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module SpaceTac.View {
"use strict";
// Interactive map of the universe
export class UniverseMapView extends Phaser.State {
// Displayed universe
universe: Game.Universe;
// Interacting player
player: Game.Player;
// Group for the stars and links
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private stars: Phaser.Group;
// Scaling used to transform game coordinates in screen ones
private scaling: number;
// Init the view, binding it to a universe
init(universe: Game.Universe, player: Game.Player) {
this.universe = universe;
this.player = player;
// Create view graphics
create() {
this.stars = this.add.group();
var display_margin = 50;
var display_width = 720 - (display_margin * 2);
this.scaling = display_width / (this.universe.radius * 2);
this.stars.position.set(display_margin + display_width / 2, display_margin + display_width / 2);
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// Inputs
this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.R).onUp.addOnce(this.revealAll, this);
// Leaving the view, unbind and destroy
shutdown() {
this.universe = null;
this.player = null;
// Redraw the whole scene
drawAll(): void {
this.stars.removeAll(true, true);
// Draw the fleet marker
drawFleet(): void {
var location = this.player.fleet.location.star;
var fleet = this.add.sprite(location.x, location.y, "map-fleet-icon", 0, this.stars);
fleet.scale.set(1.0 / this.scaling, 1.0 / this.scaling);
fleet.anchor.set(0.5, -0.5);
this.game.tweens.create(fleet).to({angle: -360}, 5000, undefined, true, 0, -1);
// Draw the stars and links
drawStars(): void {
this.universe.starlinks.forEach((link: Game.StarLink) => {
if (this.player.hasVisited(link.first) || this.player.hasVisited(link.second)) {
var line = this.add.graphics(0, 0, this.stars);
line.lineStyle(0.3, 0xA0A0A0);
line.moveTo(link.first.x, link.first.y);
line.lineTo(link.second.x, link.second.y);
this.universe.stars.forEach((star: Game.Star) => {
if (this.player.hasVisited(star)) {
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var sprite = new Phaser.Button(this.game, star.x, star.y, "map-star-icon");
sprite.scale.set(1.0 / this.scaling, 1.0 / this.scaling);
sprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);
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sprite.onInputUp.add(() => {
this.game.state.start("starsystem", true, false, star, this.player);
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sprite.input.useHandCursor = true;
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var name = new Phaser.Text(this.game, star.x, star.y, star.name,
{align: "center", font: "bold 14px Arial", fill: "#90FEE3"});
name.scale.set(1.0 / this.scaling, 1.0 / this.scaling);
name.anchor.set(0.5, -0.4);
// Reveal the whole map (this is a cheat)
revealAll(): void {
console.warn("Cheat : reveal whole map");
this.universe.stars.forEach((star: Game.Star) => {