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2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
#include "InfiniteCylinder.h"
#include <cmath>
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
#include "PackStream.h"
#define EPS 1E-8
InfiniteCylinder::InfiniteCylinder(const InfiniteRay &axis, double radius) : axis(axis), radius(radius) {
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
2015-12-15 23:31:07 +00:00
InfiniteCylinder::~InfiniteCylinder() {
int InfiniteCylinder::findRayIntersection(const InfiniteRay &ray, Vector3 *first_intersection,
2015-11-18 16:22:33 +00:00
Vector3 *second_intersection) const {
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
* Original algorithm has been altered, because it didn't work with non-(0,0,0) axis origin.
* Maybe some optimizations could be made from this.
Vector3 Q, G, AG, AQ;
double c0, c1, c2, discr, invC2, root0, root1, root;
/* line */
Q = ray.getOrigin().sub(axis.getOrigin());
G = ray.getDirection();
/* compute A*G */
AG.x = A[0][0] * G.x + A[0][1] * G.y + A[0][2] * G.z;
AG.y = A[1][0] * G.x + A[1][1] * G.y + A[1][2] * G.z;
AG.z = A[2][0] * G.x + A[2][1] * G.y + A[2][2] * G.z;
/* compute A*Q */
AQ.x = A[0][0] * Q.x + A[0][1] * Q.y + A[0][2] * Q.z;
AQ.y = A[1][0] * Q.x + A[1][1] * Q.y + A[1][2] * Q.z;
AQ.z = A[2][0] * Q.x + A[2][1] * Q.y + A[2][2] * Q.z;
/* compute quadratic equation c0+c1*t+c2*t^2 = 0 */
c2 = G.x * AG.x + G.y * AG.y + G.z * AG.z;
c1 = 2.0f * (Q.x * AG.x + Q.y * AG.y + Q.z * AG.z);
c0 = Q.x * AQ.x + Q.y * AQ.y + Q.z * AQ.z + C;
/* solve for intersections */
int numIntersections;
discr = c1 * c1 - 4.0 * c0 * c2;
if (discr > EPS) {
numIntersections = 2;
discr = sqrt(discr);
invC2 = 1.0 / c2;
root0 = -0.5 * (c1 + discr) * invC2;
root1 = -0.5 * (c1 - discr) * invC2;
first_intersection->x = Q.x + root0 * G.x + ox;
first_intersection->y = Q.y + root0 * G.y + oy;
first_intersection->z = Q.z + root0 * G.z + oz;
second_intersection->x = Q.x + root1 * G.x + ox;
second_intersection->y = Q.y + root1 * G.y + oy;
second_intersection->z = Q.z + root1 * G.z + oz;
} else if (discr < -EPS) {
numIntersections = 0;
} else {
numIntersections = 1;
root = -0.5 * c1 / c2;
first_intersection->x = Q.x + root * G.x + ox;
first_intersection->y = Q.y + root * G.y + oy;
first_intersection->z = Q.z + root * G.z + oz;
return numIntersections;
void InfiniteCylinder::save(PackStream *stream) const {;
void InfiniteCylinder::load(PackStream *stream) {
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void InfiniteCylinder::validate() {
Vector3 U, V, F = axis.getDirection();
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double length, invLength, prod;
ox = axis.getOrigin().x;
oy = axis.getOrigin().y;
oz = axis.getOrigin().z;
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/* choose U, V so that U,V,F is orthonormal set */
if (fabs(F.x) > fabs(F.y) && fabs(F.x) > fabs(F.z)) {
length = sqrt(F.x * F.x + F.y * F.y);
invLength = 1.0 / length;
U.x = -F.y * invLength;
U.y = +F.x * invLength;
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U.z = 0.0;
prod = -F.z * invLength;
V.x = F.x * prod;
V.y = F.y * prod;
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V.z = length;
} else {
length = sqrt(F.y * F.y + F.z * F.z);
invLength = 1.0 / length;
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U.x = 0.0;
U.y = -F.z * invLength;
U.z = +F.y * invLength;
prod = -F.x * invLength;
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V.x = length;
V.y = F.y * prod;
V.z = F.z * prod;
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/* orthonormal matrix */
R[0][0] = U.x;
R[0][1] = U.y;
R[0][2] = U.z;
R[1][0] = V.x;
R[1][1] = V.y;
R[1][2] = V.z;
R[2][0] = F.x;
R[2][1] = F.y;
R[2][2] = F.z;
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
/* matrix A */
A[0][0] = R[0][0] * R[0][0] + R[1][0] * R[1][0];
A[0][1] = R[0][0] * R[0][1] + R[1][0] * R[1][1];
A[0][2] = R[0][0] * R[0][2] + R[1][0] * R[1][2];
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A[1][0] = R[0][1] * R[0][0] + R[1][1] * R[1][0];
A[1][1] = R[0][1] * R[0][1] + R[1][1] * R[1][1];
A[1][2] = R[0][1] * R[0][2] + R[1][1] * R[1][2];
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
A[2][0] = R[0][2] * R[0][0] + R[1][2] * R[1][0];
A[2][1] = R[0][2] * R[0][1] + R[1][2] * R[1][1];
A[2][2] = R[0][2] * R[0][2] + R[1][2] * R[1][2];
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00
/* constant C */
C = -radius * radius;
2015-10-15 18:21:32 +00:00