#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-run --allow-net // Automated bundle server import { serve } from "https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts"; import { bool } from "https://code.thunderk.net/typescript/functional/raw/1.0.0/all.ts"; async function serveBundles() { const listen = { hostname: "", port: 8000 }; const server = serve(listen); console.log(`Serving bundles on ${listen.hostname}:${listen.port} ...`); for await (const req of server) { const params = req.url.split("/").filter(bool); const lib = params[0] || "all"; const version = params[1] || "master"; const file = params.length > 2 ? params.slice(2).join("/") : "all"; const path = `https://code.thunderk.net/typescript/${lib}/raw/${version}/${file}.ts`; try { const process = Deno.run({ cmd: ["deno", "bundle", path], stdout: "piped", }); req.respond({ body: await process.output() }); } catch { req.respond({ body: `console.error("Failed to bundle ${path}");` }); } } } await serveBundles();