;
if (*cache < 0.0)
Vector3 location = Vector3(bounds->getStart().x + sampling_step * (double)x,
bounds->getStart().y + sampling_step * (double)y,
bounds->getStart().z + sampling_step * (double)z);
double unfiltered_power = getRawLight(location, false).getPower();
if (unfiltered_power == 0.0)
*cache = 1.0;
*cache = getRawLight(location, true).getPower() / unfiltered_power;
return *cache;