import { assertEquals, AssertionError, assertThrows, } from ""; import { addMatchers, expect } from "./expect.ts"; import * as mock from "./mock.ts"; async function assertPass(fn: Function) { try { assertEquals(await fn(), undefined); } catch (err) { throw new AssertionError( `expected ${fn.toString()} to pass but it failed with ${err}`, ); } } async function assertAllPass(...fns: Function[]) { for (let fn of fns) { await assertPass(fn); } } async function assertFail(fn: Function) { let thrown = true; try { let resolution = await fn(); thrown = false; throw new AssertionError( `expected ${fn.toString()} to throw but it resolved with ${resolution}`, ); } catch (err) { // expected if (!thrown) throw err; } } async function assertAllFail(...fns: Function[]) { for (let fn of fns) { await assertFail(fn); } } Deno.test({ name: "exportsFunction", fn: () => { assertEquals(typeof expect, "function"); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "throwsWhenNoMatcherFound", fn: () => { assertThrows( //@ts-ignore () => expect(true).toBeFancy(), TypeError, "matcher not found: toBeFancy", ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "allowsExtendingMatchers", fn: () => { addMatchers({ toBeFancy(value: any) { if (value === "fancy") { return { pass: true }; } else { return { pass: false, message: "was not fancy" }; } }, }); // @ts-ignore assertPass(() => expect("fancy").toBeFancy()); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBe", fn: async () => { const obj = {}; assertEquals(typeof expect(obj).toBe, "function"); await assertAllPass( () => expect(obj).toBe(obj), () => expect(obj).not.toBe({}), () => expect(Promise.resolve(1)).resolves.toBe(1), () => expect(Promise.reject(1)).rejects.toBe(1), ); await assertFail(() => expect(obj).toBe({})); await assertFail(() => expect(obj).not.toBe(obj)); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toEqual", fn: async () => { const obj = {}; await assertAllPass( () => expect(1).toEqual(1), () => expect(obj).toEqual({}), () => expect(obj).toEqual(obj), () => expect({ a: 1 }).toEqual({ a: 1 }), () => expect([1]).toEqual([1]), () => expect(Promise.resolve(1)).resolves.toEqual(1), () => expect(Promise.reject(1)).rejects.toEqual(1), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(1).toEqual(2), () => expect(1).toEqual(true), () => expect({}).toEqual(true), () => expect(1).not.toEqual(1), () => expect(true).not.toEqual(true), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "resolves", fn: async () => { const resolves = expect(Promise.resolve(true)).resolves; for (let method of ["toEqual", "toBe", "toBeTruthy", "toBeFalsy"]) { assertEquals( typeof (resolves as any)[method], "function", `missing ${method}`, ); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "rejects", fn: async () => { const rejects = expect(Promise.reject(true)).rejects; for ( let method of ["toEqual", "toBe", "toBeTruthy", "toBeFalsy"] ) { assertEquals(typeof (rejects as any)[method], "function"); } }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeDefined", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(true).toBeDefined(), () => expect({}).toBeDefined(), () => expect([]).toBeDefined(), () => expect(undefined).not.toBeDefined(), () => expect(Promise.resolve({})).resolves.toBeDefined(), () => expect(Promise.reject({})).rejects.toBeDefined(), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(undefined).toBeDefined(), () => expect(true).not.toBeDefined(), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeUndefined", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(undefined).toBeUndefined(), () => expect(null).not.toBeUndefined(), () => expect(Promise.resolve(undefined)).resolves.toBeUndefined(), () => expect(Promise.reject(undefined)).rejects.toBeUndefined(), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(null).toBeUndefined(), () => expect(undefined).not.toBeUndefined(), () => expect(false).toBeUndefined(), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeTruthy", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(true).toBeTruthy(), () => expect(false).not.toBeTruthy(), () => expect(Promise.resolve(true)).resolves.toBeTruthy(), () => expect(Promise.reject(true)).rejects.toBeTruthy(), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(false).toBeTruthy(), () => expect(true).not.toBeTruthy(), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeFalsy", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(false).toBeFalsy(), () => expect(true).not.toBeFalsy(), () => expect(Promise.resolve(false)).resolves.toBeFalsy(), () => expect(Promise.reject(false)).rejects.toBeFalsy(), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(true).toBeFalsy(), () => expect(false).not.toBeFalsy(), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeGreaterThan", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(2).toBeGreaterThan(1), () => expect(1).not.toBeGreaterThan(2), () => expect(Promise.resolve(2)).resolves.toBeGreaterThan(1), () => expect(Promise.reject(2)).rejects.toBeGreaterThan(1), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(1).toBeGreaterThan(1), () => expect(1).toBeGreaterThan(2), () => expect(2).not.toBeGreaterThan(1), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeLessThan", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(1).toBeLessThan(2), () => expect(2).not.toBeLessThan(1), () => expect(Promise.resolve(1)).resolves.toBeLessThan(2), () => expect(Promise.reject(1)).rejects.toBeLessThan(2), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(1).toBeLessThan(1), () => expect(2).toBeLessThan(1), () => expect(1).not.toBeLessThan(2), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeGreaterThanOrEqual", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(2).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1), () => expect(1).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1), () => expect(1).not.toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2), () => expect(Promise.resolve(2)).resolves.toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2), () => expect(Promise.reject(2)).rejects.toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(1).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2), () => expect(2).not.toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeLessThanOrEqual", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(1).toBeLessThanOrEqual(2), () => expect(1).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1), () => expect(2).not.toBeLessThanOrEqual(1), () => expect(Promise.resolve(1)).resolves.toBeLessThanOrEqual(2), () => expect(Promise.reject(1)).rejects.toBeLessThanOrEqual(2), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect(2).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1), () => expect(1).not.toBeLessThanOrEqual(1), () => expect(1).not.toBeLessThanOrEqual(2), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeNull", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(null).toBeNull(), () => expect(undefined).not.toBeNull(), () => expect(false).not.toBeNull(), () => expect(Promise.resolve(null)).resolves.toBeNull(), () => expect(Promise.reject(null)).rejects.toBeNull(), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect({}).toBeNull(), () => expect(null).not.toBeNull(), () => expect(undefined).toBeNull(), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeInstanceOf", fn: async () => { class A {} class B {} await assertAllPass( () => expect(new A()).toBeInstanceOf(A), () => expect(new A()).not.toBeInstanceOf(B), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect({}).toBeInstanceOf(A), () => expect(null).toBeInstanceOf(A), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeNaN", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(NaN).toBeNaN(), () => expect(10).not.toBeNaN(), () => expect(Promise.resolve(NaN)).resolves.toBeNaN(), ); await assertAllFail(() => expect(10).toBeNaN(), () => expect(10).toBeNaN()); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toBeMatch", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect("hello").toMatch(/^hell/), () => expect("hello").toMatch("hello"), () => expect("hello").toMatch("hell"), ); await assertAllFail(() => expect("yo").toMatch(/^hell/)); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveProperty", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass(() => expect({ a: "10" }).toHaveProperty("a")); await assertAllFail(() => expect({ a: 1 }).toHaveProperty("b")); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveLength", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect([1, 2]).toHaveLength(2), () => expect({ length: 10 }).toHaveLength(10), ); await assertAllFail(() => expect([]).toHaveLength(10)); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toContain", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect([1, 2, 3]).toContain(2), () => expect([]).not.toContain(2), ); await assertAllFail( () => expect([1, 2, 3]).toContain(4), () => expect([]).toContain(4), ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toThrow", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => expect(() => { throw new Error("TEST"); }).toThrow("TEST"), () => expect(Promise.reject(new Error("TEST"))).rejects.toThrow("TEST"), ); await assertAllFail(() => expect(() => true).toThrow()); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveBeenCalled", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(10); m(20); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalled(); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }, ); await assertAllFail(() => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveBeenCalledTimes", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(); m(); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(); m(); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveBeenCalledWith", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, 2, 3); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(1, 2, 3); m(2, 3, 4); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledWith(2, 3, 4); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(2); expect(m).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveBeenLastCalledWith", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(1, 2, 3); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(1, 2, 3); m(2, 3, 4); expect(m).not.toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(2, 3, 4); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(2); expect(m).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(1); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveBeenNthCalledWith", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 1, 2, 3); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(1, 2, 3); m(2, 3, 4); expect(m).not.toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 2, 3, 4); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 1, 2); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(2); expect(m).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 1); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveReturnedWith", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(); expect(m).toHaveReturnedWith(undefined); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(() => true); m(); expect(m).not.toHaveReturnedWith(false); expect(m).toHaveReturnedWith(true); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(() => { throw new Error("TEST"); }); try { m(); } catch (err) {} expect(m).not.toHaveReturnedWith(10); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveReturnedWith(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(2); expect(m).toHaveReturnedWith(1); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveReturnedTimes", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(); expect(m).toHaveReturnedTimes(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(() => true); expect(m).toHaveReturnedTimes(0); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(() => { throw new Error("TEST"); }); try { m(); } catch (err) {} expect(m).toHaveReturnedTimes(0); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveReturnedTimes(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(2); expect(m).not.toHaveReturnedTimes(1); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveReturned", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(); expect(m).toHaveReturned(); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).not.toHaveReturned(); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(() => { throw new Error("TEST"); }); try { m(); } catch (err) {} expect(m).not.toHaveReturned(); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveReturned(); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(); expect(m).not.toHaveReturned(); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(() => { throw new Error("TEST"); }); m(); expect(m).not.toHaveReturned(); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveLastReturnedWith", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn((x: number) => x); m(1); m(2); expect(m).toHaveLastReturnedWith(2); }, () => { const m = mock.fn((x: number) => x); m(1); m(2); expect(m).toHaveLastReturnedWith(2); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn((x: number) => x); expect(m).toHaveLastReturnedWith(1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn((x: number) => x); m(2); expect(m).toHaveLastReturnedWith(1); }, ); }, }); Deno.test({ name: "toHaveNthReturnedWith", fn: async () => { await assertAllPass( () => { const m = mock.fn((x: number) => x); m(1, 2, 3); expect(m).toHaveNthReturnedWith(1, 1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn((x: number) => x); m(1, 2, 3); m(2, 3, 4); expect(m).not.toHaveNthReturnedWith(2, 1); expect(m).toHaveNthReturnedWith(2, 2); }, ); await assertAllFail( () => { const m = mock.fn(); expect(m).toHaveNthReturnedWith(1, 1); }, () => { const m = mock.fn(); m(2); expect(m).toHaveNthReturnedWith(1, 1); }, ); }, });