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* Main way to create UI components
module TK.SpaceTac.UI {
export type UIText = Phaser.Text
export type UIImage = Phaser.Image
export type UIButton = Phaser.Button
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export type UIGroup = Phaser.Group
export type UIContainer = Phaser.Group | Phaser.Image
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export type ShaderValue = number | { x: number, y: number }
export type UIOnOffCallback = (on: boolean) => boolean
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* Text style interface
export interface UITextStyleI {
size?: number
color?: string
shadow?: boolean
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stroke_width?: number
stroke_color?: string
bold?: boolean
center?: boolean
vcenter?: boolean
width?: number
* Text style
export class UITextStyle implements UITextStyleI {
// Size in points
size = 16
// Font color
color = "#ffffff"
// Shadow under the text
shadow = false
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// Stroke around the letters
stroke_width = 0
stroke_color = "#ffffff"
// Bold text
bold = false
// Centering
center = true
vcenter = true
// Word wrapping
width = 0
* Button options
export type UIButtonOptions = {
// Name of the hover picture (by default, the button name, with "-hover" appended)
hover_name?: string
// Name of the "on" picture (by default, the button name, with "-on" appended)
on_name?: string
* Main UI builder tool
export class UIBuilder {
private view: BaseView
private game: MainUI
private parent: UIContainer
private text_style: UITextStyle
constructor(view: BaseView, parent: UIContainer | string = "base", text_style = new UITextStyle) {
this.view = view;
this.game = view.gameui;
if (typeof parent == "string") {
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this.parent = view.getLayer(parent);
} else {
this.parent = parent;
this.text_style = text_style;
* Create a new UIBuilder inside a parent container, or a view layer
* This new builder will inherit the style settings, and will create components in the specified parent
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in(container: UIContainer | string, body?: (builder: UIBuilder) => void): UIBuilder {
let result = new UIBuilder(this.view, container, this.text_style);
if (body) {
return result;
* Create a new UIBuilder with style changes
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styled(changes: UITextStyleI, body?: (builder: UIBuilder) => void): UIBuilder {
let result = new UIBuilder(this.view, this.parent, merge(this.text_style, changes));
if (body) {
return result;
* Clear the current container of all component
clear(): void {
* Internal method to add to the parent
private add(child: UIText | UIImage | UIButton | UIContainer): void {
if (this.parent instanceof Phaser.Group) {
} else if (this.parent instanceof Phaser.Button) {
// Protect the "on" and "hover" layers
let layer = first(this.parent.children, child => child instanceof Phaser.Image && (child.name == "*on*" || child.name == "*hover*"));
if (layer) {
this.parent.addChildAt(child, this.parent.getChildIndex(layer));
} else {
} else {
* Add a group of components
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group(name: string, x = 0, y = 0): UIGroup {
let result = new Phaser.Group(this.game, undefined, name);
result.position.set(x, y);
return result;
* Add a text
* Anchor will be defined according to the style centering
text(content: string, x = 0, y = 0, style_changes: UITextStyleI = {}): UIText {
let style = merge(this.text_style, style_changes);
let result = new Phaser.Text(this.game, x, y, content, {
font: `${style.bold ? "bold " : ""}${style.size}pt SpaceTac`,
fill: style.color,
align: style.center ? "center" : "left"
result.anchor.set(style.center ? 0.5 : 0, style.vcenter ? 0.5 : 0);
if (style.width) {
result.wordWrap = true;
result.wordWrapWidth = style.width;
if (style.shadow) {
result.setShadow(3, 4, "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)", 3);
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if (style.stroke_width) {
result.stroke = style.stroke_color;
result.strokeThickness = style.stroke_width;
return result;
* Add an image
image(name: string | string[], x = 0, y = 0, centered = false): UIImage {
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if (typeof name != "string") {
name = this.view.getFirstImage(...name);
let info = this.view.getImageInfo(name);
let result = this.game.add.image(x, y, info.key, info.frame);
result.name = name;
if (centered) {
return result;
* Add a hoverable and/or clickable button
* If an image with "-hover" suffix is found in atlases, it will be used as hover mask (added as button child)
button(name: string, x = 0, y = 0, onclick?: Function, tooltip?: TooltipFiller, onoffcallback?: UIOnOffCallback, options: UIButtonOptions = {}): UIButton {
let info = this.view.getImageInfo(name);
let result = new Phaser.Button(this.game, x, y, info.key, undefined, null, info.frame, info.frame);
result.name = name;
let clickable = bool(onclick);
result.input.useHandCursor = clickable;
if (clickable) {
let onstatus = false;
if (clickable || tooltip || onoffcallback) {
// On mask
let on_mask: Phaser.Image | null = null;
if (onoffcallback) {
let on_info = this.view.getImageInfo(options.on_name || (name + "-on"));
if (on_info.exists) {
on_mask = new Phaser.Image(this.game, 0, 0, on_info.key, on_info.frame);
on_mask.name = "*on*";
on_mask.visible = false;
// TODO Find a better way to handle this (extend Button ?)
result.data.onoffcallback = (on: boolean): boolean => {
onstatus = onoffcallback(on);
if (on_mask) {
on_mask.anchor.set(result.anchor.x, result.anchor.y);
this.view.animations.setVisible(on_mask, onstatus, 100);
return onstatus;
// Hover mask
let hover_info = this.view.getImageInfo(options.hover_name || (name + "-hover"));
let hover_mask: Phaser.Image | null = null;
if (hover_info.exists) {
hover_mask = new Phaser.Image(this.game, 0, 0, hover_info.key, hover_info.frame);
hover_mask.name = "*hover*";
hover_mask.visible = false;
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() => {
if (tooltip) {
this.view.tooltip.show(result, tooltip);
if (hover_mask) {
hover_mask.anchor.set(result.anchor.x, result.anchor.y);
this.view.animations.show(hover_mask, 100);
() => {
if (tooltip) {
if (hover_mask) {
this.view.animations.hide(hover_mask, 100)
() => {
if (onclick) {
} else if (onoffcallback) {
this.switch(result, !onstatus);
}, 100);
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return result;
* Add a value bar
valuebar(name: string, x = 0, y = 0, orientation = ValueBarOrientation.EAST): ValueBar {
let result = new ValueBar(this.view, name, orientation, x, y);
return result;
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* Add a fragment shader area, with optional fallback image
shader(name: string, base: string | { width: number, height: number }, x = 0, y = 0, updater?: () => { [name: string]: ShaderValue }): UIImage {
let source = this.game.cache.getShader(name);
source = "" + source;
let uniforms: any = {};
if (updater) {
iteritems(updater(), (key, value) => {
uniforms[key] = { type: (typeof value == "number") ? "1f" : "2f", value: value };
let filter = new Phaser.Filter(this.game, uniforms, source);
let result: Phaser.Image;
if (typeof base == "string") {
result = this.image(base, x, y);
result.filters = [filter];
filter.setResolution(result.width, result.height);
} else {
result = filter.addToWorld(x, y, base.width, base.height);
if (updater) {
result.update = () => {
iteritems(updater(), (key, value) => filter.uniforms[key].value = value);
return result;
* Change the content of an component
* If the component is a text, its content will be changed.
* If the component is an image or button, its texture will be changed.
change(component: UIImage | UIButton | UIText, content: string): void {
if (component instanceof Phaser.Text) {
component.text = content;
} else {
let info = this.view.getImageInfo(content);
component.name = content;
if (component instanceof Phaser.Button) {
component.setFrames(info.frame, info.frame);
} else {
component.loadTexture(info.key, info.frame);
* Change the status on/off on a button
* Return the final effective status
switch(button: UIButton, on: boolean): boolean {
if (button.data.onoffcallback) {
return button.data.onoffcallback(on);
} else {
return false;
* Select a single button inside the container, toggle its "on" status, and toggle all other button to "off"
* This is the equivalent of radio buttons
select(button: UIButton): void {
this.parent.children.forEach(child => {
if (child instanceof Phaser.Button && child.data.onoffcallback && child !== button) {
this.switch(button, true);
* Evenly distribute the children of this builder along an axis
distribute(along: "x" | "y", start: number, end: number): void {
let sizes = this.parent.children.map(child => {
if (child instanceof Phaser.Image || child instanceof Phaser.Sprite || child instanceof Phaser.Group) {
return UITools.getScreenBounds(child)[along == "x" ? "width" : "height"];
} else {
return 0;
let spacing = ((end - start) - sum(sizes)) / (sizes.length + 1);
let offset = start;
this.parent.children.forEach((child, idx) => {
offset += spacing;
child[along] = Math.round(offset);
offset += sizes[idx];