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2017-02-09 00:00:35 +00:00
module TS.SpaceTac.UI {
interface PhaserGraphics {
x: number;
y: number;
rotation: number;
game: Phaser.Game;
* Interface of an object that may be enabled/disabled.
interface IAnimationEnableable {
enabled: boolean
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* Interface of an object that may be shown/hidden, with opacity transition.
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interface IAnimationFadeable {
alpha: number;
visible: boolean;
input?: IAnimationEnableable;
* Manager of all animations.
* This is a wrapper around phaser's tweens.
export class Animations {
private tweens: Phaser.TweenManager;
constructor(tweens: Phaser.TweenManager) {
this.tweens = tweens;
* Create a tween on an object.
* If a previous tween is running for this object, it will be stopped, and a new one will be created.
private createTween(obj: any): Phaser.Tween {
let result = this.tweens.create(obj);
return result;
* Simulate the tween currently applied to an object's property
* This may be heavy work and should only be done in testing code.
simulate(obj: any, property: string, points = 5, duration = 1000): number[] {
let tween = first(this.tweens.getAll().concat((<any>this.tweens)._add), tween => tween.target === obj && !tween.pendingDelete);
if (tween) {
return [obj[property]].concat(tween.generateData(points - 1).map(data => data[property]));
} else {
return [];
* Display an object, with opacity transition
show(obj: IAnimationFadeable, duration = 1000, alpha = 1): void {
if (!obj.visible) {
obj.alpha = 0;
obj.visible = true;
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if (duration) {
let tween = this.createTween(obj);
tween.to({ alpha: alpha }, duration);
if (obj.input) {
let input = obj.input;
tween.onComplete.addOnce(() => input.enabled = true);
} else {
obj.alpha = alpha;
* Hide an object, with opacity transition
hide(obj: IAnimationFadeable, duration = 1000, alpha = 0): void {
if (obj.input) {
obj.input.enabled = false;
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if (duration) {
let tween = this.createTween(obj);
tween.to({ alpha: alpha }, duration);
if (alpha == 0) {
tween.onComplete.addOnce(() => obj.visible = false);
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} else {
obj.alpha = alpha;
obj.visible = alpha > 0;
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* Set an object visibility, with opacity transition
setVisible(obj: IAnimationFadeable, visible: boolean, duration = 1000, alphaon = 1, alphaoff = 0): void {
if (visible) {
this.show(obj, duration, alphaon);
} else {
this.hide(obj, duration, alphaoff);
* Get a toggle on visibility
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newVisibilityToggle(obj: IAnimationFadeable, duration = 1000, initial = true): Toggle {
let result = new Toggle(() => this.setVisible(obj, true, duration), () => this.setVisible(obj, false, duration));
this.setVisible(obj, initial, 0);
return result;
* Interpolate a rotation value
* This will take into account the 2*pi modulo
* Returns the duration
static rotationTween(tween: Phaser.Tween, dest: number, speed = 1, easing = Phaser.Easing.Cubic.InOut, property = "rotation"): number {
// Immediately change the object's current rotation to be in range (-pi,pi)
let value = UITools.normalizeAngle(tween.target[property]);
tween.target[property] = value;
// Compute destination angle
dest = UITools.normalizeAngle(dest);
if (value - dest > Math.PI) {
dest += 2 * Math.PI;
} else if (value - dest < -Math.PI) {
dest -= 2 * Math.PI;
let distance = Math.abs(UITools.normalizeAngle(dest - value)) / Math.PI;
let duration = distance * 1000 / speed;
// Update the tween
2017-05-02 21:33:58 +00:00
let changes: any = {};
changes[property] = dest;
tween.to(changes, duration, easing);
return duration;
* Make an object move toward a location in space, with a ship-like animation.
* Returns the animation duration.
static moveInSpace(obj: PhaserGraphics, x: number, y: number, angle: number, rotated_obj = obj): number {
if (x == obj.x && y == obj.y) {
let tween = obj.game.tweens.create(rotated_obj);
let duration = Animations.rotationTween(tween, angle, 0.5);
return duration;
} else {
let distance = Target.newFromLocation(obj.x, obj.y).getDistanceTo(Target.newFromLocation(x, y));
var tween = obj.game.tweens.create(obj);
let duration = Math.sqrt(distance / 1000) * 3000;
let curve_force = distance * 0.4;
x: [obj.x + Math.cos(rotated_obj.rotation) * curve_force, x - Math.cos(angle) * curve_force, x],
y: [obj.y + Math.sin(rotated_obj.rotation) * curve_force, y - Math.sin(angle) * curve_force, y]
}, duration, Phaser.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut);
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tween.interpolation((v: any, k: any) => Phaser.Math.bezierInterpolation(v, k));
let prevx = obj.x;
let prevy = obj.y;
tween.onUpdateCallback(() => {
if (prevx != obj.x || prevy != obj.y) {
rotated_obj.rotation = Math.atan2(obj.y - prevy, obj.x - prevx);
prevx = obj.x;
prevy = obj.y;
return duration;